Why Java Is So Hard To Learn

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What can make Java so tough for beginners to learn? If you're a Java beginner, getting started with programming, these are a few things that can make Java hard to learn compared to other languages.

That doesn't mean it's not TOTALLY worth it. Java is now my current language of choice. But there are a number of things that can make Java difficult to learn when you're getting started.

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Hi, I'm John! I'm a Lead Java Software Engineer and I've been in the programming industry for more than a decade. I love sharing what I've learned over the years in a way that's understandable for all levels of Java learners.

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I'm not a beginner, though I sometimes still feel I am. I wish I had your videos years ago. Your channel is going to be huge someday!


I have been working as a java programmer for two years now (honestly) and only recently I found that I should get myself a bit more familiar with some of the language specific concepts and ideas. Coming from C++ I never had a problem understanding or coding in Java even though I never had any formal training (also my C++ skills were mainly self taught). Still I am aware that I would greatly benefit by filling the gaps.
You channel is really exactly what I need. Most of your videos focus on a single topic and explain that in depth. This allows me to cut out all the boring basics that I already heave heard so often and that have kept me away from so many other programming language teaching channels. Plus you are a great story teller and it is a pleasure to sit in on your lessons. Thanks for the good work!


Yessss!!! This video pretty much summed up my entire programming class this semester. I'm at the point right now where I just want to pass the class. I'm so glad I found your stash of hidden treasures. I wish I found you sooner, but it is what it is. I might have a shot of passing this course now that I have a (very loose) handle on things.


Well done! You are the first to dare to tell the raw truth about Java. You played very well the state of mind of the bewildered beginner in front of the classic Java HelloWorld. You made me laugh because four years ago I was like this too: confused. I accepted the challenge with myself and I won it. The big prize I received is that now I can say I can say that I understand what "Object Oriented Programming" means; and so I quickly understood the metaphor of the peanut butter sandwich. That's right: according to the OOP philosophy, to make a sandwich you must first build an object of the type "Kitchens" and others of the type Knives, bread, peanut butter and methods such as "spreadingButter ()" and make them interact. It's difficult because everyone wants to explain Java without explaining OOP and what an object is.


I’m taking this college class and you described how I’m feeling right now.


Currently learning Java in coding bootcamp. Your videos have been a godsend. Thank you, sir!


In college we started with SQL, then went on to Python, then we learned Java. I think it's definitely different in that the script ends up being a lot longer, but I found that I made a lot less errors in Java than I did in Python, even when my programs DID actually run. I thought Python was more difficult because of how error prone it was. My running program still had 14 errors in it.
Java on the other hand is very "right" or "wrong". I had a much better experience working with Java. Might also be because I got the hang of basic coding syntax and loops before I ever even looked at Java. I think the length of the script is more intimidating to look at, but that it makes more sense than Python. That's just my opinion.


Been with java for 11 years. Think it's the best language I've ever used.


Love the way you explain things with different personalities. That's interesting. Will surely watch your Java videos


Really well explained! This video motivated me to learn Java 😁


The proper progression is C -> Java -> Python. Then it makes sense. Personally I find print("Hello world") harder to understand because everything is hidden from you


Really high quality vids man, so much Underrated! Keep up the good work.


Man, this hits home. I've been programming in Java for about a year now. I've come across so many things that have given me trouble. For allot of them, I've literally just had to stare at a screen for hours and run circles in my brain until I understand them. But for the most part, I always, eventually, do understand them. It takes ALLOT of patience to properly understand the programming concepts you're learning.

This type of learning isn't for everyone and some might think it crazy. But I've come so far and I think what I've done to learn is worth it. I'm nowhere near a master of Java, but I feel like I now have a pretty good grasp of how the language is built.


Java is high/abstract enough to be usable and low-level enough to be fast, that is why syntax is so C++, but at the same time you don't have to manage memory pointer and manually destroy objects which is convenient


I like your take: "Java is not hard, programming is"
You may think python is easy and blah, But I come from both Python and Java world, let me be very frank writing production level is code is HARD, its independent of programming language that you use. Its a practice and that takes time.
So all those who teach programming in a day, week, month, well Good Luck. You may learn the language but the learning how to program takes time and there is no way around it.


One of my best strategies for helping beginners is for them to have a physical notepad or notebook and put things they know and learned, let say why is Public class important just write a few words you dont need a huge essay of it, basically the idea that helps you get things immediately

I write stuff I learn in bullet form and a three sentenced form to help me know and remember it helps when you watch videos, alongside that is Put the browser tab on side with your IDE that way you can catch up and write it down again on your notepad, it may take alot of work and that's because there's no shortcuts in life


I have never found Java to be difficult. I learned programming starting with Z80 assembler. Then BASIC, Pascal, 6502 assembler, C and then Java. I took a couple of years before I properly understood Abstract Classes & inheritance. Many of my first programs were monolithic with the minimum number of classes to do what I wanted. You need to learn to think in OOP terms - mentally - before you can really make full use of Java.


Thank you for your encouragement and positivity!


This video helped so much. Im currently in a Java dev course at a certain point I felt like I was drowning in all the things I had to learn. My cours is project base and for one of the projects there were so many concepts that needed to be learned that I didn't know were to start.


Love it! so true, I'm in my first year of Computer Engineering and no prior experience besides AutoCAD hahaha
