How to REALLY use Microsoft Word: Headers and Footers

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THANK YOU !! Your series on "How to REALLY use Microsoft Word" has been hugely helpful to me! No one "REALLY" ever explained any of this stuff to me in school! Thanks again!


Thank you for creating such wonderful videos about Word.


Yes! another How to REALLY use Microsoft Word video. Thank you so much for uploading Sir Hanselman :-)


Your videos are so well explained, thank you. If you haven't already, would you mind doing one on using track changes correctly? Thanks a lot.


Nice tutorial for the people who write book with Microsoft Word.


Your video tutorials are great, Scott. Thank you. I would love to see some expert/advanced MSWord features. Like advanced use of multi-level numbering, creating styles and having them appear in the Styles Gallery as well as the Navigation Pane and making them available to create hyperlinks in Link as "Placed in This Document" items. There are always new tidbits of info I pick up from your videos but I'd really like to learn more of the advanced features. Thank you!.


Nice video :) Maybe you can also do one on creating multi column word documents, like a 2 column scientific-style paper.


You're such a great teacher. Thank you so much for all that you do. I was wondering if you could do a video on a custom table of contents?


I think you do an awesome job of teaching MS Word. I've learned so much. Thank you. I've done mail merges and created labels for thousands of items but I always run into problems such as having words overlapping the labels or even text will print outside of the printable area and you get a message to fix or ignore. Could you please explain what needs to be done? I'd really appreciate it. Thank you!


Thanks, Scott. I love your tutorials!!!! I am having a hard time using tabs to create a two column bullet-ed list (I ended up cheating). Anyone have any ideas?


Very clear tutorial. Thank you You used to be able to have set headers that were stored in word. I am having trouble seeing where I can do this with the new versions. This would be for companies that have set footers for example with path names and logos etc


Thanks Scott this was helpful. Do you have more in-depth videos on headers and footers? I'm running into issues with page numbers and applying headers to a specific range of pages. Thanks again.


Excellent videos Scott. Please do one on inserting and manipulating images in Word.


Scott, are you still planning the video on citations and bibliography? That would be very helpful, especially if you could give us some tips on how to program and create new bibliography styles, that is very important for a university student who doesn't publish papers in the Harvard, Chicago style etc...

Besides that, I never really understood the "topic structure" view, don't know if that's what is called in English, can't remember...


Thanks a lot for your "How to REALLY use Microsoft Word", any chance you'll be uploading any more of the series?


THANK YOU!!! I was trying to enter the page number in the footer without deleting all the text..."Enter current position". HALLELUJAH!


Good series. I've only watched a couple so far, but like what I've seen so far.
* Include a description of the content of each video. Just point form for major points would be good

Templates. How to use them, how to create them, where to find them. Emphasis on not using DOCX files as "templates

Option Dialog. A walk through of the major options in the dialog. Pick a few favorite settings that are not defaults

Tables: create, formatting.

Find & Replace: get in to advanced find & replace

Graphics: where to find clipart now that MS has "improved" them out of Office. Work through the various graphics / image editing options

Outlines: using headings to create outlines. Using outline view to re-arrange content by dragging headings to new positions. How to promote / demote heading levels in outline view (tab key). How

Navigation pain <sic> / Document Map - how to display Nav pane. How to use it as shortcut to various locations in document. How to drag headings like in outline view

Shortcuts - using shortcut keys instead of mouse. Using the keyboard dialog to find existing shortuct assignments, to assign new shortcuts to commands and macros. Navigating the ribbon using keyboard shortcuts.

OCR - actually that would be in OneNote. Lots of people look for that. Using Word to edit (some) PDFs. Not really OCR, but possible on some specially formatted PDFs.

QAT - how to add / remove commands and macros to QAT. Find "hidden" buttons that don't fit on the QAT. Touch mode vs Mouse mode. Picking "Choose command from" drop down to filter commands displays, especially "Commands not in ribbon".

Office as a Suite: how all of the applications share some concepts. How you can copy content from one application to another either by paste or paste special. Use of "Themes" to create common look through content created in all of the applications. Cover concept of "evolution" rather than "revolution" as guiding principle for change in the applications. So using "old" training materials is still valid. Features existing in older versions almost always still exist in newer ones, so you can use those older learning materials with only minor translation for slight changes in the user interface.

Views: (short topic). Show how the various views give you access to more about the documents. Especially views like draft and web that many people don't bother with simply because they are not aware of them. I spend my time mostly in web view, with a significant amount of time in Outline view.


If you could add video about table in words, such as how to format table, tab for table, positioning table in doc etc.


Hi Scott, thanks for the clear videos. Could you also do one on positining pictures? That really confuses me


Hey Scott, any chance you have a video on how to do page breaks with headers and footers. I'm in a class and we all had a hard time keeping up with the instructor as we were trying to make a title page with no numbers on it, so we the super long document would not look silly

