Efficient Method for Weeding and Watering Raised Vegetable Garden Beds | Cali Steals Our Blueberries

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Welcome to our self reliant homestead! Join us, Shawn, Dervla, and our dog Cali as we create a resilient, abundant and sustainable ecosystem that feeds our families from the land in Ontario Canada. Using permaculture as our guide, we strive to become independent in water, food, energy and shelter, focused on beauty in form and efficiency in function.
Our Self Reliance is a life of compromise between my two daughters and my wife's preference for culture, comfort and formality, and I, with my love of chaotic and beautiful but challenging and often uncomfortable wilderness living. The resulting homesteads are an eclectic blend of modern with traditional, whimsical with practical, formal with informal, civilized with rustic.
Over the last five years, my wife and I designed and built our dream homesteads from scratch with very little outside help; from undeveloped, declining forest to a comfortable home and cabin with a prolific edible landscape for people and wildlife equally. For many years, we have strived to lessen our burden on others by taking full responsibility for the health and welfare of our immediate family while building a strong community around us, both online and offline. Now that the infrastructure is in place here, we will be spending more time working cooperatively with community members, including extended family, to collectively become more resilient while living a deeply satisfying and meaningful life. Thank you for being part of that!

#homestead #sustainability #farming #offgrid #selfreliance
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Great Content, glad i found this new channel!!!!


Your new channel perfectly complements your two other channels. I enjoy watching all three channels. Thanks!


As a very young lad, years and years and years ago, our family would sit down every Sunday evening after dinner with our popcorn, and watch The Wonderful World of Disney. This was back when Walt was still alive and the content was family safe and wholesome. Your channels take me back to that time, and give me hope, happiness and inspiration. Thank you for filming all of it, and letting us be part of The Wonderful World Of Shawn James, I'm sure Walt would approve.


Thank you, Shawn, for sharing your life with us! It's such a pleasure to watch your videos learning all the wonderful lessons that you teach! I always look forward to the next video to see what you and your family are doing, such a pleasure to watch! I cannot get enough of all the goodness on all your videos! Just wish more people would strive to live as you do instead of all the negativity in the world! Looking forward to the next video and hoping it will be longer!! (That was a hint, Shawn! LOL)


Thanks for sharing these with us. It brings back some memories as a child.


It’s ok if your fam. is not a fan of public view. Me neither. Always enjoy watching and learning from you guys and admire all you have done. It will be interesting to see you fix up the barn, since I love barns and all things horses, hay, etc. Cheers! ❣️🍀. P.S. subscribed to all!


Cali still supervising and approved the blueberries!


oh j'adore le chant du coq!!😁 j'aime cette nouvelle chaine, ça me touche beaucoup..le travail à la ferme, je connais, les jardins etc etc...une partie des revenus de maman, c'était la mise en bocaux de ses légumes, champignons, viande..etc etc...ici, ça sent bon la confiture de raisin et citron ..j'ai taillé ma vigne..comme dit mon voisin " vous vendangez ! "..je suis heureuse ...c'est plus qu'un passe temps, c'est une façon de vivre ! bon weekend Shawn et votre famille🍇


Love all of you and your family's videos. A wealth of information you are providing for all who watch. Thank you sir. Big pets and hugs to Calie. Be safe and Peace to All


like the new channel this is more the content I like . I have been living this lifestyle for over 25 years, but now at the age of 69 i am slowing down some and finding it challenging to keep up some days


I am very impressed by your dreams you have followed. Not many can do this! With you since day one.


Different slant on "weedless Wednesday". 😀 Great new channel!


I like the new YouTube channel.
I look forward to watching and learning about good healthy food not being processed.


Thank you for this beautiful and informative video. I enjoy all three of your channels. 😊


Caily un amour de chien toujours fidèle à son maître ❤love you Caily


You are living a life I have dreamed of having. Bless you and your family.


Love watching your content. Peaceful. Informative. Delightful.


I really like the video description for this video. Looking forward to the future of this channel.


Best of luck with your new channel. I’m sure it will do great just like the others😊


SHAWN & OUR CALI Hey Misses !!! Pups love blueberries to eat !!! Been watching for a long time now !!! When I would mow the lawn up north I would put grass clipping between the rows of beets carrots & beans when they were smaller to hold the moisture in the ground then !!! Love this channel a lot every thing anything you put up I watch !!!
