How much and how often should a 6 week old baby eat?
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Most literature says that babies should eat every two to three hours until they're about six to eight weeks of age and it's true. Their tummies are really small and can't hold much volume so they need to eat small amounts more frequently throughout the day and night. They're rapidly growing and need extra energy and calories to do this and so they should be fed on demand or whenever they want to while they're still young. You asked a question about feeding your baby on demand and getting your baby on a schedule. Many parents do want to get their babies on a schedule and this is very appropriate but it's most appropriate when your baby is a little bit older and doesn't actually need to be fed every two to three hours. If your baby is wanting to eat before the three hour mark then definitely go ahead and feed him. Typically babies will start to space out feedings on their own as they get older as their tummies get bigger and they can hold more volume or if their growth starts to slow down then they may want to eat maybe only every three to four hours. They'll be taking in more volume once they're eating less frequently throughout the day. But some babies will want to continue to eat more frequently. For example my son wanted to eat every two to three hours until he was about five months old. I remember asking my friends who had kids the same age if their babies slowed down at all. They're like, "Oh yeah my baby eats every four to five hours." But once I took him to his six month appointment I found out that he was just monstrous and weighed like 20 pounds at that point. He was just growing rapidly and needed to eat that frequently. The point is every baby has different needs and the most important thing is that your baby is growing and happy and doing well. If that's the case then good job. You're doing everything right. If you have any other questions for me feel free to ask them on our Facebook page and recommend us to your friends and family too.