The Truth Behind Birth Control💊

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From the book # three-to-get-married # by bishop fulton Sheen # The difference between love of humans and love of God is that in human love, ecstasy comes at the beginning, but in the love of God it comes only at the end after one has passed through much suffering and agony of soul. The flesh first has its feast, and then the fast and sometimes the headache. The spirit has first the fast, and then the feast. The ecstatic pleasures of marriage are in the nature of a "bait, " luring lovers to fulfill their mission, and they are also a Divine credit extended to those who later on will have the burden of rearing a family.
No great ecstasy of flesh or spirit is ever given for permanent possession without casting out something. There is a price tag on every ecstasy! The glory of an Easter Sunday cost a Good Friday. The privilege of the Immaculate Conception was an ecstasy given before the payment, but Mary had to pay for it at the foot of the Cross. Our Lord gave her "credit" but she later paid the debt.


bishop fulton sheen # three to get married # ewtn # love is primarily in the will, not in the emotions or the glands. The will is like the voice; the emotions are like the echo.


Great doctor! 💯👏🏻 Can you share the info of this doctor?
