Genesis is NOT about Creation Ex Nihilo

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Heavenly Father All Glory and Honour to You transcendent Above Your Creation!
You are Perfect in All Your Ways!
You are Spirit, Light and LOVE!
We humbly come to You Awesome in Theocratic Majesty!
May you create us Spiritually truly Born Again From Above in JESUS NAME!
Heal us and Save us from All our sin and Death!
Lead us in Your Way of Righteousness ✝️🕊 we give You All The Glory and Honour!


Mike is Sorely missed, praise the One True Creator for the library of his teachings to gain his insights and knowledge


We love you mike. Thank you for all of the years you've given to study and teaching!


Hebrews 1:1-2 is an overview of the entire chapter...and then the Hebrew language, according to someone who studied for 20 years or more. The rest of the chapter is about what happened in the first two sentences. And that is what Hebrews says that God created everything out of nothing. The only people who believe their was preexisting material are cultists like mormons, or jehovah's witnesses, or muslims or occultists.


What the heck is exnihilo? In the beginning, there was nothing until God spoke everything into existence. Our entire universe, everything that is, as we know it, Us, our world, our galaxy, all galaxies, were Not until God spoke it into existence.


From an engineering perspective, the creation story is rather simple to understand.

1) God created the heavens (plural) and the earth.

2) The earth was covered with water.

3) God created a layer of granite in the midst of the water, so that there was water both above and below the granite. (Note: granite is composed of various minerals of different densities, so it is currently impossible for man to recreate; it is truly a remarkable substance.) God called the granite 'heaven'.

4) God increased the thickness of the granite in one place, and the depth of the water in others, so that part of the granite was exposed (called "dry land").

5) God covered the earth with plants, which produce oxygen. Therefore, the early atmosphere was most likely rich in C02, which is plant food. Plants release Oxygen which sets the stage for animal life to be formed.

6) God created the heavenly bodies: the sun, moon, planets and stars. He then "stretched out the heavens" which resulted in a residual "red shift" of light from distant objects, which modern scientists interpret to be an expanding universe. LOL!

7) God filled the sea with living creatures. He also created created birds to fly above the open part of the heaven (i.e., above the exposed granite -- the dry land.)

And so forth.

Later, in judgment of the flesh (man and animal) that was corrupted by men and angels, God sent a massive, world-wide flood which blanketed the earth with incredibly thick, sorted, sedimentary rock formations of gravel, topped by sand, then by shale, and finally by carbonate, a sequence which was repeated several times in that order.

When the flood waters peaked, God raised the mountains, lowered the sea floor, and the water poured off the earth, scouring much of the soft sediment off the earth. That scoured sediment formed the world-wide continental shelf (which is a mystery to secular geologists.) The entire process is summarized in Psalm 104:

_"He set the earth on its foundations, so that it should never be moved. You covered it with the deep as with a garment; the waters stood above the mountains. At your rebuke they fled; at the sound of your thunder they took to flight. The mountains rose, the valleys sank down to the place that you appointed for them. You set a boundary that they may not pass, so that they might not again cover the earth." -- Ps 104:5-9 ESV_

The first verse of that passage reveals that the granite sunk until it "bottomed-out" when the water underneath (the "fountains of the great deep") was released onto the "dry land." The last verse was God's promise to Noah.

Almost forgot. All mountain ranges, including Mt. Everest, are blanketed with sedimentary rock formations. Geologically, the only plausible way that could happen is if the mountains rose up from the earth while the sediment covering the earth was still pliable. Since much of the sediment would erode away as the mountains rose, that would explain why Mt. Everest is covered only with the lower, or bottom marine-fossil-laden sediment layers. Yes, you can find fossilized sea-shells on top of Everest in what is known as the "Yellow Band."



forward to meeting this man of God in eternity.


Yup. Hope you are doing well Dr. Heiser.


RIP Dr.Mike . You have left a treasure trove for those seeking truth in these end days . YHWH BLESS ALL!


So sad Mikes gone will miss you brother


Great video very informative and thanks for sharing!


Excellent ! Thank you Dr Heiser for sharing with us.


How is his health situation? He looks much thinner than the last time I saw video of him.


The issue is that most people are #functionallyilliterate... to read something "literally" means to read it as it was written... not what is written... but AS it is written... The Bible is poetry, allegory, historical, perception, description, prescription, prophecy and riddle... if you can't tell the difference in writing styles... you won't read it "literally" or comprehend it "literally"


Understand, that God (Yahweh) is outside of any universe or realm imaginable. That means the only realm unimaginable is God’s true dwelling place. God was always there, meaning there was no beginning for God’s existence, and of course no end either.


Thank you Dr Heiser. What light you have shared. Priceless and such a blessing. Prayers for your continued mission, insight, and health.


Our tiny human mind can't comprehend God always was. All the smarts of the world is the tiny speck compared to God's greatness.


Plenty so call Bible scholars don't know much


Because of the incredible mountain of interviews, books and seminars you've done, we will always have a ton of learning material to dive into God's Word with. I guarantee that this man was greeted into heaven being told he was a good and faithful servant.
