Paris, Texas -- What Makes This Movie Great? (Episode 21)

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Time for a tearjerker. It's Wim Wenders' 1984 classic, "Paris, Texas."

Paris, Texas is an Americana road trip movie involving a drifter who walks back into civilization. It's got a great slide-guitar score by Ry Cooder, several great scenes of driving across southern America, and a fantastic final hour.

The movie stars Harry Dean Stanton, Natassha Kinski, and Dean Stockwell.

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I feel like I learned a lot about myself as a cinephile watching this movie. So often I feel manipulated by a directors desire to shock the audience that I kept expecting something bad to happen in a moment or so on. A couple examples include me thinking the we’re going to end up following the wrong red car, thinking Travis was walking away during the bridge scene (even if him doing that would make no sense) just to name a couple. I can’t wait to watch this movie again and really enjoy it and it’s story.


not a single second of this film is boring, all masterfully shot


Travis is a broken man at the start of the film. When we see the super 8 footage we get a sense of the person he was. But now a different man he realizes he is unable to pick up the threads of his old life and leaves. Just another lost soul in the great American wasteland. The film points out the things that keep us together. And also the things which bring us apart. Just my take on it.


If I had to pick my favorite movie of all time, it would be Paris Texas. You nailed it when you commented on how this movie gave you feelings that you don't have names for; that's a big reason why I love Paris Texas.


Watched the movie for the first time tonight, left me feeling a little overwhelmed. Came here searching... subbed!


Maybe at first you don't see how the two would ever be together. But near the end, when Travis is telling her their story and the way he's telling it, it just feels so natural. And you understand that even if they weren't meant to be together, they were and it was amazing for a while. So glad I decided to finally watch the movie, it was just beautiful.


After my first viewing, I feel really bad for the kid. He was hastily uprooted from the life he knew and dropped off a thousand miles away with essentially a stranger. Not to mention, maybe he was happy living with his aunt and uncle who now have lost a child too.


i guess i have to rewatch this film because i didn't initially feel what most people feel when they've watched this film


You are right about that last hour. From the moment they arrive in Houston until the end, I was hooked and eagerly waiting to see how it would all turn out.


Extraordinary masterpiece. Purely from a cinematic standpoint, the last hour, and especially the last 15 minutes, are the act of a God.


I have seen this movie four or five times and every time it has the same effect on me, bringing tears to my eyes at the end. I recommend this movie to everybody with whom I have any kind of conversation about movies. It is one of my favorite movies and one I'll never get tired of seeing again.


I love how the mystery behind the family breaking up seems like it would be a dangerous one like they got involved in crime. But to take that suspense and questioning and deliver in a heartbreaking and satisfying way is incredible


My favorite scene is when Walt started to say: "Travis, do you remember Hunter?" - I don't know why, but I think the scene is very warm and calming 👍


There are a lot of movie review/discussion channels on YouTube, but there are not a lot of them that talk about Paris, Texas. Thank you for that.


As a kid in Germany I watched Wenders' b+w road movie "Alice in den Städten". Yes, he definitively knows how to create atmosphere.


First thought was: this guy probably has 100k subs. Wow! You deserve more


I just got finished watching that movie and I literally started crying at the end 😭😭😭😭😭💘


I gotta say this movie always leaves me feeling lost and out of touch, as if I, some how, missed something. I don't feel bored watching it. But I just feel like maybe I don't feel the movie or struggle to feel emotions with it and that stresses me. Maybe I'm forcing myself to like it because I've been told it's a master piece. I feel left out form movies...


recently I got into phtography and this movie is basically amazing 70s color photographs made into a film. I think actually the film's origin is Wim Wenders' photographs of american west. the colors are so much like those of William Eggleston, Ernst Haas, Alex Webb, Harry Gruyaert. every single shot is masterfully composed with vibrant colors and contrasts.


Just watched this movie last night and it might be my new favorite movie. Every scene had me absolutely hooked. I loved how much space they gave to let certain scenes breathe. Had to come check out your video afterwards!

I totally agree with your comments about the kid. I’m usually ambivalent about child acting but that kid knocked it put of the park.
