What Color Means in 'Paris, Texas'

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What does the color scheme mean in "Paris, Texas"? This is a video essay explaining the themes and meaning behind the cinematography of Wim Wender's 1984 film, Paris Texas. No, I do not own any of the footage used, it's all clips from the movie.
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Good observations, Vaughan. I played the Screaming Man on the bridge with Harry Dean.


The cinematography in this film is just insane, the first time watched I was so much in awe the whole that i had to rewatch it pay attention to other aspects of it.


As for the colors, they were really perfect from start to finish.


Paris, Texas is my favourite film ever. Not even saying it just to get a good reaction but it honestly is. I cried the first time I watched it and I've never been able to match the feeling that I had whilst watching this ever again. It is special and gets better with every rewatch. Amazing. Faultless. As close to cinematic perfection as you can get. The Godfather, Lawrence of Arabia, Seven Samurai, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Bicycle Thieves... they're all incredible but I seriously think that this small overlooked film tops them all.


I actually feel as though the green lighting in the film is representative of healing taking place since green is a color of repair and life. Even more so when you consider our heart chakra is represented by the color green. For example when Travis is at the clinic the beginnings of healing take place, when the family is watching old family movies in the living room Travis and Hunter just begin to mend their broken bond, and in the ending scene the Jane, Hunter, and Travis all come to a resolution despite it being melancholic all of the scenes are saturated in green.


It never ceases to amaze me the lengths talented Directors go to, to get their ideas across .... I would never have noticed all that without your invaluable insight, yet it's so obvious when it's pointed out. Thanks for making a great film even more thought provoking.


I just watched it for the first time and I had the notion that red represented his family and his desire to reunite, while blue represented his inability to do so. That's why the car he is driven away in is blue. The building where his wife works is blue. The red light upstairs in that building is the most intense red in the movie and it's the closest he's come to getting back with her. He and his son both wear red when deciding to go after mom. Mom's car is red. Everyone wears red when the family is together in the video.

I'll have to dig deeper, but it seems that a case can be made for red = family, blue = difficulty in reuniting. Not sure about green or yellow.


Paris, Texas is a masterpiece. Its sad not too many people know of it. Great analysis nonetheless. Color indeed highlighted the main themes of the film


I watched yesterday, it’s pure cinema, beautiful and heartbreaking at the same time.


That was GREAT!!! Paris, Texas is my favourite film ever but your analysys added something to. Thanks!!


Great analysis. In a movie where (European) silence has a strong voice the colors are more than just allegories and but an active narrative voice as a background music. The clear yet simbolic atmosphere has a powerful presence while creating a strong and intimate drama with the delicate powerful dialogue and silences. Makes one think about kishlovsky's colors trilogy. Great movie, a masterpiece. Thank you


One Of My Favorite Movies Of All Time. I had it on VHS, but when I subsequently got it on DVD and then BluRay, many of the color schemes you detail in this study were observable by me for the first time, and changed my whole perception of the movie. It is worth noting, that the interaction between motion picture film and Cameras, and the fluorescent lights of this period in the mid-80s, produced a very profound green hue, which occurred at regular intervals during the course of the movie.


Movies to me are wonderful entertainment. But sometimes, very seldom, movie makers transcend entertainment and create true art. Paris, Texas is without a doubt a work of art. It is a Masterpiece of visual storytelling and, in one scene has one of the greatest monologues ever written.


Paris, Texas is my favorite movie and I never saw until last week. I am very glad you made this video.


my favourite film of all time, it’s so beautifully constructed.


Excellent! Thank you for posting this! I just watched the film again today for the first time in a while (I usually watch it every couple of years or so) and this viewing left me thinking about the amazing use of color throughout - so thank you for making me think some more!👍🎨🎞️


indeed one of my favorites too, has stayed with me forever it seems. Thank you for given me the understanding of the colour scheme. Always loved that but didn't put it all together and didn't fully notice as to how deliberate it was.


Great analysis. When I first saw the film, the red color scheme struck me immediately and was so powerful that I overlooked the green. Thank you for sharing your interpretation. I have a whole new appreciation for a film I already held in high regard!


I'm glad this video exists. I watched it when I was 14 and I liked it but didn't know what I was watching. Just re-watched it and I really like thinking about the meaning and art that went into this film.


RIP Harry Dean Stanton, a very special man and actor.
