Why YOUR PIPES Don't Flow - Complete Fluids Guide Satisfactory

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Why YOUR PIPES Don't Flow - Complete Fluids Guide Satisfactory
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Welcome back to another Update 5 Satisfactory guide, today we're looking at everything we need to know, when it comes to liquids and liquid problems in satisfactory.

I refer to a manual written by McGalleon, I highly recommend you check the manual out, it can be found here:

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About: Satisfactory

Satisfactory is a first-person open-world factory building game with a dash of exploration and combat. Pioneering for FICSIT Incorporated means charting and exploiting an alien planet, battling alien lifeforms, creating multi-story factories, entering conveyor belt heaven, automating vehicles, and researching new technologies.
This Factorio like game has heavy automation, with automated mining, crafting, and you can even automate movement!

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So like me, have you set up your pipes wrong?
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You know a game has a dedicated fan base when manuals are being written for it


140 hours into this game and pipes are the bane of my existence. Have never once seen that blue ring to tell me where to place pumps. Thanks for the great guide!


flashback to the first time i unlocked coal power in satisfactory and created such an unreliable unusable mess of a power grid (because i didnt realize that pipes could only carry so much water) that i had to restart completely from scratch lol


This is one of the most complicated things in the entire game to balance and it's absolutely frustrating not being able to figure out where the problem in your piping network lies.


As a chemical engineer, I'm loving this game more and more.


Using the same principles laid out in the manual, you can set up your waste-water aluminum setup much easier than described here. The first solution I figured out was to have the water extractors filling buffers, but the buffers are raised to where they don't have enough headlift to fully fill the tanks. A buffer ~8m above an extractor will NEVER fill. Feed your waste-water back into that line from refineries that are higher than the extractors. This means that the extractors can only fill the buffer half way (or so), but the feedback water has more headlift so will fill the remaining space. Since the extractors can't add water when it's more than 50% full, it will exclusively use the waste-water until it is gone, then use the extractor water. It never backs up, doesn't require precise valves, and is resistant to failure due to cutting a line or something.

The second solution is far simpler and it made me very angry that my first "brilliant" solution was basically pointless. Just place a vertical junction on the refinery feed line. Extractors into the top, feedback into the bottom. Since pipes ALWAYS drain from the bottom first, this will never back up (even when the pipes are completely full). No need for sinking or any shenanigans. It just works. You don't even need a buffer.


I started a 1.0 save and just spent 10 hours making a 5 gigawatt compacted coal grid at tier 3. Reluctantly, I log manifolded the water input to make the whole thing look better. In turn, the gens at the end of the line were getting basically zero water. The tip in your video about looping the end of the manifold back to the start fixed my problem and put everything back at 100%. Thanks!


that lowest point filling 1st explains everything. I rage quitted my rubber factory and haven't returned to it for weeks.


Literally started this game maybe a week ago, this video really helps to understand what to do (sorta) with my absurd pipe setups…


6:00 you just solved hours of frustration, thank you


I spent hours trying to balance the backflow with recycled water. I found a valve to be the most helpful on the extractor side limiting overall supply so that the recycled water takes priority. Just make sure to not supply recycled water to everything in line. Pick one or two items unless you really hate yourself.

I didn't realize the game factored head pressure relative to height before. I knew it did a little bit, but didn't realize a water tower would actually work! I'm putting one in ASAP.

I used to work in water treatment personally and love all the nerding out you did on this video.


I try to put a buffer before any major input line. I let that fill up before connecting it to the actual input manifold.

The reason? Having a max-flow pipe is a bit finicky, especially the mark 2s. Sometimes they'll drop to 298 or 598 for absolutely no reason for a bit and this will cause whatever is consuming to spin up and down and then causes the water extractor to turn off because it's full and then sloshing starts. Having a buffer (especially one that's elevated) seems to fix this problem. Actually, "dropping" water from a buffer into a manifold line is almost always a good idea.


When delivering fluids by train and you want to ensure a constant flow even during loading / unloading you'll need to double buffer on the side of each terminal. (Same principle as for solid goods.)

- Make sure to connect each input / output to a small, individual buffer (as there's no buffer with two inputs yet)...
- and merge them afterwards.
- Don't forget to add a valve right in front of the merging junction to make sure there won't be any backflow to the buffers.
- Add those double buffers to ALL stations, be it loading or unloading to avoid any shortages on its way


Pipes are too complicated for me xD
Massive respect for anyone who can create 100% efficient pipe networks


omg you saved me, I spent hours yesterday trying to troubleshoot a fuel power plant that just wouldn’t work right and got so frustrated I almost quit my save. The solution? At 6:40 MAKE IT A LOOP. It works perfectly now.


Max Headlift is my favorite 80's commercial mascot.


I had water recycling issues for both my alumina solution and uranium recycling where at less than 100% efficiency the input water would saturate the line and not allow for the recycled water to leave the machine, causing them to halt. The priority merger shown fixed those issues right up since the recycled water on the bottom always has priority over the water to refresh the loss.


This is a beautiful work of art, not only the content but the video production itself is stellar. Great job, we love your content.


That feeling you get after watching this video and using valves to get everything to perfect efficiency. 🤩
