When To Be Concerned About Your Baby's Development

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Hey Nekole! I have a baby who is 12 months old next week. I haven't been able to get him interested in putting rings on a peg, putting an egg in a cup, putting straws into a large hole, putting items into a container, doing simple puzzles (round puzzle piece into round puzzle spot), or taking easy lids on/off containers. He primarily still plays with toys by putting them in his mouth, shaking them, passing them back and forth, and throwing/fetching them. He also doesn't point at objects, and doesn't respond to simple commands (like "pass me the spoon, " which we say countless times at every mealtime). I terms of things he does well: he does well turning pages in books, peeking under flaps in books, and can hold his own bottle to feed. He's also started getting pretty good with a cup (though he still throws it when he's done with it). He's also incredibly social (loves to smile at people). He can bring a spoon to his mouth, but shows no interest in scooping up food by himself. He seems very normal in some ways, but behind in a lot of other ways. Should I be worried? Thank you!


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