When Should I Be Concerned about a Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) Leak?

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Presented by Kendra Pham, MD, MPH
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How do I find a physician to treat you for a possible CSF.
I had a known CSF in 2010 and had a blood patch and another CSF in 2018 immediately after having my second lumbar spine surgery that warranted a second emergency surgery the next day to close a large leak. Since have been experiencing all the classic symptoms that a CSF can cause since 2017-2018 that I believe started sometime after my cervical spine surgery or the lumbar surgery. I have had three lumbar spine surgeries and the one cervical and honestly since 2018 I began having the headaches first than the other symptoms started causing doctors in all other specialties diagnosing each symptom separately but no one expects a CSF I don’t know how to explain to my doctors to where I am taken seriously. I even have spinal fluid sitting in my lumbar region since 2018 but that hasn’t warranted any concerns from my doctor.


Just making way upright after 3 days of being on my back. I wish my doctors cared about me.
