The internet says high value men don’t want single moms but good men do

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I've seen a lot of single moms be desperate while looking for a guy and then their standards go up once the guy is hooked lol


I personally don't think people with children should seek relationships with people who don't have children. This goes both ways. Back in my single days, I would have never entertained a man with children. Why? Because usually he has a baby mama that thinks she can dictate your relationship. She will always think she is priority. Also, she was probably the hot girl and not the good girl. A hot girl isn't always a woman of quality. I would not be able to trust a man that make such reckless choices.

Baby daddy's need stay in the baby mama market. Don't bring that baggage to a peaceful person.


Good point - high value doesn't mean or cause - good...


End it the day you gotta figure what your values are to find the type of man you want. High value in the redpill may not align with what you value in a partner.
