How New Zealand Got Its Coronavirus Cases Down to Zero in Seven Weeks

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WELLINGTON, New Zealand — After reducing its coronavirus cases to zero in seven weeks, New Zealand is looking to join a travel bubble with its neighbor Australia. On Tuesday, New Zealand health authorities said the country had no coronavirus cases to report for a second consecutive day.

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Рекомендации по теме

1.) Island nation
2.) Population < 5 million
3.) Good leadership
4.) Sane people


Important to note. New Zealand was initially showing the same growth as Italy. We went from 0 cases to 146 cases per day in 10 days (for 2 weeks it seemed to explode). New Zealand receives 100's of thousands of visitors every month, Many from Asia (read China). If Auckland were a US city it would be the 6th most populous (almost 5th) and has a high population density. The infection rate dropped because of the hard work put in by 5M Kiwis uniting to stay at home and defeat the spread of a killer disease. For all those watching this video, please do not make the mistake of thinking we were magically spared because we were 'far away' or small. Covid-19 is just as dangerous in New Zealand as anywhere else, and arrives on airplanes here just like anywhere else. Kia kaha (be strong), unite against covid-19, be kind - we are all on team 'people'.


So this is what it’s like to have a sane functioning government....


No one in New Zealand was harbouring conspiracy theories, demanding freedom to work and die, and overall demonstrating a high degree of social solidarity to face the challenges at hand.

Canada should learn from New Zealand.


And the PM never praise herself for doing an incredible job


Ever since I saw how well their country handled that terrorist attack on the mosque I have loved this country, and now seeing how they handled this just continues to prove how amazing it is


Let's just say sane Americans are watching this in Awe! Great job and continue to stay safe New Zealand!


All kiwis know that the real reason behind flattening the curve is because of Dr. Ashley Bloomfield


I'm an American living in New Zealand. Odd to experience this with a foot in both worlds. They started the lockdown here when we only had around 40 cases and now it's just shy of 1, 500 (though most have since recovered), show's how high the numbers can climb since most people were already sick when lockdown started (though not necessarily showing symptoms).

I'll also say, one of the reasons they can demand lockdown in places like NZ, AU, UK, CA etc. is because the governments there provide people with significant social welfare systems (i.e. healthcare, wage subsidy, etc.), meaning they can also ask a lot in return.

America is different, in essence, it's hard for the government to deprive someone of the means to look after themselves if they aren't able/willing to provide something in return. In the U.S. open economy=job=health insurance. Certainly seems to expose a weakness in the private insurance model. I think the protests in America are understandable (though probably difficult if you haven't lived there). Sad to see this virus become political.


Taiwan also has gone almost a week with no new cases. 80 miles from China and 23 million people. Public cooperation and competent leadership have really made a big difference!


Flat earthers be like New Zealand is a paid actor lol


Helen Clark ' A country can recover from an economic crisis, but not if everyone is dead.


I’m from Canada but live in New Zealand...I can honestly say it feels like the safest place to be in the world right now. Jasinda and the government moved fast putting people above profit! As Result we are opening things back up now and kept the cases we had under control. The people of NZ are compliant, which made all the difference. Denial and arrogance is not the answer as we can clearly see from what’s happening in the US 😳


The leadership in NZ is unbelievable I wish every country had leaders like they do in NZ


The way she handled the Christchurch shooting was also exemplary.


New Zealand (Aotearoa) is unique in the world. It is made up of mostly intelligent, reasonable and healthy people who love their country and respect their fellow citizens. They are responsible enough to elect good leaders, and with Ms Ahern they got a gem. They have been rejecting many aspects of ‘Americanism’ for many years, for example refusing to allow American nuclear powered warships into their harbours. They are strong, independent and proud, and they have every right to be.


They are smart they did not flip out like America did not to mention their leader knew what the hell they were doing


Jordan ‘s Coronavirus virus cases is down to zero for 8 days in a row now because of listening to experts’ advice to lock down the all businesses for a month, now we are back to business thank god . Stay safe


Also the fact it has 5 million people and is one of the most isolated countries in the world doesn't hurt having a low spread rate.


See what happens when you take care of people, fellow Americans.
