First People In New Zealand // Maori History Documentary

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New upload time and completely new subject for the channel. Bit of a controversial issue this one with a huge amount of pseudo-history and wild claims out there. Some of which I address directly in the film.

This doc is based on the latest historical and archaeological evidence. I’ve been working on it for a couple of years and visited many of the places involved in person. Credible comments are welcome, by those with a genuine interest in history, not fantasy like giants and ancient aliens. Topics with no credible evidence have no place on this channel.

I’m a one man team so please like, subscribe etc if you enjoyed the vid and let me know in the comments what you’d like to see covered in the future.


You forgot Niue Island on your map, a place Cook failed to land on, due to the people getting word of his impending arrival. They made human like figures and sat them in Vaka (Canoes) and smeared their mouths with the red dye of the Pandan leaf, Cook thought they were Cannibal savages, and then Named it Savage Island, Niue is my homeland.


Always with New Zealand History, we start with the first contact between Maori and European. We never cover the long History of pre European Maori, their daily lives, their conflicts, the dominant and aggressive tribes. Their trials and tribulations, how the Pa system originated, how they used their weapons in warfare etc and who was top tribe then. It's always ignored as unimportant, or uninteresting, but I for one would like to know more about those days.


As a child in the 1960's I had a pen-pal in New Zealand. I was perhaps 10 years old and my pen-pal was quite a bit older at about 17. She wrote back to me and told me that I might be more satisfied with someone my own age, so it began that I started corresponding with her younger sister who was my age.
She lived on a farm on the north island. I remember her 'post' or address read 'Te Amwanutu' or something like that.
I remember a picture she sent me of her and her dog. She also sent this small silver trinket in the shape of a little dog; it looked like a little Scottish dog I think.
Anyway, we had fun writing back and forth, until I got 'shipped' off too Europe to live with my father. I do remember writing from there, but after that I completely lost touch.
Wouldn't it be funny, if someone over there read this comment on U-Tube some 55 years later, and had some long-ago memory of 'two kids as pen-pals' from so very long ago.
Funny how I remember that. I was in 6th grade I think. It was fun writing to someone so far away,
over half a century ago.

Автор was not *originally* called Aotearoa. The Maori, though they had a name for each of the islands, actually had no name for the entire"country" we now all know as New Zealand. The name Aotearoa was applied only to the North Island, and was not actually used as a name for the whole country until the post colonial era when it was the *English* Governor Grey who used the name for the entire country in a book he wrote in 1855 after doing research into local lore and legend.


Here in Hawaii they still refer to him as Capt. Cooked and Eaten.


The large flightless birds, the unique biology and botanical diversity is amazing. The temperate rainforests and geological layout, mineralization, fishing a plenty. The place is a wonderland that connects you raw to nature, wild and free.


Imagine the sheer courage that it took to hop in a boat, take to the open sea, and hope that your calculations on where there is land were correct.


God this entire comment section are people believing in myths about Pre-Maori colonization and Morori origins.


Greetings to all my Polynesian brothers and sisters, from a Malayo/Indonesian (who now lives in Africa). I have always been taught that you and us are family.


Greetings from New Zealand. At 28:19 You show a couple of squirrels instead of rats. We do NOT have squirrels in NZ !


A correction note - "Kon-Tiki" expedition did NOT sail to Hawaii. They landed on the Raroia atoll in Tuamotus archipelago.


I think you will find that there were people in New Zealand long before the Maori arrived. Of course they don't want that talked about ... and so it's erased from the history books . But if your interested ? Dig a bit deeper ... you may be interested in what you find...


Maori cannibalism was widespread throughout New Zealand until the mid 1800s but has largely been ignored in history books, says the author of a new book released this week. ... He said the widespread practice of cannibalism was not a food issue but people were eaten often as part of a post-battle rage.


it was a Micronesian grandmaster navigator who led Hókùle'a to Tahiti in 1976. He revived interest in preserving ancient navigation methods in Hawaii. Clearly the Micronesian use the same methods like stars, wind, waves, currents, clouds, seabirds, sun. They created their own chants to memorized all these.


Maoris are Austronesian Polynesians, their language is part of the Austronesian family. I speak Indonesian, I can identify words between Maori and Indonesian which are still similar.
What = Aha (Maori), Apa (Indonesian)
I, me = Ahau (Maori), Aku (Indonesian)
Fire = Ahi (Maori), Api (Indonesian)
Sky = Rangi (Maori), Langit (Indonesian)
Room / House = Ruma (Maori), Ruang / Rumah (Indonesian)
Wind = Hau (Maori), Hawa (Indonesian)
He / She = Ia (Maori, Indonesian)
Root = Aka (Maori), Akar (Indonesian)
Eye = Mata (Maori, Indonesian)
Nose = Ihu (Maori), Idung / Hidung (Indonesian)
Ear = Taringa (Maori), Telinga (Indonesian)
Sea = Moana (Maori), Muara (Indonesian, for Estuary)
Fur / Hair = Huru-Huru (Maori), Bulu-Bulu / Bulu (Indonesian)
Fish = Ika (Maori), Ikan (Indonesian)
Coconut tree = Niu (Maori), Nyiur (Indonesian)
Armpit = Keke (Maori), Ketek (Indonesian)
Continent / Land = Whenua (Maori), Benua (Indonesian)
Rain = Ua (Maori), Ujan / Hujan (Indonesian)
Dead = Mate (Maori), Mati (Indonesian)
Leaf, Trunk = Rau, Katua (Maori), Daun, Kayu (Indonesian)
Fruit = Hua (Maori), Buah (Indonesian)
Two, Five, Six, Seven, Eight = Rua, Rima, Ono, Whitu, Waru (Maori) ; Dua, Lima, Enam, Pitu (Javanese), Wolu (Javanese) - (Indonesian)


It's a shame saying that James Cook was the 1st european to discover or at least the 1st determand to set foot upon New Zealand. The country is named after a province of the Netherlands, Zeeland. The 1st european there was Abel Tasman some 120 years before, yes certainly 120 years before Cookie


this comment section is so toxic its nothing but "you pronounced 'ikabokahimakong' so wrong bro lmao nice try, trust me im a native." not enough people pointing out the fact that this video and every other video this man makes is high quality and amazing


You know who killed it for the rest of our native birds? “Hatupatu and the Bird Woman” 🤣🤣🤣


"Humans arrived" - bad news for any other animal
