🫣 Will AI Take Over Manga?

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0:00 The First AI-Generated Manga
2:00 Will AI Take Over Manga?
9:11 ComicAI
12:41 ComicsMaker.AI
15:32 DALL-E 3
18:14 Warning
19:39 New Regulations on AI

P.S. This channel is run by Artillery Philippines.
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⚠ Want to learn more about the Hiroshima AI Process Comprehensive Policy Framework mentioned in the video?
It’s the world’s first international framework for the guidelines and rules on safe use and development of AI.

👉 If you're a beginner mangaka, aspiring to FINALLY create your first manga after YEARS of struggling and feeling stuck, then we would love to see if we can help! Book a consultation call with us to see if you qualify for our Oneshot Manga Drawing Program.

You'll get to work with PRO mangakas and a community of awesome mangakas.


Ai art is the very thing that made me finally go, “That’s it! I’m learning to draw! Hand-made art is not gonna die as long as I have anything to say about it!” My creations are going to be 100% AI free!


18:11 that's the 1/2 reason I'm against AI art and the second half is there's no copyright on machine produced art (stand when AI art was introduced). so I'm a bit afraid the mangaka who created the ai manga, has no copyright over it. the copyright law makers only want copyright on human made things, which I understand, but there are things not only humans make but other creaturs too. dogs can create paw print artworks, yet there's no copyright of it.

I also agree, it's better to use ai art generators as tools rather than make a full on product.


Despite being a non-living thing, art has life into it. AI is lifeless.


saying that AI will make the mangakas life easier cannot be completely true, the executives in the manga company will ask for more chapters in less time.


When ai art becomes common, real artists become a rarity. Law of Supply and Demand. Real artists can charge higher.


Mangas are all about mangakas giving it their all. Sweat, blood, tears, and in the end; a human story told for humans… No AI can replace it.


While A.I could be used as a tool, the MAIN issue lots of artist have (including myself) is that its trained on people's works without permission.


Ai art looks lifeless and too robotic. Not even appealing. I get generated prompts, but if you can’t write an entire story yourself that’s called being lazy. All this Ai art and writing stuff is just going to make society lazier and bigger sheep following big corporations to the slaughter house


I'm kind of disappointed with the covering of this topic on this channel to be honest.
All the warnings of the legal and moral issues of this tech should be at the beginning of the video, not at the end after hyping it up the infamous A.I. generated manga.
I would not recommend using it even for "creative references", A.I. generated images are just an amalgamation of existing artworks and styles of real human artists. If you are not able to know the real source of your references or having the knowledge of your human artist inspirations, you can end up plagiarizing desings and scenes without even knowing the source.
Also creativity is a skill that needs to be trained too. If you are not being able to imagine your own scenery with limited references for your own, it will only get worse and worse if you let A.I. generated images be creative for you.
The visual and creative narrative will be driven by something else in your own manga...


Incorporating AI into artwork is like taking the flavour and nutrients out of a fruit.


Involving AI in Manga making is not acceptable. It could make years of practice and hardwork of veteran mankagas aspiring to be published look like worth nothing.


We all take this issue seriously before it's too late....


Thank you for saving me a lot of time; with this video you've made me realize there's no point in watching any further videos from this channel. But before i unsub, i'd like to warn any fellow manga creators or artists reading this: don't let "productivity" kill your ENJOYMENT from creating art yourself.
Yes, it will be hard sometimes, and your story, manga or drawing might take time, but you'll grow because of it, in an artistic but also in a personal level (i talk from experience). They've told us many times that we have to do everything as fast as possible, that we have to be productive, but art is one of the few places where you can actually take the time to learn, to enjoy, to discover your strenghts and weaknesses, to grow as a person. And it takes time, there's no other way; that's the whole point. You'll learn to be pacient, and to be kinder to yourself.
By using these "tools", they want you to "speedrun" a process only for the sake of selling you their product, while you deny yourself the chance to actually be creative, and especially, to be YOURSELF. I, personally, don't care for how many drawings you produce, or how they look; if you are sincere with your art, to me, you are BEATIFUL, and so is your art, because that is exactly what art is for.

Regarding this channel's point of view, i have to say i'm dissapointed, but sadly, not impressed. If you truly care about stolen art or any of the artists and creators that are watching your channel you wouldn't be promoting any of this crap to begin with. Trying to compare digital art with AI theft was insulting to our intelligence, trying to justify it by showing extreme examples of artists who evidently don't have a healthy routine was manipulative, but to put a two minutes "warning" at the END of the video (after promoting it for 18 minutes) on how to avoid copyright BUT still use and promote the use of AI "tools" was the final spit in the face. You've made me realize you are not in this for the art, but for the CONTENT. And i'm fed up with content.

To any fellow artists who took the time to read this, i wish you the best of luck. Enjoy you art journey!


This fills me with such indescribable rage and despair. What the fuck is the point of it all, of learning how to draw, if the machine is going to do it all for you anyway?

Fuck this shit.
Rage against the machine.


I think the reason why I’m so against A.I is due to the fact in the west (mostly America) big companies corporations will use and abuse AI to increase profit without having to pay their artist writers and etc. That’s why the writer strike was so huge since people don’t want their jobs taken away or get even more poor treatment from big cooperations. Like how they want to use AI for background characters where they tried to copyright actors that are use for background scene so they can keep it forever.
Thought that’s my two cents

Great video and can’t wait for more


The fact the ai generaters makes you pay for additional money for “extra quirks” even though it’s stealing for artists all over the world.
So we need to pay for the art we already own too? Makes me sick ngl


I love how this video aged like fine milk, outside, during the hottest summer, in the middle of the Sahara Desert. Artists take the W, AI bros take the L.


It's really unfair because AI is trained with images artists made by themselves throught hardwork and long studys and now it steals them using their own talent.
I hate AI and laws should be made against it.


Then he is not a Mangaka. ( the AI generator) Its just disrespectful towards real Mangaka who breathe making illustrations and do everything they can to get better and refine their craft.
