Explaining All THREE Star Trek Timelines... It's Official Now!

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Unravel the mind-bending revelations of Star Trek's Three Timelines! Join us as we dive into the seismic twists unveiled in Season 2 Episode 3 of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds. From the iconic Original Timeline with William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy to the alternate Kelvin Timeline ignited by JJ Abrams, and the enigmatic New Timeline introduced in Star Trek Discovery with Paul Wesley and Ethan Peck, the Trek universe holds secrets that will reshape the way you view the beloved franchise.

Prepare for a journey through time and space as we explore the controversies surrounding the New Timeline. Our investigation delves into the overwhelming and irrefutable evidence that has left fans questioning the very fabric of Star Trek's reality. Discover the intriguing reasons behind these temporal shifts, unveil the culprits responsible, and weigh in on the heated debate: Is the emergence of Three Timelines a boon or a bane for the Star Trek legacy? 🖖

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What do you guys think? Do you like the idea of the three timelines or would you prefer it was all just one? What are your thoughts on Strange New Worlds? Please consider checking out our sponsor Dave.com/popcast if you need financial help and consider becoming a Member by clicking JOIN above. We do a Member's live Stream every Thursday and it is a lot of fun!


Doctor Who's quote "A big ball of wibbly wobbly, timey wimey stuff" has never been more fitting.


There have always been an infinite number of possible Star Trek timelines. Consider the TNG episode Parallels. If using an alternate timeline allows you to tell better stories, go for it.


You could argue that everytime they've travelled to the past in Star Trek they've created new timelines.


I was afraid of this TBH. I feel that they just want to do this so they can be different and do what they desire without staying true to tradition and what came before.


Oddly I've still never seen anyone mention the xindi... Even the new shows that say Archer existed and so did the original Enterprise still never mention that earth was nearly wiped out...


One can argue quite confidently that the original timeline actually branched when the first predictive event in STOS did not occur in OUR reality… All of Star Trek takes place universes that we simply do not occupy unless current events happen in future past…. That said, just enjoy the art and focus less on inconsequential/irrelevant concerns. Lastly, predatory lenders (the sponsor) are worse than Ceti-eels…


Star Trek didn’t need new timelines. It needed writers who can write in the original cannon. There’s still much to write about. For an example, the missing era.


Burnham committed mutiny, but didn't start the war. She was going to fire, yet was stopped by Capt Georgiou. The Klingons fired first. They started the war.


Data in TNG sort of confirms this very thing when he explains about quantum realities. I think it's the episode where Worf is jumping between realities.


If we get down to the bones of this conversation, there are several timelines (possibly hundreds). I can hang this on one episode in ST:TNG. In the episode “Parallels” Worf moves through a fissure that causes him to phase between alternate versions of his reality. Each of these phases, could very well be separate timelines. If this is true, we know for sure that each phase constitutes a different timeline. When the attempt to correct this problem goes awry, seemingly hundreds of alternate Enterprises were pulled into that current timeline through the fissure. They had different histories. This is canonically factual since TNG is canon. It may be theorized that correcting this event would destroy the other timelines, but I find that unlikely since that crew, with Captain Riker was willing to do it. I doubt they would consider suicide of their own existence, to help Worf get to one the one they knew little about.

Consider this: this truth means even our reality, our timeline, is a canonical part of the series, as we’re still waiting for a Kirk or Picard, in our timeline the show is changing our world, as if Starfleet sent the idea back from a different future. We are a part of the show.


I think we should have Q fix all the timelines as a sacrificing gesture and goodwill to all kind. Which will allow Star Trek to build a new cast with new territory to explore and new challenges, keeping all LEGACY characters as WAS and erasing bad timelines that create these terrible paradox's, remove current politics out of our shows, write new stories about different ships that make a difference, without hurting LEGACY timelines or stealing core personality traits from Captain Kirk. The foundation of Star Trek is already Paved, let's boldly go where no one or the many has gone before!


I buy the idea that there are three timelines and I am O.K. with that, however another channel I saw also covered this topic and suggested that the tonal shift in "Picard" means it's part of the new timeline and not the original, and that the cannon problems in "Enterprise" also likely put it in the new timeline as well. I think I accept that reasoning a little more.


also includes Emterprise, as on Lower Decks. Riker talks about holodeck program featurimg Archer's crew.


Would be interesting to hear what the Guardian of Forever thinks about it all!


Your new sponsor is a predatory payday loan company? Come on guys, you can do better than that. I know your ethical, but that sponsor is not.


I’ve always thought of “new” trek as existing in another timeline. That was only way I could my sanity about how bad it is. I think the timeline branching is a good way to get around things but I hate the extra time lines. I want the real Star Trek timeline of TOS and Berman era Trek. The stewardship of Star Trek needs to be given to Terry Matalas. Picard season 3 was such a relief. To see real Star Trek again was a great experience. Everything that paramount wants to do with Star Trek is just apes throwing their feces against the wall. They are the only ones who want Star Trek: 90210 or Section 31. Give us Star Trek: Legacy. I want to see Captain Seven of Nine, Ensign Crusher/Picard, And the crew of the Enterprise G boldly go where no one has gone before.


I prefer to think of Lower Decks as being in the Prime timeline based on all of the references and continuous need for them. The Time Portal was also inter-universal as well similar to the Guardian. This makes inter-universal crossovers possible.


Just an FYI, I am told by a good friend of mine, that in the novelization (audiobook version) of the original Chris Pine “Star Trek” 2009 Reboot, the reason certain characters met up with each other (I think Scotty and Kirk on the ice moon/planet) was “because the timeline was trying to correct itself.” (On the idea that “This is a *totally* new concept for Star Trek.”—10:05) Thanks and love your stuff.


Every Star Trek series has its own continuity. That's why the 1990s described in TOS is different from the 1990s we see in Voyager. That's why the Eugenics Wars happen in different centuries in TOS and DS9.
