STAR TREK - The Timelines

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So here we go. It's time to dive into the end-all debate about the different Star Trek timelines.

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Simon Pegg Website :
Canon Timeline :
Non Canon Timeline :

Thanks for watching everyone :)
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The Prime time line also diverged when Q exposed the Enterprise D to the Borg before they were originally meant to. This led to the second Borg incursion in sector 001 and the time jump back to first contact. Enterprise E then destroyed he time jumping Borg sphere which subsequently discovered by Artic 1 in Enterprise. The assimilated Artic 1 then sent a message to the Borg in that time in the Delta quadrant therefore making the Borg aware of humanity and potentially the future Federation way before Q instigating first contact with the Enterprise D. Basically, Enterprise and anything after the film First Contact has been a divergent timeline and the Kelvin timeline has been another divergent timeline from the First Contact divergent timeline


The episode that mostly completely clears this up to me is the TNG episode "Parallels" where Worf is caught in quantum flux and keeps jumping between all possible universes. It is implied there are infinite realities. These realities range from everything being the same as ours with only the position of a painting being changed all the way to a universe where the Borg have taken over the entire Alpha quadrant. In some of these universes the bridge of the Enterprise changes visually and there would definitely be some out there with eye level running lights and excessive lens flares.

But this episode proves the existence of multiple and infinite pre-existing timelines and backs your explanation that the Kelvin time line was already different. Who knows where this one changed, but it was likely sometime before Kahn was born.


I completely agree with your time line theory. It makes sense and is logical. Good job!


I liked how he kept talking to me by name


Yep, this makes sense! Thank you! Good explanation. 🖖


Great video - I found the Kelvin timeline a bit confusing at first but your video helps explains it very nicely.

I like your theory about the Kelvin timeline being an entirely separate timeline because of the differences in appearances - makes sense to me.

Keep up the good work!


I agree with you on this. Kelvin timeline has to be different far enough back to mean Kelvin Spock was born later than TOS Spock, as K-S is not as much older than K-Kirk as TOS-S is older than TOS-Kirk.


I agree more with #2 than #1 because of 2 other things that you did not mention,
1) In the Prime universe Kirk was born on earth, mentioned in several places,
2) In the prime universe Archer was the captain of the first deep space exploration vessel the Enterprise NX01not the "Franklin" captained by Edison.


I'm more of a First Contact created the "Prime " timeline type of guy. Archers Enterprise looked way different to the first Starship Enterprise model which had a circular design like the Vulcan ships.
Cochran sees the 1701E and based his warp 5 ship on that design unlike the ship in the Canon timeline.


Thank you for the great explanation. Looked this up after getting excited from the Picard trailer.


Speak nerd to me baby, I want to hear everything.


I'll go one step further: ENT itself is a divergent series, thanks to the events of FC.


You know your a very smart young man, I'm very happy I subscribed to your channel, Live Long and Prosper! 🖖


There is a notion regarding time travel that whenever you go into the past you arrive in a parallel universe very similar to yours but NOT in your own timeline. With that in mind, consider this possibility: When McCoy, Spock & Kirk went into the past in "City on the edge of forever", they actually arrived in a parallel universe and EVERYTHING after that - TNG, DS9, VOY, even TOS episodes - has been outside the Prime Universe because they travelled forward in THAT universe and we followed them back to it. So, there are more than 3 timelines at play. We could probably identify at least 5 or 6 I would think. Maybe we saw the Prime Universe briefly in the TNG episode "Parallels" while Worf was jumping about. <Mind blown> (Anyone recall the Blue Gate Bridge from _ _ _ _ _ _ _?)


We wouldn't even HAVE these two main conflicting timelines/universes (there isn't much presented to make the "Mirror Mirror" universe a threat) - if damn corporations and their "who owns what and why" attitudes didn't always get in the way of creativity! Everything is always at the mercy of those cigar smoking "Fat Cats" in Brooks Bros. or Armani Suits sitting behind their mahogany desks! There it is in a nutshell!


Original canon timeline, kelvin timeline, "prime" timeline. Similar but different from pre-Enterprise. Possibly created by First Contact.


I have been a Star Trek fan since I was a kid. The inside jokes and things I see that remind me of ST I always just shared with my family or friends via text or when together. Since finding all these groups online it’s awesome!


Reed official commics about Kelvin Timeline! Comics Star Trek - Khan (2013) the most. It explain why Khan change his look. I think all diffirence between Kelvin and Prime universes happend because in Kelvin universe there is no time trevels from prime universe. There is no Voyage Home, First Contact and others time travel adventures of Kirk's, Picard's, Cisco's and Janeway's Crews. So Nero and Spock change not only after 2233 events, but before events to.

Sorry for my english. It is not my lingua franca and i don't live in english speaking contry.


I basically see Discovery and Strange New Worlds as alternate realities but very closely mirroring the prime timeline. Discovery enters the mirror universe which feels a lot like the mirror universe in TOS and DS9, but maybe not 100% even tho they were visited by the USS Defiant. In the same way, the JJ verse has access to technology that the prime universe did not. Spock and the Romulans were thrown back in time AND off to another universe.


Trials & Tribble-ations is the worst example you could come up with because it triggered the whole Klingon look debate. Sure, they only meant it as a joke, and both ENT and DIS have their fair share in exacerbating it, but it wouldn't've happened without it. You know, TOS Klingons not having ridges and Worf having them. If only Worf had TOS Klingon look after beaming over... you know, as a goof...

My headcanon is centered around the *Phoenix Timeline* which was created by the temporal incursion in First Contact, and it encompasses ENT, DIS, the TNG movies sans Generations and VOY. For more info, you can check out Nitpicking Nerd's video or a post on r/DaystromInstitute (and I can't link either because youtube will mark my comment as spam if I do).
