James White: Purgatory Is Fiction

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I was raised catholic, went to school there for 8 yrs. Those yrs ending 1975. All those years we were taught purgatory being a place to cleanse our sins until we were pure in order to get to heaven. Thank God we all would leave the catholic and now a saved child of God, through Jesus Christ.


I was RC for 20 years, the rest of my family still is. You technically can buy indulgences for dead loved ones still today actually, they just don't call it that of course. You pay for your loved one to be prayed for on specific days, for the repose of their soul, and the priest is supposedly able to help speed up the process if they are in purgatory. Again, they won't say it so plainly, but they've created processes to mask the transaction of money for supposedly helping your loved one get out of purgatory faster. I SO appreciate that Apologia tackles this topic head on as there are millions of people out there who believe they are Christians and desperately need the TRUE gospel. I can tell you from experience, you don't need to know the true God to be confirmed as a Catholic, you just need to be able to regurgitate the traditions and lines they tell you. When God saved me from that group, I had never even heard of a fair number of books in the Bible. Their organization is not there to bring people closer to our Lord in truth but to share their version and it is not a salvific version, unfortunately.


Resting on what Jesus did for a wretch like me.


Thank you brother James for the truth. The gospel gets better every time I hear it, like honey for my soul.


Dr James White is a blessing to the Church


I find it extremely interesting how similar the Roman Catholics are to the Pharisees of Jesus’ time. With all their additions to God’s Word, all their own traditions, laws, ideas that are non-existent in the Bible but being more important than clear teachings of Jesus himself. With their supposed heritage the Romans call themselves the only true Church just like those Pharisees claimed to be the sons of Abraham…. It’s truly sad…


"The only hand the can grasp the hand of grace, is an empty hand"

WOW that stopped me in my tracks


Talk about a slap in the face to God after all he truly accomplished through his life, death, burial and resurrection!!!


In addition to biblical literacy classes, I honestly think we need basic reading comprehension classes. I'm saying this seriously. People these days don't seem to know that context is crucial when you are reading anything. Nor do they seem able to follow a train of thought, whether it's spoken or written. They can't even speak in coherent manner. Many people don't even know what a question is, or how to ask one. How do I know that? Because I do transcription for work. I hear the way people speak and how they respond to instructions and questions. It's absolutely maddening.

If people are incapable of reading/understanding regular books (that is, if they read books at all!) how can we expect them to understand God's Word? How often do we see people who have been professing Christians for decades/been in church for decades and they still take verses completely out of context? Do they also take a book of the shelf, open it anywhere, and expect to understand what's going on? Why do they treat the Bible that way?

It's maddening. People are becoming more illiterate by the day.


What I appreciate about James White has been his careful study of Roman Catholicism particularly the Vatican's interpretation of scripture that is stated in the RC catechism. He has spent thousands of hours studying the Catholic faith including all the debates with Roman Catholic apologists. Tragically the average catholic has no idea what the council of Trent has to say regarding Justification. In fact, many Catholics don't even read the bible, and that is why they are so dependent on the priest for spiritual nourishment or the lack thereof. Other than marriage, the rest of the sacraments are form of bondage. Without the priesthood the foundation of Roman Catholicism falls like a house of cards.


I'm only 15 minutes in. But, ugh, these Catholic teachings are so insulting to Jesus and His sacrifice! Why did He even bother? And why don't people just open their Bibles?!


Hell burns with Charcoal, but Purgatory burns with Natural Gas.


I have heard many try to defend purgatory by saying it is a final purification or cleansing before entering heaven and that it is not a payment for sin. However, I have always considered the idea that you can do something on behalf of someone who is dead as a stark contradiction to the position they are trying to defend. Even if no money is involved, how would something like taking part in a mass on behalf of a deceased loved one be of benefit to them? If purgatory is only a cleansing, then surely this would be a bit like taking a shower on behalf of someone else to help them get clean from playing in the mud all day. The very fact that indulgences exist means that purgatory is about paying for sin. Which of course is in complete contradiction to the gospel, grace and the work Christ did on the cross.


Hey, this is a lot of lies!! I can't believe such an aged gentleman, read intensively about the subject, and he came up with is his own false opinion of it!!! Wow!


Thank you DrWhite for your faithfulness. I watched the debate and was saddened on how hopeless the catholic teachings are. This message you just gave is the true hope we have in Our Savior Jesus Christ.


Dr. White has done his homework. We do indeed have peace through our Lord Jesus Christ.


The dialogue with Horn on the Allie Beth Stuckey show won't be on her "Relatable" podcast show, but will be behind a Daily Wire paywall under a new show named "Debatable", is what I heard Allie on one of her shows around the time of that dialogue. I was very disappointed!


I can’t help wondering how Catholics aren’t terrified that the treasury of merit from the Saints might run out before they get to purgatory…


If purgatory is a false doctrine because it doesn't meet the standard set by sola scriptura, doesn't that mean sola scriptura is also a false doctrine? Sola scriptura can't even meet the very standard it sets.
