SMITE 2 Developer Deep Dive - Reimagining the Gods

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SMITE 2 is shaping up to be truly god-like!
Join the team in our latest SMITE 2 Developer Deep Dive to learn about how we're reimagining the Gods and taking them to the next level in SMITE 2!

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Become Godlike in SMITE, the free-to-play action MOBA featuring legendary mythological icons. Wield Thor’s hammer, turn your foes to stone as Medusa, or flex your divine power as one of 100+ playable Gods. No matter your skill level, SMITE has something for you!

Join over 40 million players around the world across PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch - what are you waiting for? Go Ahead. Play God!
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You know how some of the Gods have lines for when they kill each other. It would be cool if y’all did it even more in 2


5:22 Okay so I haven't been paying attention to alot of the behind the scene stuff, but seeing the Anhur's ult go from him just doing his casual "rapid fire" attack to Smite 2's version where it has more personality to the rapid throws followed by the final grand chuck, color me intrigued enough to hope more stuff like that gets done.


i've never been more unnerved than hearing ponpon introduce himself by a real legal name...i almost threw up...lmao


there should be more ingame gods interactions.. it would be soooo cool and imersive.. you guys have the opportunity to make smite as great as we always knew it could be... dont let it slip away


Ymir has definitely risen as the gold standard for what we should expect to see for quality in S2. Really looking forward to seeing the other gods ported over and fleshed out.

One critique I have is that Bellona ult that was showcased. It looked pretty stiff. She doesn't require any flourish when planting the standard, but to show raw power. Really have her wind up on the leap using both hands to show the strength and power of this goddess as she plants the standard.


Something I think would be cool as an addition once everything is sorted would be if the world reacts to the battles. For example if Anubis ults and it hits something behind a player, or npc, like a wall, there is wall damage left behind for the game. Like maybe some cracks or holes in the wall. Or even with Bellona's ult. If the cracks in the ground remain behind for the entire game.


Can you add like extra 2 - 3 abilities for each god based on their original story and make each one customizable and players get to choose 3 abilities freely. I think that would be absolutely awesome to see in Smite 2


I just hope they do ctulhu good... his ult has a lot of potential aesthetically


add new PJs: "Hestia", "Icarus", "Ceres" God, "Midas" King, "Gwenevere" (Arthurian Pantheon), Hu Ye (虎爺 "Tiger Lord"), a guardian spirit..
"Áine" is a sky goddess in Celtic mythology and the Irish fairy queen.


I would love if we got surveys now until release about potential concepts we may like or that u guys are thinking about to doing. That way smite 2 can hit the ground running and resonate with players.

I still to this day hope that nox is transitioned to being a guardian


OMG the details on the ground with that bellona scourge😍😍


PBR today is industry standart, glad you finnaly get there.
Also would love to know, how easier it will be to rework god kits in ue5, knowing how many problems it caused in UE3 with your legacy skin creating tech


I hope Maman Brigitte and Amaterasu are available at release.


I TRULY love this, kinda like behind the curtains type on the works of the Gods playability and designs, I'm most excited for Poseidon's Ult that he will finally summon a proper Hippocampi monster instead of a Kraken, the other can be just turned into a skin, another consideration is that the possibility of completing the 12 Olympians so meaning like turning Bachus into Dionysus, or Mercury to Hermes, basically turn them back into Greek counterparts, the Greek Pantheon will focus some of the famous Gods while Roman though they can have some God counterparts like Bellona, they will be focusing more on the Titans instead!!
Well that just my take at least... 🤗


2:24 Where can I get that smite gaming chair


Can't wait! I have been playing Smite on and off for years.
Now I need go get into the beta :)


Guys I love you, please take your time. Hype is going to be built to even more insane heights. One god at a time and do each one justice. With that being said, hachimans kit is perfect. No touchy


wake me up when we have all the gods from smite in there


I'm excited for all the issues we can finally fix now, and how more of everything can be added. More audio channels, more effects, more limbs so it doesn't have to look "drawn on", etc., the matchmaking's gonna be great =)


It does look really good. I don't might some gods getting updates especially if it is something that fits well but there is a balance to find. Change it too much and people might not like it but not enough begs the question of why change it at all. I hope that there is some changes but mostly the same. Honestly with a new game being built up from the ground there are a lot of new things that could be added and I'm wondering what is in store. Shame I won't be able to play it but Smite 1 will still be working at least for the time being, that's a great and smart thing to have done.
