chvostek and trousseau sign | hypocalcemia |carpopedal spasm | electrolyte imbalances |chvostek sign

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Chvostek's sign twitching of facial muscles in response to tapping over the facial nerve

Trousseau's sign carpopedal spasm induced by pressure applied to the arm by an inflated sphygmomanometer cuff

A positive sign is characterized by the appearance of a carpopedal spasm which involves flexion of the wrist, thumb, and MCP joints along with hyperextension of the IP joints. This spasm results from the ischemia that is induced by compression through the inflated cuff.

If the Chvostek sign is positive, ipsilateral twitching of the facial muscles occurs, whereas there is no movement when the sign is negative. A positive Chvostek sign may indicate hypocalcemia or other electrolyte imbalances, as well as severe conditions, like kidney failure or acute pancreatitis
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