The Danger of Fearing Death | Richard Holm | TEDxBrookings

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After a diagnosis of pancreatic cancer, Dr. Rick Holm faces the significant possibility of his own impending death. An internal medicine medical doctor for 39 years with a special interest in care of the elderly, Dr. Holm brings a physician perspective to cancer diagnosis. In this emotional and authentic talk, Rick encourages a life fully-lived instead of fearing death. Richard P. Holm MD is 68 and an internist who has taught medicine for three years at Emory U. School of Med. In Atlanta, practiced outpatient, inpatient, ER medicine in Brookings for 35 years. Now semi-retired, he is a Professor of Clinical Medicine for the USD, Sanford School of Medicine, an Adjunct Professor in Journalism at SDSU, prior Chief of Staff of Brookings Health System, Governor of the SD Chapter of the American College of Physicians, and President of the SD State Medical Association.

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Fear of death makes you want to survive and not live


I fear the fact that I won’t be conscious, & won’t be able to see, feel, hear, how is my family going to be how are they going to cope


I’m 15 and I’ve never been so scared of anything every night I think of It I become so scared I wanna just stay in the light not the dark


Relating to the most of the comment section... Since 13/14, as a 16 yr old now, I fear going to bed as it’s the time I’m alone, in a silent room in the dark, slipping into a whirlpool of overthinking death and getting panic attacks over it, crying. Knowing so many other people are experiencing the same thing is relieving and comforting in a way. So if your reading this I hope I’ve helped you to see that your not alone.


Sometimes i have such bad anxiety about death that I think to myself "I could just end it now so that I don't have to suffer with these thoughts" and It's just the most ironic thing ever


I've never been able to cope with death, I always watch videos and read articles trying to help you to help but i doesnt work. I just end up terrified and feeling more alone than ever. I always try and appreciate everything around me, I stop and appreciate. I breathe in and try and forget it for the time being. Until the next night comes


I don’t fear death. I fear “ what’s after” . Do we really go to sleep and stay in Gods memory until resurrection happens, do we become something amazing after death, do we just die and that’s it. Every body has a different opinion, which one is the real one? If God created us, and he gave us air to breath and people to love why let us die? There has to be something more than this! Right? Am I ever going to see my family again? That’s my fear. The “this is it” I’m dying and that’s it, fear.


I never felt closer to a comment section before


I’m not scared if dieing or the process of dieing, I’m scared because I know that I will never see my family again, my entire existence will eventually not even exist, I will have no more emotions, no more thoughts, no more joy and everything I have ever done, no matter how big or how small, will be pointless.

But I know that I have been dead for an infinity before I was born, it didn’t affect me, maybe after I have died and another infinity has happened, I will be reborn. Or maybe I will go to heaven. Maybe I will just die but I will have no sadness or fear and my family will live on through name.

I am scared of death but I have to remember that I don’t know what happens and I am only scared of my own predictions, which in itself, if pointless.


I’m struggling with this right now. Afraid of dying in my sleep. I’ve wasted so much time thinking about death and the unknown. Why do we have to die? This guy was so strong to get up and talk about this. I’m so ashamed and guilty. Crying typing this. I’ve wasted so much time. Be strong everyone


Man died on March 22, 2020 hope he lived a good life


What an a needed awareness: Not only death scares us but also robs us of the quality of what left of our life - super thought!


“Death smiles at us all. All a man can do is smile back.” - Marcus Aurelius


I’m not scared of my own death, I’ve accepted that we are all going to die one day! But the thought of losing my parents and my little brothers is keeping me from living my life happily. Sometimes I can’t even sleep because of it


been dealing with death anxiety since I was 14. I don't know how to deal with it


RIP Dr. Rick Holm, I hope to meet you on the other side when my time comes.


Honestly, I know it's coming. I felt I had a reasonable fear of death. Like I didn't want to do stuff that would kill me. But suddenly about a year ago it just has messed with me. And I'm like dude, I get it, it's scary. But every moment I spend scared is a moment of my life I won't get back.


Fearing death will not prevent it. That definitely hit different.


such a beautiful talk, I really felt it...and that snoopy dance was amazing


My fear is when I die all memories are lost and no one remember me then million billon years pass by and a lot change but I can’t experience it I can’t describe what I’m thinking but it scary af. when I was born until now it felt as if a day past by so I’m scared of how short life is and I talk to much don’t i period the end.
