How to Set: Havahart® X-Small 2-Door Trap Model #1020 for Mice & Shrew

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Learn how to set up the Havahart® X-Small 2-Door Trap Model #1020. This trap is best used for the trapping of mice, shrew and other similar sized animals.

The X-Small 2-Door Model #1020 was carefully designed with the safety of the small animals in mind. Its features insure that catches are safe, quick and easy -- for both the critters and the trap owners. This trap was also made with high quality materials, such as rust-resistant wire mesh and steel reinforcements to ensure a long life span for the trap.

Video Tags:
★ Live shrew trap
★ How to set a shrew trap
★ How to set a live mouse trap
★ Live traps for mice
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Had a mouse in my new truck....for 3 days. Tried a glue trap....he actually moved it. Tried a snap trap....he ate the bait off it. I looked into no kill traps & came across Havahart 1020. Bought one & brought it less than 2 hours he was caught. Trap worked great! Didn't have to kill to release him off in the woods. This will be the only way I control the mice.


This live trap cost more than double the multi-catch live trap I was using. It was worth every penny. While the other traps were good for mice we had several moles who decided our house was the place to spend the winter. They quickly figured out how to escape from the other trap; they're very smart. When the weather was mild and they could burrow I set the Havahart trap (only one door open because it managed to steal the piece of chicken I used for bait twice when both doors were open) we caught it right away. It's a little tricky to set it with chicken (peanut butter sticks to the bait tray and is harder to steal!), but worth learning to get the hang of it. Great performance!


Thank you. Had a mouse in my home for 3 weeks. Just got this trap a few days ago. The instructions were vague, but by watching you set it, I understood. Thank you.


Thanks! I could not for the life of me get the damn thing to set! And now...we wait.


Every video or set of photos I've seen demonstrating how to set the No. 1020 have the same problem--fingers in the way. The printed instructions that came with the trap talk about "the flat part" of this rod and "the flat part" of that rod. The rods on my trap have nothing flat about them. Dum. Please have a heart and redo the video.


If you can get this trap set with these horrible instructions you are a genius. After 15 minutes I gave up. Left the trap in the store.


Bad video - naming things without showing what you are naming and then getting fingers in the way - redo it please


These are very difficult to set. The problem is that, despite what the instructions say, the bait pan triggers on the three traps I bought do NOT have a flat side. The looped trigger rod does. I may grind or file a flat spot on the rod, but this should have been done at the (Chinese) factory. As to baiting the traps, I use a plastic knife to place peanut butter on the bait pan.


The squirrel that has been living in my fireplace for two weeks gives this trap five out of five stars.
The trap only goes off after he has sat there and taken all of the nuts out of it. I think he even shot me the bird on his way out the last time he was in it. The first time I had a squirrel in my fireplace I trapped him with a cedar box and a string, didn’t take near as long, he was trapped and released the same day I rigged the box. I borrowed this trap from my mother-in-law because I thought it would be more convenient as I had to sit there and wait on the squirrel to jump in the box in order to pull the string and get the lid closed but this trap isn’t worth a flying squirrel.


When people buy Havahart traps, they should use a permanent black marker to
write the model number(which is always on the box) somewhere on the trap.
Then after you throw out the box and later decide to do a video, you will know
the model number of the trap you are demonstrating and you can include that
in the video name. I have no idea why Havahart does not stamp every trap
with the model number, so people would have this info for later reference.
WRZ 2024-01-06
Delaware County, PA


The demonstration video neglects to show how to bait the trap. We bought one and are disappointed that the opening is too small for an adult to get their hand in to place the bait, and ours is disfuntional as it closes even if the wind blows. It is one of the traps made in China with the Havahart USA name. A piece of junk.


Does anyone know why Havahart does not stamp the model number onto the sheet metal portion of their traps ? This seems like common sense to me. Most people throw the box away without memorizing the model number for later reference. I have 3 different Havahart traps and the number that have a model number on them is ZERO.


I agree with the comment about the hands getting in the way. Would have been better done with animation, even though that would have cost more.


The mouse I trapped got out!!! I can't understand it. Twice so far. I set the trap and make sure that locking bar is swung back over the top of the door. The next morning the trap has been tripped and both doors are down with the bait GONE and the one of the doors now has that bar swung over to the open position so the mouse gets out. The other door still has the lock over it. How the


they now have the "EZ set" version of this trap, but its like $40 on amazon. this version is complicated!!


Just see the back of a hand still can’t make out how it’s done.


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One of the least intuitive, least effective devices ever created. It would be hard to imagine creating something less likely to accomplish what it was designed to do.


Doesnt work with shrews, the lil guys escaped from the top where theres a big gap between the door and the roof when the doors are locked


Does not show exactly how to open and keep the flabs up properly, it also doesn't explain how to put food inside and exactly how to catch mice then how to safely release them, poor demonstration.
