I Ate ONLY MEAT for 30 days - Not What I Expected

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What happens if you only eat meat for 30 days? I want to find out what the carnivore diet is really about.

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🫂 People:

00:00 Intro
02:04 Starting the Carnivore Diet
02:54 What Happens to the Body?
04:35 Sugar Cravings
05:50 The Ketosis State
06:19 What Does Science say?
09:36 Other Carnivores
10:10 What to Eat as a Carnivore
11:00 The Problem with our Food
12:25 Gym Results as a Carnivore
12:53 Travel Hacks
13:42 Results
16:38 Outro

#carnivore #meat #carnivorediet
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I still love steaks but stopped eating breakfast, thanks for all of your comments 🙏🏼


You're not supposed to force yourself to eat first thing in the morning if you're not hungry for it. It's perfectly normal to wait until you're ready for it. The big breakfast myth is just a myth.


Just remember.. if you are not hungry, you don't need to eat


If the Government says don't eat meat, then that is definitely a wise choice to eat meat.


About two years ago I stated my carnivore diet slowly by eliminating more and more carbs, sugar and processed foods over a couple of weeks. When I did make the transaction to an all meat diet I had no issues at all. Over the last year I started going to the gym and I now concentrate on high protein foods and a high protein diet. Meat, eggs, some cheeze, plain yogurt with flavored protein powders. I only eat twice a day and try to eat my first meal of the day at noon. I am 68 years old and I have to say that I am in better shape physically and mentally then I was 15 years ago. Do what works for you!


I've been carnivore for two years now. I was very ill and suffering horribly for the last several years. I had also been suffering mentally since at least 2002 when I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder, and have been having near-constant depression and debilitating anxiety for many years. Carnivore fixed all of that for me. It truly gave me my life back.


I've been eating carnivore for 5.5 months, lost 35 lbs by eating more, and all my health issues were gone. My body looks incredible. I will never go back to eating the standard American diet loaded with carbs and sugar.




I started my Carnivore Diet on July 3, when I got divorced, and I decided to change my life. I started the first 30 days with fruits, honey, and meat and lost 20 pounds; after the first month, I started fasting and only now eat once a day with 2 shots of expresso in the morning, in the afternoon water, and at 6PM I eat chicken or steak, also I walk for 1 hour in half for making 10k steps a day, and I have lost as today 70 pounds. I was 317, and now I'm in 247. I hope to keep this diet for a long time and be on the weight I had in my 20s, 160. I feel amazing and powerful.


You guys (and gal) ROCK. From an 88 year old Ketovore!


Been living the carnivore lifestyle for 8+ months. Best decision I have ever made. I never eat breakfast, usually don’t ever eat until the evening. Eggs, meat of all types some seafood very rarely. No cravings, no hunger, zero desire to eat junk ever again. Changed my life down 110 lbs and have not been in this good of shape since I was a teen in high school


I've been carnivore for almost 2 years. I wouldn't live any other way now. When I started I was 70 years old. I weighed 254 pounds and had a myriad of health problems. Today, I weigh 165 and all my healthy issues are gone, including high blood pressure, severe acid reflux, prediabetes, auto immune skin rashes, and sleep apnea. My blood work is excellent. I eat 2 meals a day; once when I get hungry around noon, then the other between 6 - 7pm. I'm no longer 100% lion carnivore as I added eggs, bacon, salmon, shrimp, and I have a handful of blue berries twice a week. If I eat too many blue berries, I get sugar cravings, so I really watch closely the amount I eat.


Honestly the best part of that video is outlining that we as a society have arrived to a point where everything has to be "fun", "entertaining", we all behave like retarded overgrown children and need our food to be sugary and colorful, can't even be honest with ourself and realize that we are addicted and compulsive in our behaviors. We need to connect more with our bodies and our needs and to grow above falling prey to every temptations.


"For Paul it didn't work" The guy didn't even go through the withdrawal effects of carbs, he stopped at the hardest part right before the good part of the diet begins.


You don’t have to eat every 8 hours ya know? If you’re not hungry don’t eat.


I broke my carnivore diet after five days. I ate carbs and felt like shit after I woke up. I had bad brain fog and didn’t feel zippy like I had. I’m going back to it and want to see what 30 days looks like


I love that food addiction has its own word: Cravings. Why don't we call it what it is: Withdrawal? Is anything that causes us to feel withdrawal good for us? The language we use to describe our experience goes a long way to revealing the truth!


The real crime is how much you cooked that morning steak. Looked like you were cutting into a log.


I wish I had discovered the carnivore diet in my younger days. I didn't start until I was 74 and it was hard for me to give up all the poisons that were making me sick and fat. After 6 months I lost 50 pounds and got down to 190 for the first time in 15 years. I now do a mix of Keto and carnivore and I couldn't be happier!


I did carnivore for about 6 weeks last year and I felt incredible. My housemate suffered in the first week because he was not getting enough fat, drinking enough water or using enough salt (important for electrolytes). As a former vegetarian and as someone who suffers from fibromyalgia in my 20's, I can say that I felt super human on this diet. Once you get the first week out of the way, it gets so good. I had so much life and energy and it lasted through the day. My pain decreased massively and my brain fog disappeared. I had mental clarity and my moods/mental health were so much better.

I would usually eat bacon and eggs for breakfast, chicken or beef for lunch and then whatever meaty meal we fancied for dinner. We incorporated fish and dairy into the diet and allowed ourselves flavourless natural yoghurt etc. I was still drinking tea with milk and a quarter teaspoon of sugar (I was cutting it down). I lost about about 16 pounds in 6 weeks without exercise.

Unfortunately, I lost my way and lost motivation. Now I feel like shit all the time and very lethargic. One day in carnivore I had chips when celebrating my friend's birthday and my joint pain, inflammation and lethargy was crippling.

I'm going to get back to it and I hope if you're reading this, that it encourages you to try it. I am slightly worried about the impact on my heart but I'm young and honestly physically and mentally I've never felt any better than I did on this diet.
