Eating An All-Meat Diet — [Carnivore Diet EXPLAINED]

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Does the carnivore diet work? Is it healthy? We discuss the pros and cons of eating an all-meat diet.

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We'll discuss the pros and cons of the all-meat diet. Is the carnivore diet safe? We'll examine the research to find out. You may have heard of the Joe Rogan all-meat diet from his podcast or from other celebrities such as Jordan Peterson. Let’s dive into the carnivore diet explained by science and research.

What Are The Benefits Of The All-Meat Diet?
The benefits come from cutting out a lot of processed carbs and allergens. This diet is high in protein and requires you to cut out a lot of junk food as well as wheat, soy, corn, dairy, and eggs. It may leave you feeling healthier as one of these eliminated foods has been giving you problems. This is a benefit of any elimination diet.

Health Risks Of An All-Meat Diet
You are not getting any fiber with a carnivore diet. As a result, the fiber feeding gut bacteria die off in your body. Colon cancer increases with an all-meat diet. Red meat has some links to cancer as well. In large quantities, lots of meat consumption can lead to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.

(9:32) Our All-Meat Diet Plan
To make this diet plan healthier, make sure to eat clean meats, cook them slowly, and add greens to your diet.

Your friends here at the FFP,

-Dr. Balduzzi + The Men's Health Experts @ The Fit Father Project

**Disclaimer: This information is for reference purposes ONLY and cannot replace personal information you can and should discuss with your Doctor. If you have any concerns about your health, you should see your Doctor immediately. Results vary by individual, so we do not guarantee you will get the same results as any shown here or on our website.
Рекомендации по теме

I am so loving this channel, the last few videos really helped me!


The Carnivore Diet has worked for me, arthritis gone, energy up, work and exercise stamina way up, more muscular, skin looks younger, anxiety a distant memory. Why would I want to go back to plants? Why use antioxidants if I just need to prevent the damage by removing the offenders. If still sceptical, TRY IT FOR A MONTH. Then make a video.


He lists the possible cons that MIGHT be related to red mean but when he recommends spinach, chard and kale he never says anything about oxalates (sharp crystals) in these plants.


You should have spoke to the Plains Indians back in the 1800's that ate mostly bison. They were the tallest people back then and were very healthy.


I believe everyone has to do what is best for them when it comes to nutrition. I have removed all sugars (including fruits), and dairy. I only eat non-starchy vegetables, meats and eggs. For me, it has made eating more simple, fun and healthier!


The body DOES NOT need fibre. It is an introduced item in to a western diet. My grandparents lived well in to their 90’s following a carnivore, eggs healthy fat meal plan.


It is not a carnivore diet if it includes greens...


Putrifaction is not highly linked to colon cancer, epidemiology studies (surveys) only show a correlation, not causation


You do know there's family's that have been eating only beef for 20 years now and they are all healthy and look amazing right?


What can I say, I'm 23 but I still keep coming back to this channel. 👍


Although I like a perfect healthy blend of meat and vegetables, I think the carnivore diet can actually be pretty beneficial provided done correctly and eating the right type of meat. Thanks for this information.


This was helpful, Gunna try kale. Fiber is important for sure. Im doing full elimination diet with meat and eggs and slowly introducing things to see how my body reacts. Right now I'm introducing mushroom blend matcha. Appreciate the insight 😃


Thanks for the knowledge it’s always nice to learn something new 👍🏾


I think a carnivore diet is definitely beneficial for people with auto-immune disorders and problems with specific foods, but for someone like myself that doesn't have those problems I don't think it's worth the risks of changing my gut-bacteria and increasing some cancer risks. A healthy balance of meats and veggies I think is best for the standard person.


I never heard of an all meat diet until now. It has pro and cons which is true with most things. My son is eating low carb, high protein diet, so he is eating mostly meat. Love this video. It tells us how to eat the meat we eat.


Thanks for your expertise on this diet--so much great information and love your channel! I've been on a carnivore diet for the past 2 weeks and feeling great. I'll begin to reintroduce fruit/ vegies after 30 days.


For ppl like me, who have fructose & lactose issues, a carnivore diet is a god send.


Fruits including berries (organic) trigger auto-immune responses for me, as does oatmeal or any type of grains, regardless if organic or gluten free. I believe it's best to apply the scientific method & experiment to find out what works best for your body, I am skeptical of anything prescriptive - foods with chemicals/pesticides, processed, refined or gmo'ed are obviously out of the question - that's should be common sense.


Avocados, blueberries, asparagus and Romain lettuce is good. All organic as well.


Very informative, I am so glad I started listening to you.
Thanks for posting, Dr. Balduzzi!
