What are the Benefits of Eating a Meat-Only Diet?

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Sarah and Ashley have been eating a meat-only diet while working with Dr. Paul Saladino, who advocates for a meat and animal-product diet, and shares about the toxins in plants. Nutritionist Dr. Melina Jampolis joins to weigh in on why this diet might be working for Sarah and Ashley and their concerns about consuming so much meat, including an increased risk for breast and colon cancer.

About The Doctors: The Doctors is an Emmy award-winning daytime talk show hosted by ER physician Dr. Travis Stork and co-hosted by plastic surgeon Dr. Andrew Ordon, along with dermatologist Dr. Sonia Batra, OB-GYN Dr. Nita Landry, and neuropsychologist Dr. Judy Ho.

The Doctors helps you understand the latest health headlines, delivers exclusive interviews with celebrities dealing with health issues, debates and investigates health and safety claims, explains the latest viral videos and how you can avoid emergency situations, and serves up celebrity chefs to share the hottest and healthiest recipes and foods.

#CarnivoreDiet #CarnivoreMD #PaulSaladino
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Thanks to the Doctors for having me on the show. I look forward to future conversations about this important topic.


Very disrespectful to Dr Saladino. 6 against 1. You all yelled over to of him. I've been carnivore for 18 mos. I've improved my psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis 90 percent. I no longer have sleep apnea or acid reflux. I have also lost 110 lbs. Thank you Dr Saladino.


Carnivore diet has improved my health 100%. IBS gone, eczema gone, haven't used a asthma puffer in 16 months, haven't used anti histamines in 16 months, no excess ear wax, back pain gone! lost excess weight, sleep is incredible - insomnia gone. Finally my mood is insanely better, no more emotional roller coasters! Before you all start, I tried a plant based diet and made every condition above worse. I am now living, not longer just trying to survive!


For the record, Sarah and Ashley Armstrong are adults, women, not "young girls."


I started the carnivore diet 3 weeks ago. The positive changes have been stunning. Sleeping 3 hours less per day. Joint & muscle pain 50% better, gas and bloating 80% better, very little grogginess and pasty eyes & mouth in the morning, chronic low back and abdominal pain gone, long standing groin rash gone, post nasal drip 80% better, 50% more energy, 50% less brain fog. I've done many very clean diets including raw vegan, cooked vegan, vegetarian and mixed over the past 25 years. I think minimizing junk food in all of those diets kept my symptoms under reasonable control but I can't say that I ever made significant forward progress on any of them.


ABSOLUTELY Disgraceful embarrassing behaviour from the Lawyer and the rest of them. I gather this was only done for ratings. Nothing to do with the truth. THIS IS EVIDENCE that shows the complete lack of open-minded balanced views of nutrition in your industry. I believe a formal apology should be given to Dr Saladino. What utter atrocious rude behaviour.


When she said "we're humans, we don't live on air, water, and sunshine"...I immediately discounted her argument. Couple that with the fact that she's emotionally charged up let's me know that she learned something once, and will never be open to a difference of opinion or new information. The worst kind of intellect..


Also noticed Paul and the sistas are the only ones that seem to wear smiles constantly


Well played Dr Saladino! We know the truth, you can’t argue with human evolution and eating meat. Why this gets forgotten about is beyond ludicrous 🤦🏽‍♂️


Go Dr. Saladino, thank you much for being one of very few brave doctors willing to stand up to mainstream medical BS.


I really liked that he stopped her from interrupting.


Wow. Why are those women so flippin I would never be able to have a conversation with someone that talks like a toddler... are they even able to have an adult conversation?? Hat off to dr Saladino... wow. Well done 👏


I've been on this diet for a month now and I'll tell you it's amazing within the first 2 weeks I lost 20 and I feel so much better


I'm 1 month into high fat carnivore diet. I was a smoker and alcoholic for 20 years and have no cravings anymore, the only thing I miss is pizza which I did indulge twice this month, other than that I've had no carbohydrates. I've lost 14 lbs, my skin is glowing and buttery and I look 10 years younger. I'm glad I finally found the diet that nature designed for me.


And this is why I cannot trust my own doctor anymore. He told me I was killing myself. I've gone back and forth with keto and carnivore lost a bunch of weight, off all prescription meds.. blood tests are getting better and better with each test and I over all feel the best I ever have.. yet my doctor says I'm only hurting myself.


These "doctors" should be ashamed of themselves... Goodness me. These childish people are treating us??


This "Doctors" show is about as useless as an eyebrow on an airplane.


Those people in the panel are very arrogant and unprofessional. Shame!


The bottom line, and one of the single most important human nutrition facts, is this - there are no essential carbohydrates. Essential fats? Yup. Complete proteins? Yup. Essential carbohydrates? None. So, why not eat fruit, nuts, legumes, green vegetables, and seeds, even though there are no essential carbohydrates (even for those involved in aerobic or anaerobic sports)? Oxalate content, phytates, tannins, anti-nutrients, lectins, fructose, dozens of naturally occurring pesticides, glyphosate, land and animal destruction from monocropping, loss of nutrients during (often global) transportation, lack of vitamin B-12 and minimal fat soluble vitamins, lack of nutrient density, almost no similarity to the original plants they’re derived from, and minimal caloric content. Just to name a few.

Try this - simply stand in your doorway and imagine leaving all of your possessions behind and walking away. How close can you come to eating the way you're currently eating? Could you provide for yourself for any length of time on what vegetation you can grow or find locally and seasonally all year long? Could you be dropped in the middle of a savanna, or anywhere, with only a sharp stick and survive on vegetation for any length of time? What's the explanation for how our species and its predecessors survived for at least 1.5 million years in even more primitive and harsh conditions with access to vegetation that in almost no way resembles our current bastardized (swollen and sweeter) versions? And what's the explanation for why those foods that helped us thrive for the last 1.5-2 million years would now cause heart disease, diabetes, cancer, obesity, etc.? Can you even imagine getting obese under those circumstances?

It's really simple - there are no essential carbohydrates. When you start from there, justifying the addition of plant foods to the human diet becomes an exercise in rationalization and denial.


I've lost 58.5lbs in 3 months on carnivore. I sleep better, feel better, think better, recall things better, and more importantly, I have tons of energy.
