7 Unsolved Videogame Mysteries That Still Keep Us Up at Night

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Most games explain themselves well and tie up any loose ends in time for the closing credits. Some games, however, leave us with lingering, unresolved mysteries that have us staring at the bedroom ceiling at 3AM. Here are seven that are still out here ruining our circadian rhythm. Enjoy, and subscribe for a video like this every Thursday from Outside Xbox!


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You actually find and talk to a living Dwemer in Morrowind during the story missions, but he was exiled and doesn't know what happened to the others either 🤷‍♂️


I was absolutely convinced that Ethan's Psychiatrist MUST be the origami killer all the way through that game. Makes much more sense than the actual ending. I was sure he was planting subliminal messages during his session that made him black out and wake up near the murders. I had it all worked out. I was raging when I turned out to be wrong :(


When you have Nick with you and the Mysterious Stranger is proced, Nick has dialogue where he tries to stop the Stranger before he vanishes in thin air. This means that he's a physical entity that follows people who are lucky and helps them in their time of need


When people talk about the Mysterious Stranger they never mention his female counterpart, Miss Fortune, who appears in New Vegas. She appears in VATS like he does but instead of using a powerful weapon to finish enemies off she causes accidents, as her name implies, to turn the tide in your favor.


Perhaps if Silent Hill is a reflection of one’s mind, then to a healthy and good person Silent Hill is a pretty nice place.


With David cage games the answer to any mysteries is usually "bad writing"


With Silent Hill I thought they made it at least somewhat clear that the town looks different to different people. There's a good chance the town concurrently has people living there who aren't aware of all the weird extra-dimensional stuff happening to James et al. I mean, just look at Laura. She's running around there pulling pranks on people. Does she seem to be aware that she's in a foggy hellscape?

Even the movie (which probably is non-cannon) picked up on that much.


Things I learned about Luke today: He understands the difficulties of appearing guilty to the law because of "plotholes". He's open the idea of skinning people. He believes NONE of a killed animal should be wasted. Should Ellen be worried?


The one that still really bugs me is: Why won't that Sonic guy share his hedge!


In the Mass Effect series when you recruit Tali in ME2 she is on a mission to figure out what's happening to Haestrom's star. The mission gets almost her entire team killed and it's brought up multiple times that they think it's dying due to dark energy which could be a major problem. In ME3 it's basically never brought up again so, what was up with that star and the dark energy?


One Videogame Mystery that keeps me up at night is:

"Why am I still playing this game instead of being in bed sleeping?"


The janitor in Control possibly being the most powerful being in the universe keeps me up at night.


James Sunderland hiding from monsters and hastily re-reading Mary's letter: "Our special place.. SALIENT Hill!? dammit I'm in the wrong town"


I would like to believe that the Merchant in RE4 helped to supply weapons for the island, after which Saddler had him infected with Las Plagas. The Merchant either had some resistance to the Plagas or wound up with some weakened form of the parasite, so he maintained control and decided to sell some of his stock to Leon as part of a revenge plan.


People don't know to ignore inconsistencies in Heavy Rain? The game that actually lies to you and itself to preserve it's "mystery"?


Regarding the Merchant, another big mystery about him is why he'd sell you guns but not ammo for said guns.


My favourite - and I think the most likely - theory for the disappearance of the Dwemer is this:
In the Elder Scrolls, there's a state of being that can be achieved called CHIM. In *_very_* simple terms, achieving this state of being basically makes that person an all powerful God, able to shape existence as they will, when they will. To achieve this state of being, a person must accomplish two things; 1. They must obtain, comprehend and accept the knowledge that the entirety of the Aubris, the universe of the Elder Scrolls, is nothing but the dream of a higher being called the Godhead, and that nothing within this dream, including themselves, truly exists, and
2. Paradoxically and despite truly knowing and accepting this, they must believe that in fact, they as an individual *_do_* actually exist, basically forcing themselves to become and remain "real" despite knowledge to the contrary.
With these two seemingly opposite pieces of knowledge, they become exceptionally powerful and basically become a God with a capital 'G'. Only two beings in all of Nirn's history have ever been even suspected of achieving this state of being, those being The Living God Vivec and Emperor Tiber Septim, who later became the God Talos.

Anyway, the theory goes that when Kagrenac, the Chief Tonal Architect of the Dwemer, struck the Heart of Lorkhan with his tools, he received that first piece of knowledge, and since all the Dwemer were psychically connected, so did every member of he Dwemer race. They realised that none of them actually existed and, being unable to accomplish the second part of achieving CHIM, did something called "zero-summing" and basically just stopped existing.


Silent Hill isn't a nightmare world for everyone, and Mary didn't die 3 years ago. She gave Laura a birthday card the week before James comes to SH. Mary's corpse is actually in James' car at the beginning of the game. She got sick 3 years ago, so in his delusional state, that's when James believes his wife "died." The monsters aren't physical creatures, they're manifestations of James' guilt. Living bodybags made of flesh, with someone writhing inside. When the zipper opens revealing the contents, venom spews out and injures him. They represent the repressed truth that Mary is dead, and that James suffocated her. They have female legs with heels, because of his guilt about sexualizing his dying wife. The nurses are an obvious perversion of the hospital staff, pyramid head is James' desire to punish himself, etc. The note from Mary didn't even exist. By the time James recalls the truth, the page in your inventory is completely blank.


Ethan's blackouts can easily be explained from getting hit by the car that killed his son. It's a red herring wrapped in a plot contrivance about the mystery but it's actually a traumatic head injury. The "psychic connection" is just damage control by the writers.


Nick actually has some voice lines if he is your follower and the mysterious stranger appears. It doesn't give lore but it's amusing.
