Pretty Woman - Shopping scenes: Big mistake! Big! HUGE!

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Never judge a book by it's cover. Vivian (Julia Roberts) Gives the saleswomen a taste of revenge!
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I remember when I worked in a men's clothing store in Raleigh North Carolina part time. One day an old couple came in looking for a suit for the old man. he was in overalls and his wife was nicely dressed but they both were obviously simple older people. I remember the way the other sales people looked at them like this was Ma and Pa Kettle. It was really sad they way they were being treated so I went up and said hello to them. The wife was already near tears. She said that she was trying to buy a suit for her husband fr their daughter's funeral. I told them lets see how we can help. Turned out they were thr R.J. Reynolds from the R.J. reynolds Tobacco Family, they were multimillionares. I got the entire men from that family outfiltled for several family occassions. Never judge.


Loved this scene so much... especially when she came back all glammed up!!


The costume design & set design of this movie is genius. Vivian stands out in that mostly neutral, expensive store wearing the red jacket around her waist and "gaudy" clothes. The employees wear neutral-colored clothes that make them blend into the neutral environment around them, showing how different they are from Vivian (1:12). When Vivian returns, she is wearing the impeccable neutral clothes and the rude employee now wears red. The clothes in the background are now bright colors at 2:13. This codes the shopgirl as cheap, Vivian as wealthy, and underscores the "reversal of fortune" visually.


“ I have to go shopping now.” My favorite six little words...ever!


It’s funny because the way she dresses there is pretty normal now


Guys, remember to NEVER be intimidated by the salesperson, no matter how fancy the store is. Always remember that person cannot afford anything in there 😂


sales associate in fancy boutiques make minimum wage pay yet they discriminate based on class smh


This sort of thing still happens. I work as a manager in a suits store (and I work on commission). The town I am from is in the UK, and I get many customers coming to see me (after going to a certain 2 suit shops in town) saying that they were humiliated by the sales people, looked down on, "we don't have that" and turn their backs. I sell suits from everyone to 16 year olds for prom, to footballers getting married, to 80 year olds that like to wear suits and flatcaps. Its never right to make people feel uncomfortable, and in return, I get lots of returning customers. The women in this video is like the middle aged men who manage the two suit stores in town.


I can't stand it when I go into any shopping establishment and the people who work there act like my money isn't green enough. You are running a businessJerks ! NOT an exclusive social club!


“I’ll take the wizard” - Dwight Schrute


Classism. Bet those snobs working there can't afford those dresses themselves.


I worked in a men's clothing store when I was in college and I remember bummy looking dudes coming in. They were actually construction workers and paid in CA$H. Meanwhile, some of the ones who came in looking like money would sometimes have their credit cards or checks DECLINED.


so funny how fashions changed like if a girl walked into a store wearing that now ppl would be like "omg so hot I love ur jumpsuit/bathing suit one piece !!!"


This is what the Karens think they are while shopping


This is happened to my father, long time ago.
He was trying to buy a new car, in a dealership - but one of the salesmen looked at his clothes (at the time, my father was young and dressed in sportswear) and he said to him he couldn't afford /that/ car. He just refused to tell him "how much" was that.
The very next day, my father bought the same car in another place and drove to the first place just to tell the salesman "ehi, what did you said about the price?"


I’m from Alabama and worked at Bose the guys would fight over the nice dressed guys with the expensive watch who would always have there credit declined. I treated everyone the same so they ignored the guy in the overalls with the big beard. I helped him and he bought the most expensive system we sold and all of the accessories with cash out of the zipper in the front of his overalls!


I'm currently studying retail services and this scene popped into my memories today. Such a great example of bad customer service


Probably one of the best-loved scenes in cinema. You really feel for Vivian when she gets turned away but feel every much her vengeance when she returns. Also -- the actress who plays 'Marie' may only have two lines, but that bitchy disgusted look and "it's very expensive" earned her her paycheque.


It's like this in Harrods, London in some of there jewellery & fashion counters, if you go in real casual you just get overlooked but if you go wearing your best and looking smart they trip over themselves to kiss your arse.


Being black, this kind of treatment and discrimination happens in a lot of stores. I've walked into stores, even dressed up, and just because of the color of my skin, I've had sales associates question if I had money or ask me to leave. I've heard about whole families requesting to sit somewhere else because a black family was sitting down near them. People are super judgmental and prejudiced, but it's on them when they are missing out on the cash and lining the pockets of a competitor.
