Why Men Don't Communicate. #relationshipcoach #datingadvice

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They communicate very well to their friends.


Funny thing is that the reason he does not communicate is ussually because he is hiding something. Cheaters dont talk because they are scared to be exposéd, faithful guy will talk normally because they are not busy talking to other people.


Men should SIMPLY HEAL!!! Tired of Emotionally detached Men! Excuses, Excuses! "Insecurities" RUN ladies!!!


And men have to grasp that we were all conditioned to something or another. Relationships takes that of two comfortable humans getting uncomfortable for one another to create a space for each individual to fully express and expose whatever the heart needs to unload or understanding in. Men have to be ready to commit to changing their mindsets and beliefs if they intend for a woman to joyfully create space for them to breathe and release in. It does take both parties willfully making healthy choices to protect and preserve the commitment.


He NEEDS to communicate or it's not going to work!


They communicated well enough to be in the relationship and then all of a sudden when they feel settled in the relationship the talking stops. In the beginning of my marriage my husband would barely talk about anything of importance to me but his older sister would be privy to everything going on in our home. Once I found that out I put an end to it right quick.


He communicate when he want something 🤔


You are right bad role models create a different kind of a man. A healthy environment teaches a man that communication does not only build a healthy home, it opens doors of opportunities for them.


I agree a relationship should be safe for both partners to share openly.


My husband likes to stay quiet and process the information. Then a few days later he'll address it out of nowhere. By that time, I'm no longer in that headspace. He's a genius...., that one. 😩


They want you to emotionally cater to them and support them but then they just don’t care to listen to you


People communicate either verbally with conversation or non verbally by silence. Even the deaf and blind communicate💯


Ladies. This is a FACT. So many times I’d get frustrated with my man for not communicating. It took a long time to realise that gradually he shut down more because when he did, he was NOT GOOD AT IT and was punished for that! Everything takes patience to get good at. Your man probably HAS tried to communicate with you, and he was not heard, you didn’t like what he said or how he said it, you got angry, picked it apart, you were offended, never stopped to think maybe y’all need to dive deeper to get to what he really means and not in an interrogative way but a patient and compassionate way. he felt like a failure, guilty for hurting you, his conditioning was validated and his fear of failing you was triggered. Now, he has learned that you SAY you want communication from him, but you get angry when he gives it, so it’s not really what you want! He no longer feels SAFE to try and meet you in that space, he no longer trusts himself to ever get it right. You can not ask men to communicate with you and expect them to immediately be as good at it as you are. Give them some grace. Show him that you aren’t just asking for it in order to pick it apart and expose his inadequacy. Don’t assume you get what he means and fill in all the blanks for him and tell him what he is saying etc., etc., because he probably is struggling to say what he means and needs some help to get there, but not that kinda help, so whatever your interpretation is is based on faulty presentation, anyway. Not because he doesn’t FEEL all the right things, but because he doesn’t know how to verbalize those things. But he can learn. I
Assume if you desire communication, you love this man. So start by giving him the benefit of the doubt and not demanding perfection. He WANTS to learn, to make you happy, to connect with you. The worst thing you can do is make him regret trying. Give it time, patience, compassion, work with him, don’t expect perfect communication from him the moment he opens up and take everything he says at face value, and become reactionary. If you want a man who communicates with you, teach him how to communicate with you, not that communicating with you is an impossible task that only ends in failure. Ladies. We are part of the problem for not seeing how painful an experience this is for him. Have you ever thought you were doing something right by yourself only for it to be taken the wrong way, blow up in your face, you’re left feeling like you ruined everything, you weren’t heard, you feel confused, defensive, like you failed, like you regret even trying, and also angry as hell that things didn’t go how you hoped they would? You KNOW what that feels like. Don’t let it get to a point where he no longer fears communication because he hasn’t been taught (feels inadequate) but the fallout of communication, too (inadequacy confirmed), because you aren’t willing to accept the man simply has to learn how to do it.
Remember that it is a skill and men are not taught it like we are. If that man shows a willingness to communicate with you and it blew up in his face, and you KNOW if this has happened… you made him feel unsafe and worked against what you both wanted, a safe, open, trusting environment. Don’t blame it all on him when he goes back to the conditioning, even more than before.


First thing, no one can understand the mind of anyone


You're communicating right now and very clearly. Talking very well.


Please take it from Auntie young women. This man is speaking gold here! I received this advice many years ago and have NEVER had an issue with a man communicating with me!! If anything I'm thinking wow, this man trusts me enough to be this vulnerable? Its highly attractive too!💙


The better option is for him to go to therapy so then he can get to root cause as to why he can’t communicate and then he can start to heal and work on his communication. Men and women both need to start taking action and being more responsible for the things they do or don’t do.


What an excuse! If there's no communication...End of story! Period...Drops mike✌️


This makes getting to know them so challenging.


Because they are keeping secrets. Come on now‼️🔥
