Why Men NEED Direct Communication

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Men think in words. Not in feelings. They understand in words too.


Men talk to communicate.
Women talk to bond.


Its very true. Been married 20 years and still to this day i still need to ask my lovely wife to get to the point when she talks to me about a issue that has come up that needs addressing.
Whether it be a tail light burnt out or a conflict at work or friends. She will include nearly everything in the conversation. Eg. How the weather was or what she did for lunch etc and then she will say the key info . “My blinker light doesn’t work”

For me. That is the only bit of info that i really needed.


I agree. For many men. A disclaimer on what the conversation is about helps.


I am a woman who is direct and appreciate directness. Being direct means less room for misunderstanding or having to guess. Be direct, I may not like what you say but at least I know what you say


I agree! Be direct with what you want, we really like that!


I 100% agree. One of the most frustrating things for me is figuring out when a woman wants help and when she wants me to just listen. That bit of advice to ladies to simply state it before hand makes ALL the difference


Been married for 53 years. This is the smartest thing I have ever heard a person say about relationships. Be direct women. If you want to hold hands while we’re walking, just grab his hand. We like it but it’s something we usually never think to do.

If you want him to pay attention, tell him to pay attention. If you want him to spend more time with you, just say so. And don’t say he shouldknow already. We’re simply not built that way.


Hints DON'T WORK, subtle hints DON'T WORK, reading between the lines DON'T WORK! Just say whats on your mind or what you want done
We're big boys, youre not going to hurt our feelings. Even if you do, we'll get over it a lot quicker than you think.


Btw, we dont stare at the fire blankly, were usually analyzing the mesmerizing patterns and chaos the fire creates.

Well, i do at least


Or in simpler terms...ladies stay on point. There is no need to add backstory or character development.😂


The worst communication habit for women is to start somewhere in the middle of a story so you don’t know who or what they’re talking about…. And then accuse you of not listening!


I just had a good, direct conversation with my brother. He and I have been getting closer since our other brother passed earlier this year. And I hope I can let this translate into better communication in my relationships from now on.


We're not mind-readers. We don't get hints. And we dislike long, meandering stories with no apparent point to them about as much as we dislike going clothes shopping with you at the mall. Men are direct creatures. Get to the point, and make it verbal and clear.


If a man tells you no im not hungry thats fact. If a women tells you im not hungry you get bitched out because you didnt get her anything


I think you are right. We look for the problem to solve, and her rambling begins to frustrate us like barriers to solving the problem. With my wife, I learned to let her vent. If she wants a solution, she will ask. Along the way, I enjoy listening to her sweet voice. So, I focus on how cute and sweet she sounds and try not to interfere with her processing ventilation system. Sometimes, this can be confused for not paying attention, which is essential. Sometimes, you want to ask which parts should I remember because my brain can not handle so much ventilation. Then I remember that I grew up with the west Texas wind; Let it blow through, and don't try to stop the wind. Just pay attention to brewing storms that might become nasty 🤔
The more she talks, the more her emotions change. Focus on the positive emotions when you can slip in a word of encouragement ✨️


I've learned to ask if she's unburdening herself from her day or seeking my perspective. This has significantly helped us. I'm a good listener and will happily refrain from providing unwanted advice.


Just know we’re not interested in the drama.


this is the first time i’ve heard some explain this so well and without belittle men. making men out to be robot mutes. you were so clear and respectful. when you share information like this it inspires me to be a better partner rather than forming a divide. thank you ❤


Yes. Even though I can usually understand indirect communication, direct communication seems more respectful.
