How to create a brand vibe (real life playbook)

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I dive into exactly how we setup moodboards, iconography, product and social for my brand launch, and some of the gray area around curation we're facing today as people kickoff brands. Hope my playbook inspires you!

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started a personal brand about 10 months ago after being a sales representative for a local hat brand, and I have come to realize that this sh*t isn't easy. I'm currently grinding, doing tons of experiments (different pieces, forms of content, pop-ups, meta ads etc.) trying to see what works for my brand. as of recently me and my group of friends have been referring to your videos a lot. for the week or so I have been watching your videos I can honestly say you have given me a better vision and necessary tools to execute on my brand to achieve being a reputable and memorable clothing brand. this segment really showed me there's level to this and I was honestly blown away on how much attention to detail it really takes to great a create a great product and brand. imma rookie right now but my pieces still pretty fire and with the correct brand strategy and network I know ill be successful.


This is so great, been a photographer for years and work in marketing. A lot of brands don’t understand how important it is to have storytelling and a strong aesthetic will take you far .


I am doing a huge level up on my brand this year and I have just binge watching your content. I was lucky enough as a product designer for 1 year to have a creative director as my leader and it was the best education I had from a visual standpoint. I am so excited to continue learning but to now apply it to my own business from you.


Agreed on the logo marks. Having more of a theme than just 1 logo on everything is the right approach. Once your logo actually means something, no need to box yourself in. 🙌


I'm building my first ever brand after a few years in entrepreneurship. I've looked for information on how to actually create social media content and this is first video and YouTuber I've come across that actually helps. The social media section in this video is so helpful. Keep it up man.


it feels like im in such a genesis area for personal branding and branding in general. i go to design school and got a small understanding of visual design and I came to realize that having something of my own was much more important to me than designing for a different brand or just creating designs that don't go along with my own personal beliefs or aesthetic. the funny thing is, I started one of those accounts you talked about that focus on curating a vibe and community around it as an experiment and place to pull from. i didn't even watch the video beforehand. i have something huge in the works for now, but seeing the information in this video brought me a lot of reassurance and comfort that I might actually know what I'm doing. if there's any way I could get in contact for a while and even have a small conversation with you I would love the opportunity. amazing video and I'll definitely be checking out more.

i saw you on the china trip on superline's youtube channel, super helpful info there too. :]


love ur content man. as a music artist i’m able to apply basically everything and it really takes things to the next level


Hey Oren, big fan of your work. I watch your videos almost everyday and would love to see a detailed video on the process of a line planning or just board in general. Keep up the great work, love from NYC.


I did the same with my personal brand, connecting it to places I've lived and feel are important to me. I'm incorporating culture/customer-facing strategies I felt were valuable, while spacing myself away from "the others." The holding company itself is incomprehensible to most people, though. I've had pretty cool clients so far who are interested in hearing about the "new" brand and what led me to form it. The chattier clients, lo and behold, also value or had experiences with the companies I worked for previously!

A personal brand has to be personal. Even if it seems campy to you, it means something to you because of likely very valid reasons. You will find people who resonate with it. Even if you intend to have a positive (or shame on you, toxic) company.


I have been slowly curating the vibes connecting to my brand


Wish I could like your videos mutliple times! Appreciate all the value that you are providing!


Yo, how does this channel not have more subs?!? Just found this a few days ago and already so much value. This is dope!


I feel like it’s also important to talk about what do when your post aren’t hitting while curating a Instagram. Is the low view + like count effecting the vibe and aesthetic ? How can I promote luxury with 0 views ? Should we archive these post or double down ?

Love all your content and Thank you for your time.


Thank you for so much transparency on your journey with your brand. Its great to see so much hard work and willingness to educate/motivate the people. Ill be looking out for that drop come end of July.


Ur a beast Oren. Struggling with this rn. Am 110% a product person by nature and experience. So this stuff is the hardest with launching an actual brand... Thank you Sir!


This is killer. I love what you've done


Inspirational design dude! Love the retro identity influences and iconography and how they compliment the merch! The Trans am fire bird takes me back to my childhood :) One of the first logo icons I remember and the reason I became a designer. Great content, you have a new fan.


Your video is outstanding, thanks for taking the time the time to share your skills, when working by myself sometimes I get lost.


I know this isn’t the type of content you typically make, but I’d love to see you do a brand analysis on the clothing brand ‘Nude Project’. Their world building and community building efforts are really phenomenal and they are one of the staple brands in Europe that really embodies what it means to be a lifestyle brand as their community is cult like and it allows them to branch into different business opportunities because of how their brand is positioned. Would be amazing for you to break them down as I think there is a lot to learn from their approach. Great stuff as always. Keep it up!


Lol I love this guy. Hope to meet one day or collab. Tough to find like minded people as obsessed as I am and it's refreshing to meet people virtually as you referenced this as well in your earlier videos. As I mentioned I'm building with you and should be launching about a month or two after yours.
