Is Hell For Real?

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#hell #afterlife #rethinking

The idea of hell being this place of eternal conscious torment for unbelievers in the afterlife was something I was taught at a very young age. Because of this, I spent many years with a deep, ingrained fear and anxiety. The thought of my friends and family who weren't “saved” having to be punished and tormented forever was the most horrific and disturbing thought imaginable. I didn't really want to believe it, but I was *told* I *had* to believe it because “it’s in the Bible” and “Jesus taught more about hell than anyone else in the Bible.”

So, for most of my life, I believed in this place of eternal damnation called hell because it was pretty much a prerequisite for being a Christian. It was a core tenant of the faith, and everyone else around me in my spiritual community believed it, so it must be true, right?

But during my first year at Bible college, I started to examine the notion of hell biblically and historically. Four years later, after taking diligent time to study it, I discovered that everything I had been indoctrinated to believe about hell (biblically and historically) was utterly false. And this realization led me to change my mind about hell completely. For the very first time, I was able to genuinely experience Perfect Love (God) that casts out all fear because I had come to know the truth, and the true set me free.

In this video, I discuss the three main reasons why I changed my mind about hell. If you are someone who has believed in hell because you were told you had to believe in order to be a Christian, but deep down, you always had your doubts and questions about it, I think you’ll find the video very helpful and possibly transformative.

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Thank you so much!
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23:56 thank you Logan. This understanding on hell is what I have been looking for, and finally I find it through your video ❤


Logan! You’re incredible!! Your journey is so completely authentic and wonderful! I’m binge watching your videos this week and the ego video related perfectly to a conversation I had with my cousin, about his sons struggle. Spot on! Thank you for friending me awhile back. It’s take me a bit to start listening and I’m so very grateful I did! Sandra and I have been friends since 1st grade. She’s a marvel, too! And Rosemary is so precious. What a life we’ve chosen to be joined into for such a time as this. Continue to shout from the rooftops. Love is truly all there is. I’ve also been binging the “Coming Home” channel about NDE’s and I’ve felt my heart grow like the grinch at Christmas. So great!! Thank you! ♥️


The concept of hell never made sense to me.


Thank you Logan, brought up Catholic in the 50s, ouches!

After learning g to meditate at 37 years old, a total psychological mess, found that Hell is a state of mind, which we can inflict ourself with, heaven the same, is a state of mind, which we can get into using uplifting words. Meditation daily will help to uplift the mind.your doing great work Logan. Thank you.


I came to these same conclusions about the unfairness of God and left the Church around 1988. So good hearing your in-depth investigations. Really appreciate you Logan for creating awareness


Thank-you Logan, for another excellent, clear and concise explanation that actually makes sense and aligns with God’s redeeming love. ❤


Thank you so much! I was radically saved out of new age, but I was right away swept up the the wolves over hell. It literally tormented me for over 3 months straight. I could not understand how believers could ever live so joyfully in Jesus with the thought of most of humanity going to hell and being tortured forever. So far, I’m the only believer in my family and so I desperately prayed for Hod to save them too. I even scared my own mom about hell, which pushed her further away from Jesus. It was the worst nightmare I’ve ever gone through. Recently, I started feeling God’s love for every single I encountered and it just made me ask more questions. I prayed so much for truth and discernment during this time period and I’m so thankful God have me truth! I’m currently healing the trauma that I just went through holding that horrendous belief. I’ve lost quite a bit of friends after leaving new age and now I feel that I can’t connect with my Christian friends as well. It’s a very narrow path and a little lonely, but I’m so glad that this is the truth! God is restoring my faith again completely and I’ll feel much better soon. I do wonder if reincarnation is actually in the Bible, but we don’t see it. I’ve just been thinking how plausible that is now. Not that I believe our focus should be on that if it is true. Anyways, thank you much!!!!


Yes, my brother, a God Of true unadulterated pure love would not punish someone indefinitely for something that occurred in a definite time frame. Your views of his punishment to eventually restore that one makes much more sense to the true character of the Yeshua of the Bible. No mental gymnastics needed to coherence. 😊👍👍👍


Thank you so much for posting this. I was also indoctrinated with similar Hell teachings. Years ago I had an experience on LSD as an atheist that was not unlike the descriptions from my youth. It did ultimately lead me back to faith, but it has lived in my mind and tormented me since. This helps me process so much.


You really put this topic together very well.




You are a blessing! I really needed this. Thank you!


Thank you so much for the clearest, most concise summary of the nature of Hell I have ever heard.


Thankyou for sharing and summarizing all this in a very clear and precise summary.
I discovered this all probably about 14 years ago now, and have been sharing online on and off since then.


Excellent! I'm so grateful to God for you and your ministry of presenting truth in such simple and clear explanations! Bless you! ♥


We have a life to live and not a life to be punished for.


New subscriber. You explained everything so well. I wish I could give you a thousand thumbs up. I WILL be sharing this with friends and family that I try to explain this to. Well done. 👏 👏 👏 edit: should write a book. This is the clearest, and best video Ive ever seen on this subject. I know this is a year old, but so happy I found you. Everyone should see this.


Beautiful🙏🏼❤️ Trusting that God is perfect. I will spread this good news. Got goosebumps when u had the same question I did. Truly wouldn’t make sense for an eternal damnation for all earthy non believers. Thank you for pointing me to this video. So glad I came across your channel. Blessing!🙏🏼 thank our Lord Jesus Christ😇


How amazing it would be to see someone like you called to be a Pastor! What a true victory for God and divine truth !


I was raised SUPER Christian. I’ve always thought outside the box regardless of the consequences. My Sunday school teacher told me that the anti Christ will fool everyone into thinking he his the savior and he will be a brown man and a smooth talker and very convincing. So I asked “how do we know Jesus isn’t the anti christ?” And got kicked out of class lol. But hey even though I know that’s not true now it was a fair question! Haha. Anyways from a very young age I’ve always gone “I can tell a lot of this is real, but I can also tell man put his greedy sinful hands on this religion and changed some things to benefit them and scare ppl into submission” we’ve been brainwashed to not question anything EVER . That’s not right and god would never encourage being mindless
