Is Hell Real?

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Bishop Irenei of London & Western Europe (ROCOR)

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It's amazing that, from the time when God freed the Israelites from Egypt to now, we still haven't gotten the memo: God is not to blame for our misuse of His gift of free will. Christ changed water into wine, yet we refuse to change our whining to repentance. Glory to God, for He is so longsuffering for His insufferable creatures!


"It's hell all the way to hell ..."

If you know what that feels like, you don't need to deliberate about the specifics, makes the decision to repent exceptionally easy.


Бог Вас благословио! Поздрав из Србије! ☦️🇷🇸


Maybe it’s both/and? A place and an experience both here and now, and after death in/for eternity?


I didn’t expect to hear this.

Regardless, whether hell is like he says or not, I must do the same thing.


Im new to orthodoxy about 2 years now, and a cathecumen but have been a protestant all my life, i have never heard heaven and hell.are the same..etc etc ive always understood and accepted heaven and hell two seperate places. Hell wasnt initially made for us, but as Bishop states God is SO loving and MERCIFUL that HEs given us AMPLE time and still does to teach us, love us, discipline us, guide, repent etc so that we DONT end up there. He is merciful, anything and anyone stating otherwise, either doesn’t understand all that God has done, and is learning who He is, doesnt believe, and CANNOT believe that we are responsible for now, given life on earth to be as Christ like as possible thru all the hardships on this earth, as Christ had and to our best to do His will and love love love. Know the saints and church much easier and less work to blame God is a serious lack of accountability, understanding and self awareness that we no matter how good our hearts are, deeds words ad actions...we are still sinners. Fallen natured and flawed and we NEED GOD! He IS loving and merciful. The enemy used to have me believing God didn't love me, died for all else but me. Dont let the enemy lie to you, to us anymore thinking God is the bad guy here. It breaks his heart, i feel, if and when anyone ends up in hell. Please know He does so love you. He wishes that NO human shall perish. I know its a lot to understand ans there are thing's we are not to understand for they are beyond us. But that's where trust, true trust and repentance come in. Changes theheart, the mind the spirit. with Discipline much prayer, much humility only can we see our true state and condition of who we really are. God bless you all and much love to all. This is my personal revelation as i have grown and continue to grow with God..thanks to finding the one true church. I am so so grateful to God ❤❤


I embrace sin and am tormented by goodness so readily that I could imagine being confronted with infinite goodness and suffering eternally in His presence. That idea has always made sense to me, and conforms with my idea of a just and loving God. However, I suppose that just because an idea resonates with me doesn't make it true.


Thank you very much for this, Your Grace ☦️


Alexander Kalomiros, the author of the "River of Fire" essay which teaches the pop-Orthodox "1 location 2 experiences" position on hell, died outside the Orthodox Church.

His entire argument was built on 2 quotes from 2 different Church Fathers. (St Isaac the Syrian's view of hell was not limited to that one "scourge of love" quote btw).

Finding a single/ a few Patristic quotes and building an entire edifice on it is not how we Orthodox do theology.


Perhaps it would be beneficial to some to remember that Paradise, or Heaven if you prefer, will exist physically. The general Resurrection applies to all humans, and we will all be reunited with our physical bodies, albeit in a transfigured form, like Christ's body. Remembering this it's easy to see how Heaven and Hell being two separate places is a necessity. Paradise will be free of all sin, so how could those who reject our Lord exist bodily in this place. They would be destroyed, and God does not destroy what He creates. Those of us who live in the West are surrounded by a very Platonic understanding of Heaven that is divorced from physicality, and is purely spiritual in nature; so it is understandable that many forget that the True end of this world is the general Resurrection, not some foo-foo golden cloud world. With that said, we are still left wondering what existence is like after death, but before our Resurrection. We know that our soul (life) returns to its Creator, Jesus Christ; and that our soul is actively cleansed/purified of sin's taint by Him during this time. This period has been described as a foretaste of what is to come, be it Paradise, or damnation. It would seem this moment is what is being spoken of when certain Father's bring up the "River of Fire" concept in one form, or another.


Thank you Father for your words about this topic which is important to talk about. ✝️❤️‍🔥


My question about this is always the same: If hell is a place, differentiated, how is it eternal?

Everything that can be experienced is by definition limited and differentiated (although only because of the first necessary separation between those who experience and what they experience), and therefore, its founding reality cannot be in itself. But only that which is true in itself and by itself is always, WITHOUT BEGINNING OR END, that is what we consider as eternal. That's why I can't understand the nature of hell as eternal, at least in this absolute sense by which we understand the eternity of the Truth that is God.


Always makes me wonder about people who with no knowledge of Christianity at all. They’re going to be super confused when they are thrown in hell forever if it’s as you say. And this is why a lot of people have a hard time reconciling this belief.



I pray that I always be filled with JESUS love ❤❤❤


Please explain does the punishment equal fit the crime? The harshest the most horrible and most terrible torment forever and ever and ever and ever? Why is that?


Well now Im just really really confused. Ive been listening to different Orthodox Priests on various Orthodox Channels for months, and they all have said that heaven and hell are the same - they are an EXPERIENCE of people who love God and those who hate God. Now this Orthodox priests is saying, no actually hell is a real place of torment. Seriously, who am I meant to believe? If Orthodoxy is the true faith, how can even the priests in it have opposite beliefts? What the


A lot of confusion regarding this topic.


I understand Fr. Josiah Trenham says we are supposed to be silent and listen to those of authority, but this goes directly against everything I have been taught within the Orthodox faith. Jesus tells us we must be hot or cold and never lukewarm, but how is a member of the flock supposed to reconcile Bishop Isenei's "sola scriptura" pronouncements when they violate the saints and several of my fathers' teachings?


With your blessings pater mas. Thank you for sharing these spiritiual pearls of wisdom
We pray God grants us the wisdom faith & lo❤❤❤️e to stay qith him to the end if our days Amen🙏🏻 Love a worm 🐛from South Africa. 🌿


If all of this is correct, where do the Orthodox priests get the idea of the “one place” heaven/hell?
If the “one place” is a heresy, why aren’t the orthodox priests being called out in that teaching?