*GRAND FINALE* Full Body Strength Challenge Workout | STF - Day 65

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We've made it to the final workout of SUMMERTIME FINE 2024! I AM SO PROUD OF YOU! You've overcome so much to be here at this workout finishing out a massive and incredibly transformative program. Everything you have accomplished the last 90 days is beyond what I could have imagined!
As you measure your progress, give your body a chance to react and calm down so that you can do your transformation pictures and measurements tomorrow morning (after a great day of nutrition and after YOUR has a chance to recover from this workout) on an empty stomach after you've used the restroom. Not all progress is measured this way and I want you to remember that as you close out an incredible program!
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We will work for 3 rounds of 30 seconds of work for every exercise and the workout will be a straight set style workout. The training variables we will implement in our workout today will be focusing on the powerful and explosive execution of your reps. You will only use your bodyweight for each exercise to be able to perform more reps powerfully and you will move your body in quick explosive fashion! Think of agility and powerful strength today moving your body with all your might each rep. This might mean you take a few more seconds between reps but the power is all I am looking for in this workout. You will aim for 6-10 reps for each work period and aim for MAX EFFORT!
Hammer Bicep Curls with Twist
Supinated Curls
Step up and Press
Deficit Reverse Lunge
Right Arm RDL, clean, Squat
Left Arm RDL, clean, Squat
Tricep OH Extension
Skull Crushers
Lateral Raise to Overhead
Sumo Squat and press turn
Plank Call out
Squat Call Out with One dumbbell
#fullbodyworkout #athomeworkout #fitnessmotivation #losebodyfat #howtoloseweight
TikTok: @sydneycummings_