*GRAND FINALE* Full Body Strength Challenge Workout | STF - Day 65

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We've made it to the final workout of SUMMERTIME FINE 2024! I AM SO PROUD OF YOU! You've overcome so much to be here at this workout finishing out a massive and incredibly transformative program. Everything you have accomplished the last 90 days is beyond what I could have imagined!

As you measure your progress, give your body a chance to react and calm down so that you can do your transformation pictures and measurements tomorrow morning (after a great day of nutrition and after YOUR has a chance to recover from this workout) on an empty stomach after you've used the restroom. Not all progress is measured this way and I want you to remember that as you close out an incredible program!

Make sure you give the video a thumbs up, comment, and subscribe to the channel!

We will work for 3 rounds of 30 seconds of work for every exercise and the workout will be a straight set style workout. The training variables we will implement in our workout today will be focusing on the powerful and explosive execution of your reps. You will only use your bodyweight for each exercise to be able to perform more reps powerfully and you will move your body in quick explosive fashion! Think of agility and powerful strength today moving your body with all your might each rep. This might mean you take a few more seconds between reps but the power is all I am looking for in this workout. You will aim for 6-10 reps for each work period and aim for MAX EFFORT!

Hammer Bicep Curls with Twist 
Supinated Curls 
Step up and Press
Deficit Reverse Lunge 
Right Arm RDL, clean, Squat
Left Arm RDL, clean, Squat
Tricep OH Extension
Skull Crushers 
Lateral Raise to Overhead 
Sumo Squat and press turn 
Plank Call out
Squat Call Out with One dumbbell

#fullbodyworkout #athomeworkout #fitnessmotivation #losebodyfat #howtoloseweight


TikTok: @sydneycummings_
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The final workout of Summertime Fine 2024! Wow what a journey we have been on together over the last 90 days! I couldn’t be more proud of you! You have accomplished something that takes so much hard work!
I will be posting a workout calendar for August tomorrow here in our community tab and on social media to follow along so stay tuned! Make sure you’re subscribe to the channel so some surprises this month as well! I love you all! Cheers to YOU! ❤🎉


It is February of 2025 (Valentine’s Day)❤ and I just FINALLY committed and crushed summertime fine 2024! Can’t wait for the next one! 🎉


Oh my goodness!!! We made it!!! I was in tears when she popped the confetti!! So proud of us!!!!


It’s the middle of winter and I finished my 65 days of summer time fine. I’m so proud of myself for not skipping leg days. I DID IT!!


I LITERALLY STARTED CRYING!! I crushed SUMMERTIME FINE 2024 in 2025!! Started getting a migraine and saw all sorts of sparkling! I looked at it as a sparkler for my final workout that I’ve been waiting to do for a year! I never got to finish 23! I’m so proud of myself and so happy I had you Sidney as my trainer!!! THANK YOU


I finished. It may have taken me way longer as I did 3 workouts a week instead of 5, but I did it. Congrats to all of us who persevered and did our best!


It's hard to believe we are at the end of STF2024. This was a great adventure and I'm blessed to have done it with all of you. Thank you all for holding me accountable.


I started this program in the end of June. I kept going Day by Day through the program. Sure, it's December now, but I am CRYING with pride for myself. If anyone reads this, know I'm proud of you, too. We just have to keep taking it Day by Day. ❤


I CRUSHED STF 2024!!!! CONGRATULATIONS TO EVERYONE!! We are STRONG and PERSISTENT!!! Super Super Proud of Everyone! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉


My partner of 5 years broke up with me out of the blue on the last week of STF. I'm going to do the entire program once again, and this time, it will be to heal and find my way back to myself. Putting this here for accountability, I hope to check back in, in January.


We did it!! Congratulations!! Life always delivers highs and lows, but seeing Sydney 5 mornings a week has been a grounding constant for me; I am grateful!


STF24 is in the books! Congratulations to everyone who showed up and conquered this challenge, we are the masters of our lives, bigger than our emotions/thoughts/narratives. Huge gratitude to Sydney, Dustin, and their team who made this possible for all of us. What a powerful way to celebrate together.


Good morning everyone! Huge Congratulations! Let's rock this party .🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤!


I crushed Summertime Fine 2024!!!! I started this program back in May, but life happened and I just had to take several longer breaks during the summer months. However now I have completed every. single. one. of the workouts. So proud of myself and so so grateful for you, Sydney. Thank you. ❤


Woohoo all we CRUSHED IT!!! Way to go!! So proud of all of you!!


I did it. Finally finished summertime workout woo hoo.


Congratulations everyone on crushing Summertime Fine 2024💪🏻🎉❤️🥰👍🏻🍾 I already had tears in my eyes as soon as I read the title. Thank you to our wonderful dedicated trainer Sydney. You have changed my life forever ! I won’t be able to not hear your contagious energetic positive words of encouragement so I’ll be repeating this last month’s workouts again in August. Anyone joining me? ❤❤❤🎉🎉💪🏻💪🏻


Anyone else get emotional because I sure did!😭Crushed STF 2024!♥️So proud of everyone!🎉🎉🎉


So proud for finishing this series! I absolutely loved how much stronger I feel and the muscle definition 🔥


Thank you for always providing workouts for us! This was my first program I completed in its entirety. I see some abs forming which I never thought was possible after having 3 kids back to back. So thank you!! I feel physically and mentally better with a lot more energy. 🙌🏻🙌🏻
