How To Love Yourself First - Lisa Nichols

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The Lisa Nichols Show is a place where you can come at any given time to get the step by step tools you need to live the life that you want. In this episode, Lisa talks about how loving yourself first will put you on the path to feeling whole and complete.

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Age 48, 3 times married and divorced, mother of two adult children living with chronic disease and this week was the first time I️ talked to a professional about my own emotional health. It’s time I️ care for me in EVERY area. I cannot pour into others from an empty cup. I️ will listen to this episode for quite some time. Thanks Lisa.


"A NO is a complete sentence..It doesn't need justification" Thank you Lisa. I love u


“You cannot give what you do not have.”


"You can only serve others from a full cup." Right on!✊


“‘No’ is a complete sentence” -Lisa Nichols
I LOVE IT!!!! I didnt realize how many people in my close circle were benefiting from me not having boundaries. I’m different now, and I’m not going back to who I was


Working on the "keeping toxic people at a distance" part. Some people don't know they are toxic and it's not that they're a bad person, they just have specific qualities about them that doesn't contribute to your growth. It's like pouring soda on a plant hoping it'll grow. I am also in that category because I too can be toxic to people and when I recognize it, I stay away from them because maybe i'm stopping them from growing as well and they don't know.


I put a sticky note on my mirror that says “I am enough.” And I believe it and affirm it every single day 💕


Telling family and frends, to "Respect my "No's" as much as you cherish my "Yes's", has given me my power back. Most importantly the ability of self love.


"Any relationship that I'm in, I'm in to compliment my completeness". I had to stop what I was doing because I was gonna start crying. It is so hard loving myself after hating every thing about me for 28 years. It's a daily struggle, but I'm glad I started realizing that before I become successful, I need to fall in love with me. Thank you Lisa!!


“Any relationship that I’m in. I’m in to compliment my completeness!!!” Wow! Almost started shouting 💃🏾


I've always been so focused on being "independent" that I've forgotten and neglected being "interdependent". Thank you for the reminder Lisa!!


We are always thankful for others, but how often are we thankful for ourselves? I needed this right at this moment. I deserve this.


A relationship to complement my completeness... That was like... MIND BLOWING


Hey. SO I was living all my life feeling alone, sad .wake up thinking when will my life gonna start. dreaming everyday about my other Half, having a lot of toxic people in my life and feeling so hard to push them away.listening to music all day, crying at night. But literally this video make me realize how stupid I was for wasting my time my energy my health and myself . Thank u for teaching me how to love myself.u saved someone’s life today


BOL: I realize that God has not yet placed my soulmate in my grasps because I am not yet everything I need me to be.


Lisa I don't listen to you for the content of your talks, even though the content is right on, I listen to you because of your outrageous nature and your willingness to be fully alive. It is invigorating to hear a woman be humble AND powerful. You set an amazing example for me as a speaker and a woman. Your advice is perfect, but your delivery is liberating. Thank you.


I’m starting this self love journey again. I almost accepted a guy that was a nice guy but not a guy that complimented my completeness. Thank you for the positive message.


"It's to recognize that you can only serve others from a full cup". As a 20 year old woman, I'm happy to have come upon your videos Lisa. I'm currently on the path of finding out exactly who I am and to hear you speak about completing myself it's comforting and hopeful. Thank you so much Lisa.


"How can I give my body the best opportunity ever?" I love this question! It so simplifies and focuses the ongoing journey of self-love. Thanks Lisa, thanks


I am learning how to love me in this season but when you have never done so it feels strange but I will keep pushing. You have been a great help. God bless you.
