22 Week Old Baby - Your Baby’s Development, Week by Week

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22 Week Old Baby Development
Why is baby so shy?? And is that a tooth?!
22 Week Old Baby Milestones 👶
Feeling more refreshed and rested lately, mama? As your little one continues to grow and strengthen in all areas of development, her sleep may become more and more established, and hopefully she may even be sleeping through the night! Her brain is continuing to make millions of neural connections and strengthen in many areas—and this includes sleep. She is becoming more in tune with her circadian rhythm. Here are some way you can help encourage and further support her sleep at home:

Take baby outdoors first thing in the morning: This helps to set the circadian rhythm for the day as light hits the optic nerve in the eye. Also, did you know that babies who spend more time outdoors during the day sleep better at night? The time spent outside can help improve their circadian rhythm.
Dim the lights at sunset: Bright light stimulates the body and shuts down melatonin production, the sleep hormone. Baby shouldn’t be watching TV yet, but this is a good reminder to keep screens off, too.
Establish a regular bedtime routine: Babies and bodies like patterns and routines. Create regular routines that signal it’s time for bed, then stick to that routine. Try things like taking a bath, reading a book, snuggling, nursing, and playing lullabies for sleep.
Check out this article for more tips on when babies sleep through the night—plus how to help them along.
In addition to settling to sleep, you may notice that baby is becoming more and more interested in solid foods. If you didn’t begin with a baby-led weaning program, you may be starting to feel more comfortable introducing some small, soft finger foods for her to try. Check out these recipes for homemade teething biscuits. They are soft, delicious, and baby can gnaw on them (which may help ease teething pain as well!).

You at 22 Weeks Postpartum 👩
Motherhood is an amazing and incredible journey, but let’s be honest: It’s hard work! Finding balance isn’t easy, but we’re here to help you out, mama! We’ve got some tips to trim the fat in your daily routines to help minimize stress and give you more time to spend with your precious little bundle of joy!

Try these 20 kitchen hacks to help save you time in the kitchen.
Check out this real food meal prep program that we love.
Save time and money by making your own natural cleaners for around the house.
Try these 10 sensory activities to help keep active toddlers entertained while you attend to the younger one.
Simplify lunch prep. if you’re in a funk trying to think of yummy and healthy lunch ideas for your older kids, take a look at these 30 tips for school lunches to keep you inspired (and save you time!).
Finding ways to shave time off your daily routines is a great way to give yourself the gift of more time to spend with family. In fact, it’s key to maintaining a healthy life balance. Keep this in mind when you start to feel overwhelmed with work and home life. Take a deep breath, and know that we’re here to help you out!
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