22 Weeks of Pregnancy | Second Trimester | Fetal Stage

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At 22 weeks of pregnancy, the fetus’s senses, including its tastebuds, continue to develop. Brain and nerve endings can now process touch [1].

The eyebrows and scalp contain visible hair [2]. Adipose tissue, or brown fat, continues forming. This unique type of fat produces heat [2].

At this point, the fetus’s biological rhythm is synchronized with the day-night cycle [3]. Fetal movements, including breathing, tend to occur less frequently in the morning and more frequently in the evening [3]. Fetal heart rate tends to be lowest between midnight and 6:00 AM [3].

If you are having a girl, her vaginal canal has formed, and her ovaries are in place [1].

1. Harms R, Wick M, editors. Mayo Clinic Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy. Boston: Da Capo Press; 2011.
2. Moore KL, Persaud TVN, Torchia MG. The Developing Human: Clinically Oriented Embryology. Philadelphia: Elsevier; 2016.
3. de Vries JI, Visser GH, Mulder EJ, Prechtl HF. Diurnal and other variations in fetal movement and heart rate patterns at 20-22 weeks. Early Hum Dev. 1987;15: 333–348.

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Produced and written by: Samantha Lattof, PhD MSc
Medically reviewed by: Ayodeji Olelakan Abere, MD MBA MHA
Animation by: SciePro / Pond5
Music by: audiomarket / Pond5
Narration by: Ava / Wellsaid
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Please what about pregnant woman that during period 22week and scan did not se the baby
