Single Mom? 10 Dating Advice MUSTS

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The wall: 1

Single Mothers: 0

The wall stays undefeated


This chick is the Conductor of the trainload of single moms running down the track about to slam into the brick wall.


Absolutely no benefit!! Stress an the hell away, when you see one.


I myself refuse to date single moms but i have friends that dated single moms and this is the most common thing ALL OF THEM told me (That’s a 100% probability statistically) - that they always played second fiddle to the the kids and they have no rights to lecture they kid if he/she does something wrong.

Here a story from one of them. My friend Eric dated a single mom who’s kid went to his wallet and stole his credit detail to make several mobile game purchases when he was asleep. The single mom and the kid already moved in with him then. If i recall correctly it was USD99.99*20.

He sat the mom and the kid down and asked the kid why he did such a thing. The mom retorted that since my friend was making 6figures he should not be so "stingy" and furiously jumped to the kid's defense and told him to get out, of HIS own apartment, that he paid for lol. He refused, the woman made a police call claiming abuse, my friend was sent to the police station for the night.I know this incident because I was the one who went to fetch him to my place after he was released the next day.

The friends who don't mind dating single mother that i still am in contact to this day? All of them refuses to date single mother now.

That being said I myself have been ridiculed when i was single and refused to date women with kids, and all the women doing the ridiculing has one thing in common, they are all single mother. The reason for this is simple, they know single mother are not wanted by alot of men out there, and this lessen their chance to get a partner, so some of them attempt to shame men who dont want single mother to get them to accept the idea that if you dont accept a single mother you are less of a man.


Can I just buy a dog instead? At least it's loyal and won't steal my money.


You heard her.."you're not interested in the games, you're a different person now". She's looking for a sucker and I meet many women like her in their 30s. The Wall is Undefeated.


This video just made my decision to dump the single mom I am dating


Only tip you need: don't date single moms.


‘Your child is not a burden’ - a child of another man is a big BURDEN!


Why on earth would a self respecting man date a single mother and come second to another man's child?


Notice how no single mothers left any comments lol


I think men are starting to slowly understand what dating a single mother, and what any long term relationship with her, will entail.
And if single mothers were honest with themselves. And I mean really honest, then they would admit it too.
But they just can't.

Fact is most single mothers are indignant, bitter and jaded as they feel they were mistreated before, and therefore have all kinds of trust issues they don't even recognize themselves.
They typically cannot accept any responsibility or accountability for their past mistakes and errors in judgement.
It is usually abundantly clear where she believes the blame resides.
Then The Sisterhood convinces her that she was always right, innocent, mistake-free not to mention emotionally and sexually exploited.

This is then projected onto you as the new man for no other reason than you too were accidentally born with testicles and a penis.
This bitterness is what single mothers frequently carry into any new sexual relationship. They hide it well during dating, but it eventually spills out.Are there exceptions? Perhaps. But men with abundant options are usually uninterested in unicorn hunting. No matter what you are told, it is not worth the trouble or the wait.

And this is before we acknowledge the truth that any new man who enters her life will simply never be a priority for her.
Her own kids always come first, then her own family, then herself (because she's jaded and damaged goods typically and will never let whatever THAT was happen to her again).
At best he will be fourth or fifth in the pecking order. This aspect usually is revealed early on during dating and intro to her children if you test for it.
No matter what you do and how great a father and husband you are, there will always be some distance and separative gap there that you cannot entirely close. Ironically it will actually be her preventing you from doing so.


Best tip: don't do it. Go MGTOW and save your resources.


Women have 10 advices to date single mothers

Mgtow only one: "Don't do it"


Over 20 years ago, I married a single mom of one. During our entire courtship, she was as attentive, sweet, kind as a woman can be. She cooked, she cleaned, she worked. There was nothing I could say turned me off with her.
Her daughter, then 12, as soon as they moved in with me, became my nemesis. She was a moody, defiant, brat. She told her mom what to do and when she did, her mom jumped.
My wife and I had many discussions about disciplining the daughter, and she agreed I had full reign to discipline her how I saw fit. But every time I did, shortly thereafter my wife came to me wanting to know why I was so mean to her daughter. I pointed out that she agreed to my disciplining, and every time she disagreed with how I did it, effectively telling me I couldn't discipline her daughter. The daughter and I hated each other, and I hated her more every day that went by.
After 6 years, the daughter moved out, but she continued to control her mom, which led to my wife leaving while I was at work, taking my two boys with her. She divorce raped me with a vengeance. She turned my brothers against me (before she left), so that I wouldn't have any support through the divorce.
Now, 12 years after the divorce, it has been over 7 years since I have seen my boys, although I still talk to them on the phone every day, despite my ex "monitoring" our phone calls. They are 17 and 15, and they don't know anything what their mom did to me, nor what a bitch their step sister is. But soon enough, they will find out.
In retrospect, I figured out that single moms get overwhelmed, not just a little, but so overwhelmed they would do anything to get out of their dilemma. The single mom will put on the greatest act for as long as it takes to get commitment from a good man. She will bend over backwards for you, you will be overwhelmed with too much sex, she will do anything you ask or even think of. But once she gains a commitment from you, the mask comes off. She will have open contempt for you, she will complain about everything you do or don't do. She will control you through anger, guilt, crying, etc. Her children are going to hate you no matter how you treat them, they are used to having her undivided attention, they are used to being able to manipulate her and get what they want. They are used to having no structure, because women cannot provide discipline or structure, only a man can. The woman wants you because instinctively she knows that men are problem solvers, and will figure out how to regain control of an out of control household. But they get a lot of reverberation back from their kid(s) and she is caught between her loyalty to the man and the loyalty to her kids, and I will tell you, as a man, a woman will always remain loyal to her kids and you will lose every time.
If you were to have a conversation with my ex, you would believe that our marriage was intolerable for her, that I was "abusive" and angry, and a lot of baloney. But if you nailed her down to specifics, she would be dumbstruck because there was no abuse, and the anger I had was a righteous anger a man feels when he is constantly betrayed by his wife and household.
The best thing you can do, as a man, is to establish a rule for yourself. DO NOT EVEN ENTERTAIN THE IDEA OF DATING A SINGLE MOTHER. She will destroy your life within a couple of years. There is no relenting from her, she will go out of her way for years on end (at least 12 for me) to make your life uncomfortable and miserable. You will have zero rights in court. If you file a court action against her, you will pay thousands of dollars, the trial will be held in 6 months or more, and you will end up losing every time, no matter how flagrantly she violated a court order. But if she files against you, you will be in court within a month, and the hammer will come down on you, and you will not only pay to defend yourself, but have to pay her attorney fees, and you will lose more rights every time you walk into court. There are many laws on the books, and even stipulated in the court orders, but they are only meant to sound reasonable. As a man, especially a white man, you have no rights to your kids whatsoever, and she can do anything she feels to harm you with no consequences. She will not appreciate that you pay her $1200 a month, she will use much of that money to take you to court.


As a single parent, your number one priority should always be your kids, not be about you and finding a new person to be with. Your kids deserve to have your full attention and complete love. That is your main responsibility once you have kids.


She used to bang all the grimney bad boys when she was hot ... gets pregnant to lock one of them down.... Dosent work out, now looking for a good guy betta.


I married a single mom. I can tell you that doing so is a big mistake. The children rarely, if ever, accept the step dad as a father figure, and she will place you as the lowest ranking member of the family. You will never be as important to her as her ex was when they first got married, nor will you be as important to her as her children. You will always feel like an outsider, and you are nothing more than a paycheck and a sex toy at that point. She may pretend for a while, but it isn't real. My son, step-son, and I believe that the best thing my ex ever did for us was to leave. I know that my particular situation was rather extreme and my ex is very diabolical, but I have seen this situation happen over and over again. My experience is not an isolated incident.


Well ladies, I am sorry but you are almost undatable. At least, for any sane men. Not necessary because you have a child, which is a huge obstacle, but because you have zero empathy and most important, also zero self knowledge.
Most of your comment says it all. You do not deserve anything better than what you do offer, call it reciprocity. If you have zero empathy for men who were hurt by single mothers (and there is a quite number of them, I am in a SA fighting group, so I know a lot of them), why should any men have any empathy for you or your situation?
These daiting tips are not necessarily terrible, some are good - like show him your schedule, let him know about your child...but the most important is missing:
1. Admit the truth - your situation is bad. Children growing up in single households have much, MUCH higher odds of crimes, unhappines, depression... It is a terrible situation for the child compared with two loving parents.
2. Take responsibility for your actions - YOU made a terrible choices.It was YOUR decision to date the guy. YOU choosed the guy.
3. Do not blame men for your unhappines - again, YOU was the one who choosed the wrong guy. There were many guys interested in you but for you they were not enought alpha and you choosed the sexy, irresponsible guy, no matter of numerous red flags. So you do not blame the men, you blame yourself and you learn from your mistake(s). To do so, you HAVE TO ADMIT it was mistake! By blaming the men you clearly show you do not admit anything! Stop the excuses! He was such a jerk, it is all his fault, he caused it, he was irresponsible... Well, most of it could be truth. BUT YOU CHOOSED THE GUY!!! What does it say about you? Well, you are terrible in choosing the good guy, you are choosing by your natural instincts withou any knowledge, you are unable to recognize good from evil, you are irresponsible...just choose some.
4. Try to see yourself from men's perspective - I am sure you are happy that you have a child. The child is innocent and YOU and child's fathre are responsible for his or her terrible odds. Since there is about 20 birth control methods (and men have about 5 from all of them), the responsibility for having the child lies in your field much more than in ours. Stop the excuses of type OOOOPS, it happend. You choosed it, until he raped you. Understand that now your sexual market value is much lower. Multiple reasons: a) Any men would rather you without your child (nothing personal, but it is much better for us to have our own child than give tousands of dollars to child which is not our). b) Much less time and much more unpredictable situations. c) More resources than without a child. d) Priorities - man is always second and less important than the child in your situation (or at least should be) and we can continue...
5. Grow - in self knowledge. Why did you choose irresponsible partner, why you have this taste of men, why you ignore good guys, why you want what you want, understand your childhood, understand your biology, understand the risks involved in irrational live and so on. Find a good therapy. Work on yourself. Do not open your legs for sexy boys. Look for a father. Learn what distinguishes good men from bad men. Do not ignore red flags. Be prepared that you have to, YOU HAVE TO lower your demands on men. The men you were looking for before you had your child are now unavailable for you. YOU HAVE TO LOWER YOUR STANDARDS. Do it earlier than later, I know many single mothers with multiple childs, even from different fathers. There is nothig for them, but some of you have still a chance. Good luck, because you will need it + a lot of work.


If a man wants to make a living hell of his own life, I have only one advice : date a single mom ! In relationships this is the real hell on earth. For a man there are more negatives than positives. Just don't do it !!!!
