'Debunking Pre Trib Arguments' by Pastor Tommy McMurtry

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#pretrib #dispensationalism #post #trib #prewrath

Here at Liberty, we focus on the timeless basics: worshiping God, studying God’s Word, serving each other and seeking to make disciples of Jesus Christ.

Our pastor preaches from the King James Bible, and he is a true Bible believer; he believes that the Word of God is the final authority. The services are exciting, old fashioned style services where the brethren are exhorted and encouraged, and sound doctrine is preached unashamedly.

We still sing the old hymns, we still go soulwinning, and we still stand against sin. We think we’ve found something special at LBC. It’s more than a church, it’s a place where we feel “at home” and we want to welcome you to experience it too. Come experience liberty with us!

Service Times: Sunday School 10:00am
Sunday Morning 11:00am
Sunday Evening 6:00pm
Wednesday Evening 7:00pm

➡️ Are you 100% sure you are on your way to heaven?
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Pastor Tommy, that was a God-given sermon. BOY was it great! Praise the Lord, we have men like you, Pastor A, and the others in this great movement. Every day I am more and more excited to hear what you guys are bringing! I've been waiting all my life for it.


I was raised to believe in the pre-trib rapture, but when I started reading the bible I started having doubts on my belief in the pre-trib rapture. The verse that got me to believe in the post trib pre wrath rapture was when in the book of Revelation 20:4 it said that the saints would be beheaded by the beast during the tribulation, it got me thinking critically.


Thinking abut that "rightly dividing" in Timothy and looking to check the meaning of the words, I found this in Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
My physical Bible preserves a note at the end of Greek printed editions and the 1611 edition that says that Timothy wrote Hebrews ("Written to the Hebrewes, from Italy, by Timothie."). The word dividing does not appear a lot, but two times, it is about using the word of God - in this case as the sword of the Spirit.


This was awesome. Sluder probably peed his pants when he got done watching this.


The church was always persecuted. Yes dispensation is biblical.


Respectfully, Brothers, your KJB says that Jesus gathers his elect (Israel only, in Is 45:4) ONE BY ONE (Is 27:12, 13) by SENDING angels (Matt 24:31) as FISHERS and then as HUNTERS (Jer 16:16) to gather the elect to JERUSALEM. Is that really the exact same thing as Jesus HIMSELF descending with a SHOUT to gather the church of JEW AND GENTILE to the CLOUDS all at once (I Thes 4:16, 17)?

Gathering Israel ONE BY ONE (Is 27:12, 13) is NOT THE SAME as "we which are alive and remain being caught up" all at once at Jesus' shout (I Thes 4:16).

Sending angels (Mat 24:31) is NOT THE SAME as Jesus HIMSELF descending (I Thes 4:16).

Sending angels as FISHERS and then HUNTERS (Jer 16:16) is also NOT THE SAME as Jesus HIMSELF descending (I Thes 4:16).

Gathering THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL to JERUSALEM (Is 27:12, 13) is NOT THE SAME as gathering believing JEWS AND GENTILES to the CLOUDS (I Thes 4:17).

And there is nothing new about the gathering of Israel, as God promised Israel tribulation and gathering many times, even as far back as Moses in Deuteronomy 4:30, whereas Paul revealed something NEW -- calling it a mystery, meaning hidden wisdom that is now revealed (I Cor 2:7) -- i.e., the gathering of the church of Jew and Gentile (us).

When was the last time you read these verses, Brothers?

Jeremiah 16:14-16 KJB - [16] Behold, I will send for many FISHERS, saith the LORD, and they shall fish them; and AFTER will I send for many HUNTERS, and they shall hunt them from every mountain, and from every hill, and out of the holes of the rocks.

Isaiah 27:12 KJB - And it shall come to pass in that day, that the LORD shall beat off from the channel of the river unto the stream of Egypt, and ye shall be gathered ONE BY ONE, O ye children of Israel.

Therefore, Matthew 24:31 is not the gathering of the church to heaven, but the gathering of Israel to Jerusalem. They are two different events.

Grace. : )


Off the bat your wrong I'm a dispsationalist I dont be in pre trib rapture. Explain that one brother.


Boring... I'm pretrib.. i was hoping for a better message..


The more you say, “stupid”, the less credibility you have. The pulpit should be used only for the pure Word of God being relayed to people- not use of foul language and conveying your own feelings. This entire message is cringy.
