10 Tips To INSTANTLY Lower Your Scores

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10 tips to instantly lower your scores, and no swing changes required!

Shooting lower scores is more than just swinging the club better, it involves strategy, course management, understanding the rules and much more

In this video I cover 10 things that every golfer should be doing, but probably doesn't.

The great thing about these 10 tips is that you can do them the very next time you play and i'd almost guarantee they will give you instantly lower scores

#instantlylower #golftips #golftips

00:00 Pre Round
01:25 Putting Prep
03:04 Tee Box
04:10 Take Your Medicine
05:16 Using Tech
06:35 Choosing Your Club
08:12 Percentages
09:00 Back Off
10:10 Focus
11:26 Alignment

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✏️Feel free to comment in the box below about this video or any other video you would like Chris to do.

🏌🏻‍♂️Golf lessons available with Chris at HIT Golf Academy, Forest of Arden, contact Chris for further information.

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Broke 100 on my score yesterday. I’ve only been playing a few years so that’s not too bad.


Chris, love the channel and the videos. Any chance you start including videos of you playing a round in the new year? I think it would also be helpful to hear your mindset as you play, and your approach to different shots during 9 or 18 holes.


Good one Chris! Give us some more on course management videos please - we are all overloaded with YT technique by now!


I use my practice swing for precisely what you mentioned. I imagine that I hit the ball, and how far that “hit” would have went. Then, just repeat. I see too many people take a practice stroke that’s insanely too hard(especially putting). Once you’ve figured out the power of stroke that you need for speed and distance, then you can concentrate purely on the line, and strike. This goes for half wedge shots, pitches, chips, AND putts. Oh, and as far as alignment…. 90% of golfers line up too far to the right of their target. I see this every single day. Taking enough club is always an issue too. I play with a guy that’s ALWAYS short. ALWAYS! It blows my mind. lol Great video! You made some VERY valid points.


Great content Chris! Especially on the warm up. I see so many golfers running from the car park to make their tee time. It then takes them 4 holes to warm up.


Best golf instructional video out there.... Every amatuer golfer needs to see this.. great job Chris 💯👍


That ladder drill on the putting green was on point. I swear you put them the exact same distance apart 🔥


Fantastic video, Chris! The situational awareness on the course was a great idea for a video. We need more like this.

Next time, play one from long rough and show us how to hit it short of the green and run it up onto the green like the pros do.


Hi Chris, as a 48 year old, who grew up as a young kid driving my Poppa around in his cart 40+ years ago, whilst my Dad was walking I always remember Poppa saying to Dad to “play within your game, your handicap can work for you”. It’s never left me or my father. Dad’s 77 and now hits off 14 and I’m off 8. Poppa passed away 25 years ago, however something so very simple has stayed with me. Consistency and being humble with your handicap is key. Great video. Thank you. 👍😎🇦🇺


Great lesson in real challenges on the golf course, will take these swing thoughts to my club tournament next weekend :)


Some of the best tips I’ve seen and heard!! I really liked that putting ladder!!


I love the head rotation advice to confirm alignment. Something I struggle with all the time.


I’ve followed your instruction for a few months…and won club championship (nett) on Saturday. Thank you for all your excellent tuition! Need to work on 50 yard out pitching this week; hoping to win captain’s day if I sort this part of the game out!


Really enjoy your videos!! Thanks for all the tips!


Great content today thanks for all the tips I'm definitely going to slow down and look at my target more


Love this video, Chris!
I think it would help so many golfers on the course, of all abilities - excellent stuff!!
You are producing such great content…😁👍


Thanks Chris! I will practice this at league in a couple days 👍


I have match play tomorrow so I will be using these tips and see how it goes🏌️‍♀️


hey chris i just wanted to thank you for all the videos and content, i’ve been watching your videos for about 2 years now and i’ve recently started getting really close to breaking 80! ok well once or twice anyway but i wouldn’t be improving at all if you didn’t take the time to help people like me so just wanted to give u a shout out from the states thanks again man🏌️🏌️⛳️⛳️


I have the opposite problem (than “take enough club”). I have a reputation of OVER-shooting greens (esp on par-3’s). Not sure if it’s because I take your advice and “hit one more club”, OR if it’s because I lack the confidence and assume I won’t hit it clean for the yardage number.

But chipping from behind the green to a (typically) downhill pin is not my favorite shot, and often leads to a big number.

Like you say, many times the trouble is in front. But more often, I’d be better off playing short of the green leaving and easier uphill chip or putt ☝🏻

Just have to force myself to hit the right club on my approach shot.
