How I Routinely Study With a Full Time Job when I'm TIRED

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Back in college, I always had a job while taking classes. It was always difficult to figure out how to study consistently during the week, especially since I was so tired after school. It was hard to study when I didn't want to. But as the years progressed, I made changes to figure out a better way to study with a full-time job. I was able to carry this momentum from college, working several part time jobs and then a full time job while in school. Now I'm a full time medical student, studying for exams, and working on YouTube at the same time. There are four rules I follow while scheduling my week. And I hope they can help you plan and time block the most productive schedule possible.

🙏 Thanks for watching!
- Mike and Matty

0:00 intro
1:18 focus not time
4:40 bedtime not alarm
6:50 set deadlines
10:15 subtract not add
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My take of summarizing this video.

•Spend time studying while you have the most focus where in motivation is the highest
Early Mornings!!
•Sleep early to have motivation tomorrow early morning, Mornings is kind of soothing where people is not awake yet and there's no set of distractions
•Use Parkinson's law- where you have to set deadlines on yourself where you need to focus more rather than procrastinating (early deadlines makes you more dedicated into finishing your job)
"Subtract not add"
•Delete things that is time consuming and not benefiting your life one example of that is social media


As an honors student working 2 jobs, one thing that helps me get out of bed is to wake up a little earlier and do one thing I enjoy. This could be taking a walk to grab a nice coffee or playing a quick 30 minutes of a video game. I was so used to mornings being dedicated to getting ready for something I didn’t enjoy doing, when I woke up with time to do something I enjoyed it felt less like a chore. And as long as I get 7-8 hours of sleep, I feel great.


One thing I want to tell people who want to become more productive, but kind of just started, is that it takes a long time to really become productive. I guess it also depends on how much disipline you have. The goal really is to create that system that works for you and you will have to try out many things to find out the ones that really work for you.


“quit doing stuff you hate” i can’t i need money 😭💀


From my POV, setting a strict schedule is dangerous, because most people will set it too strict and burn out after a couple of days/weeks.
I believe that wasting some time here and there is a part of life, you shouldnt plan every hour of your day.
I do like the reflection that you implemented into your video. We all have stuff in our days, that we could easily cut out to make some time for the important things.


This is the most accurate description of managing ADHD as an adult. You have to think in a completely new dimension around focus. Great delivery and explanation.


My sister is a resident doctor and I know how hard it is. Sometimes she doesn't even have time for sleep. I appreciate you guys for taking your time off to share these useful tips for us.


The "wake up when you want to, go to sleep when you set the schedule" is such a good tip for any snoozer. Thank you so much for that.



1. Schedule focus, not time:
- break up your day by focus and tackle the most intense work when your focus is highest and then allow the natural progression of your energy throughout the day → determine how to work optimally and efficiently and reduce burning out.
2. Set a bed time, not a wake up time:
- instead of setting an alarm in the morning or having a scheduled wake-up time, set a strict bedtime so your body naturally wakes up.
3. Set a strict deadline:
- time pressure was always the main determinant for taking action.
- give yourself rewards for finishing.
- break down big assignments into smaller bite-sized pieces to reduce how challenging it was.
4. Create time from cutting out the pointless stuff.


As someone with ADHD with a full time job, doing university part time, taking extra courses for work, and with a lot of personal tasks, I really wanted to mention how much I truly appreciate your videos!! I’ve watched a lot of study/time management content and it was either very unrealistic to me or I didn’t get how to apply it. You guys make it really easy to understand, offer real life examples and even variations that I can use as inspiration!! You’re really saving my life right now istg 😂


I like your approach. Not everyone can be a Navy Seal and just go around the clock. Burn out is real. Everyone has different nervous systems and what you’re doing makes sense. Solid video!


Thank you for sharing this. You definitely changed my point of view on how to distribute better my focus.
- I would like to add it is also necessary to prioritize time to focus on your-self
> such as: clean the house, wash the clothes, prepare your meals, take care of your body (showering, going to the doctor, physical activities, & talk with yourself to check how are you feeling), and many other task you need to tackle work, school, hobbies, activities with your people, and etc.
-- I have noticed having a clean body, mind, soul, & environment, help me to feel good with myself & focus better
> I want to see myself as a beautiful & healthy human


This screams calendar blocking lol and it actually includes the focus on valuable life content planning and deadline setting. Your videos are pure gold! Thank you so much for sharing all this knowledge I am learning a ton and improving day by day :)


This is why I prefer to work evening shifts, I find I’m more motivated to work out and study before work than after :)


it’s a brilliant idea to shift focus from time management to focus management. i’m going to implement it into my routine to fight procrastination and increase productivity.


I like that you shared why and how you drew the solutions to your "problems". Many videos are just a list of "do this to be more productive".


I want to share a similar idea that might be of interest or help other people.
I tried the same concept mentioned in this video about a year ago (i didn't know this video existed)
Shifting your study hours to early morning is the best value you can get if you are a morning person, because most people are asleep, no distractions, plus you have a full focus battery ready to kick it.
Using this technique, i was able to study 6-8 hrs a day while doing my job as a resident in Rheumatology department.
Thank you for this awesome video, I got so much info and ideas!


I literally NEEDED this video.. I've been so unmotivated to study because I'm so drained every day, but this helps so much. Thank you!!


This depends a lot on what you are studying too. This is easier to implement in mcat than in engineering for example. In engineering there are times when a complete undivided bulk period of time is needed along with breaks to gather up new approach to solving a hard problem. Same goes for math. This makes it harder to move things around.


You are so right about emphasising on focus. As someone on the autism spectrum coping with ADHD issues this has always been an issue for me. My focus wanes ever so often. I remember once telling someone that after my attention span drops, I actually start 'un - remembering' all the things I learned the hour before.
In my younger years when I only had school, I would do best studying from 12am but now that I'm older and employed that really can't' work. I'm currently studying STEM part time and I can't cut into my sleep or else I can't function efficiently. I'm basically working through burnout just so I could complete my degree ASAP.
