God Told Me… Or did He? - The Rise of 'Words from God', Dreams, Prophecy | HEARING GOD'S VOICE

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It seems everyone believes they are 'led by the Holy Spirit' - yet why do they say the Spirit is telling them contradictory things? One of the most concerning realities of the modern church, is the prevalence of 'Words from God', that God never spoke. Relationships have been destroyed, false prophecies have been delivered, and some departed from the faith because of a 'Word from God' that He never spoke.

1. Why does it seem so common that Holy Spirit says different things to different people?
2. What are the pitfalls of mistaking God's voice for our own?
3. If God speaks, how do we avoid becoming another casualty of false prophecy?
4. What about when "God Told Me" wasn't God at all?
5. What is Satan's Objective in all of this?

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Rise on Fire is a ministry assigned to ignite a fire of Spirit & Truth around the world. God is calling us back to the walk of Yeshua without compromise. We are free from the traditions of men, led by the Truth and empowered by the Spirit.

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You have no idea how much I needed to hear this today. Thank you brother.
I need to go and repent and seek His word. Waiting for part three. ❤ Shalom Shalom.


Such beautiful teaching, you are very loving as you gently show God's character through examples in God's Word.


Shabbat Shalom PD and all y’all who obey the 4th COMMANDment. Such a relevant and comprehensive teaching, achi, and there is even a III part to look forward to! “… and יהרה came and *STOOD* and called as at other times …” Yeshua standing beside him! So beautiful.
@40:09 “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.” EXODUS 20:16 Blessings from our wonderful Creator, Elohim~יהרה in His only brought forth Son’s matchless Name, יהרשע. Ahmein and Ahmein.


Thank you for sharing. I have thought the same, when someone says "God told me..." I'm always cautious and usually take it with a grain of salt. Someone (a fellow Torah teacher) once said that it wasn't between him & Yah if the person was deceived or lied about what they claim God told them, but between that person (prophesying) and Yah. May we all seek to dwell in His presence, to know Him and to be know by Him. Shabbat Shalom y'all!


Thanks, P.D . I wish I knew much of this when baby Christian.


Thank you, PD. Much appreciated and needed teaching.🙌🏼🔥


“Innocent mistakes” of “god talking to people” has become a lifestyle for some and it’s very damaging


This really makes one think and it’s something we as a fellowship talked about at the beginning of our gathering together.

It’s not a simple scripture answer because Peter gave a wonderful answer to Yeshua one moment and then he was rebuked by Yeshua saying satan get ye behind Me. So we can all be led by the Holy Spirit and our own flesh or the spirit of error 1 John 4:6

I believe that is why we are told to not despise prophecy but to test it to the Word just like the bereans did and were called righteous.

I’ll leave you with the voice of Yah

Deu 4:26  I have caused the heavens and the earth to testify against you this day, that you perish utterly quickly from off the land to where you are passing over the Jordan to possess it; you do not prolong days on it, but are utterly destroyed;
Deu 4:27  and YHWH has scattered you among the peoples, and you have been left few in number among the nations to where YHWH leads you,
Deu 4:28  and you have served gods there, work of man’s hands, wood and stone, which do not see, nor hear, nor eat, nor smell.
Deu 4:29  And you have sought your God YHWH from there, and have found Him when you seek Him with all your heart and with all your soul.
Deu 4:30  In the distress of yours, when all these things have found you in the latter end of the days, and you have turned back to your God YHWH and have listened to HIS VOICE—
Deu 4:31  for your God YHWH is a merciful God—He does not fail you, nor destroy you, nor forget the covenant of your fathers which He has sworn to them.

Shabbat shalom brethren


“God told me a crash is coming”
“God told me this”
“God told me that”
“God said store up this because of this”
I don’t believe anyone anymore. Period.


See : Revelation 13
Ican Seeclearly 😁.


So why does the New Testament tell us that " In days of old ( testament) God spoke through his prophets but in these days ( new testament) he speaks through his Son Jesus and his Holy word" . Claiming God still audibly speaks to individuals today surely creates at least a two tier Christianity leaving millions feeling second class or worse. The Bible itself clearly States "It is all sufficient for the believer to know everything God has chosen to reveal and "for us to live Holy and responsible lives in the knowledge of his will for us" as the Spirit reminds us of what Jesus teaches us". God now speaks to every Child directly through his Son and will use others to correct or guide us when he sees fit to do so.


All-Knowing God told me...or did He? Tell me. What is your believing judgement?


God - Blessed and Most High - says:
* Woe to those who write the Book with their own hands and then say,
“This is from God, ” in order to exchange it for a small price So woe to them
for what their hands have written, and woe to them for what they earn *.


The angel Gabriel, peace be upon him, is the Holy Spirit,
whom Christians consider the third deity in the Trinity.. or God ..
The Holy Spirit only descends upon messengers to deliver the word of God to them.
They, in turn, spread the message among their people.

* Say, ( O Mohammad ) the Holy Spirit has sent it down from your Lord with truth,
to confirm those who believe, and as guidance and good tidings for Muslims (102)*
( Quran )


God Almighty says :
*And because of their saying (in boast), "We killed Messiah Jesus, son of Mary,
the Messenger of Allah, " - but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but the resemblance
of " Jesus " was put over another man, and those who differ therein are full of doubts.
They have no (certain) knowledge, they follow nothing but conjecture. For surely; they
killed him not ( 157 ) Rather, God raised him to Him ۚ And Allah is Mighty, Wise (158)*.


I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan .
In the name of Allah (God almighty ),
the most gracious, the most merciful .
* Say, He is Allah, the One, the Eternal,
He does not beget, nor was he begotten,
and there is no one ( Like or ) comparable to Him *
