God told me about him at 19 but I hated marriage

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Here’s the amazing testimony of how we met and got into a relationship. Our story is an example of what happens when God writes your love story. I’ll be the first to say that I know that our story isn’t and will not be everyone’s story - it’s not being shared to offer my process as a standard, but to encourage you to trust God with your entire life. God is the creator of everything including love, romance and sex. He can be trusted with our expectations and with our future. If this video has inspired you to hand every part of your life to God, be sure to share with others so they are encouraged too! #lovelikechrist

“This is God’s Word on the subject: “As soon as Babylon’s seventy years are up and not a day before, I’ll show up and take care of you as I promised and bring you back home. I know what I’m doing. I have it all planned out—plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for.” (Jeremiah‬ ‭29:10-11‬ ‭MSG‬‬)

Getting married soon?

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God bless you for sharing this Ezinne. The moral i've gotten is that when our eyes are fixed on Jesus all else will be added unto us, far beyond what we could have desired for ourselves. ❤️


Your story is so similar to mine. In my case I asked God to clarify if I could have a boyfriend in my 100level. And He told me if I could stay away from having a boyfriend throughout my four year study, He would bless me with a great husband. Immediately I heard him I locked up my heart, completely following God's instruction. 10 years in marriage this September and indeed God blessed me with a great spouse. God is faithful. It is sweet and safe to trust God with our lives.


The more you grow in Christianity, the more you realize that things you thought would never happen become more possible. Thank you for sharing your journey. ❤️❤️


What I noticed it that God gives us things when we aren't feining for it. When we stop hungering to be in a relationship with all these men out here, God will give us the right one. Keep your eyes on God ladies. Stay blessed.


As a man l noticed your sincerity in your relationship with God which I believe is the secret of your success in life.


To the person reading this I pray your gets whatever you truly desire


YouTube has been recommending this video for weeks but I refused to watch it lol (I'm a very stubborn individual) but last night I had a troubling dream and was asking God when I'll meet my husband..long story short, your video was timely and fun to watch. The lesson I learnt is to continue to t trust God. I have already surrendered everything to him so he'll order my steps :) Thank you for sharing!


If YouTube recommended this video to you, hmmmm, Keep on waiting. Trust in God's time.


"I would know with a knowing that leaves no room for doubt " 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽


“The thought of leaving my house was just too much stress”.. the 2 both of us both


Wow! You reminded me of how I discovered my purpose in life. I've always aspired to be a military man ever since I was in secondary school. And the only reason is because of the high salaries that they are being paid by the govt. Hence, I resolved in my mind to join The NDA. However, God in the long run interrupted that plan, and revealed to me what he has created to be and do in life. He literally showed me my future, and where he is taking me (and how successful I will be in life); because I was adamant about going to NDA. That was the last thing God used to eventually convince me. He made me lose the admission of NDA (by not being aware of when the form closed), and told me to go to the university; and that he will make something glorious come out of it. I got admission into Unilag with a course of my choice that same year.
Published my first book last month (a means to an end) to the glory of God; and I am still on my way to the destination God has set for me.

In a nutshell, God actually do speak to people. I experienced that, and those encounters with Him were life changing.


"Obedience" is always such a significant theme when it pertains to God and the release of His blessings 🙏🏾


The Beauty of christian relationships 😌😌😌


Your story proves that you have to be so satisfied in your service to and relationship with God before you can find the one He has for you. You're hilarious and the editing made the story flow. Thank you for sharing 🙏🏽


“I would know with a knowing that leaves no room for doubt” thank you Ezinne. I can relate


I have never heard a relationship story with this much surrender. You literally let God guide you all the way.

I don't know how I stumbled upon this but I am glad I did.


It’s the editing for me👏🏾🥺❤️ we love the work put into this content🥰


I don't know why YouTube recommended this video to me, but this is currently my situation and I believe that God speaks to us only if we are patient enough to listen. I can't wait to see how mine unfolds🤞 I love this video.


I didn't sound like "Hi"
I was just there like "God said"🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. This testimony shows how intentional God is about every thought of ours❤️


I love when you told God that "Tell me about my husband" that's exactly what I would start asking God from henceforth. Thank you ma
