5 Signs That God is Telling You to Move | My Testimony | Confessions of a Homemaker

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1. You start to feel uncomfortable
2 you lose peace
3 relationships fall apart
4. He speaks to you with confirmation


One thing I noticed is if you're not supposed to be there anymore, nothing will work out. Like we were being pushed out.


1. Being uncomfortable/ unsatisfied
2. Natural break in relationships
3. Supernatural opening/closing of doors
4. You will get a clear word
5. He will send you community to help you transition.

This has truly blessed me. Thank you


I got a job offer 4, 400 miles away & had a 2 week notice to move. Found a place on craigslist a day before my flight. Found out a few days before I couldn’t ship my car I bought a few months before because of a loan attached to it. My dad took it over. I got his 2003 paid off car & paid for it to get shipped to the island. Literally a week before the move I sold my violin for $1, 000 and used it for my downpayment on a place to live. I got a huge discount on a car rental when I moved to the island. It was averaging around $80 a day and I payed $25 a day for a whole month. God made all of this happen.
I found my church and friend group all within my first month of living on the island


He always speaks to me through making me uncomfortable first.


I’m living this right now in 2023. This video popped into my feed randomly so I KNOW it’s one of the signs God is using to tell me it’s time to move. Thank you for making this!


And two yrs later, your video popped up as I was scrolling. And every one of the signs you mentioned is happening to me back to back. I know this is God speaking to me through you. It's my confirmation, hallelujah 🙌🏽


I am going to be very honest. I’ve never felt comfortable and always felt like God had more for me… I was praying and asking God why things weren’t moving forward and it’s due to me holding on to dear life to people who actually went against Gods word. Thank you for this video it means the world to me ❤️


Amen! Deuteronomy 11 and the sudden urge to complete a Bible plan about Jonah’s journey to Nineveh have been nudges from the Holy Spirit for me to finally move. You can’t heal in the same environment that made you sick. When God speaks, his voice is so much clearer than anything else 🙏🏾✨


Amen…… You don’t realize it when going through, but when you look back….. You’ll say But God…


This video spoke to me so much I'm 73 years old and God is moving me into a new life I'm transitioning to from a job I've had for 30 40 years to something totally different he's positioned me to move and I just happened to come across this on Gmail so this was totally gone thank you this was such a blessing and such a confirmation in so many different ways p


I want to move so bad literally desperate


I honestly believe that God wants my husband and I to move to North Carolina. Every time we turn around we're seeing or hearing "Charlotte" and "North Carolina". Mind you, we've been researching North Carolina for 5 years. I decided to click this video for more encouragement to make sure that we're really hearing from God that NOW is the time and low and behold, you're talking about how God had you move to North Carolina!!! This is insane. I can't even explain how i'm feeling right now. I am so happy and free from doubt because i KNOW that this was confirmation to what we've already been seeking, seeing, and praying about


For 3 years now i felt the need to move out of Home to my own place...at first that came as a need to nature my relationship with God and when i tried to move my family stopped from moving out but that came with too much devastation and my l8fe has being stagnant since then but even now im still at home so yesterday it hit me hard that its time to move...there are some blessings God cannot release to me until i shift from where i am to where i will get my next intructions


God led me to the apartment that I had gotten this year in February. I had been there and had gotten comfortable. My job had let me go around August so I was literally dependent on him to pay my rent WHICH HE DID until……

So October comes. Things started getting desolate. My apartment complex had become so invested with bugs that it had gotten totally uncomfortable and we had had this problem before. Thennn on top of that, i find mold in the apartment. When you say uncomfrtable?? I had left and went to my parents house. When i tell yall all of this is happening to me and im like why God? Why is this happening to me? I went to my apartment to gather some things and started praying in the spirit (against the enemy) thinking that this is the devil’s doing. Right in the middle of prayer God spoke to me and said “This is not my will for you. I have better.” I got up off that floor and immediately shut my mouth lol So im praying and seeking the Lord. He has been placing this certain state on my heart BACK ON MY HEART he had been placing into me for years. When i tell you the revelation was so strong! Yall i say all that to say…this video is confirmation towards what i am currently going through.


Watching this video Sept 2023.... Been wanting to relocate to Dallas Tx for years.... Never seem to have the money for a move... worried about transferring my job & starting work in a new place after being in another place for almost 30yrs... Stomach in knots now tho... uncomfortable doesn't even begin to describe what I'm dealing with everyday. Got some very rude very obnoxious neighbors living in the apt above me... been in this place for about 15yrs and never ever experienced the turmoil Im experiencing now. Its pushing me to move. I applied for the transfer...waiting to hear back. Ive started packing what I can take bc only what can fit in my car can go... I dont have help to move any furniture out of the apt.. let alone across the states.... I am that black sheep she's describing in the video.... two generations of family members deceased. No siblings... all I got is JESUS... im afraid but like Joyce Meyer said Im gonna feel the fear & do it anyway. I have heard a gazillion sermons on my very situation. With $2 to my name right now & living paycheck to paycheck.... I still TRUST GOD. This video blessed me tremendously. Thks.


Wow...it seems like I'm moving on again...In less than 5 months. I just had that feeling of UNcomfortableness 2 days ago. The feeling of uncomfortableness at my home, at my job and with certain people. Thank you for the confirmation! It's an encouragement! Blessings to you!


Thank you for this because the Lord just had me move from Florida where I been all my life all the way to San Francisco. I know no one over but I have Jesus and I know he’ll give me a community of people like you said to network with


I see that this video was made 1 year ago, but is resonates with me 1 year later. I don't know why or how this video popped up in my feed, but I'm so glad that it did. I'm going through a transition in my life right now, and I needed this word. I just moved to a new state. Even though I feel that God was directing me to, I sort of doubt myself at times. I told myself, just how I trusted God before the move, I need to continue trusting him after the move.

I know that God is working things out for my good. I thank God for this encouraging message. It's confirmation, and it really blessed you, God bless.🙏🏽


Let me just say this, I was so upset when the video came to an end. I literally felt like I was talking to a really close friend. Thank you so much for this video, you explained it so well! God Bless you!
