Dyslexia And Dyscalculia (Do YOU Know The Difference?)

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This is the different between dyslexia and dyscalculia!

So lots of people get super confused when trying to describe issues they have with learning types and learning difficulties.

Dyslexia is probably one of the most popular learning difficulties in the world and impacts so many people with their lives.

Dyslexia is mainly known for its impact on a persons ability to read and write to a level that is generally accepted at certain age levels of development.

However dyslexia can also impact coordination and balance in a person, and also their ability to store short term memory.

Dyscalculia on the other hand impacts a persons ability to recognise numbers and recite numbers efficiently.

This is a big misconception that Dyscalculia is part of dyslexia but in fact the are separate issues and conditions.

I myself have dyslexia but not Dyscalculia, and I know many people who just have Dyscalculia but not dyslexia.

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I always thought I was dumb with numbers lol until I went to college. I had to navigate my new college town on my own and I kept getting lost while driving. I realized that I was reading the exit numbers backwards!

I also became a server and I gave someone $1.11 instead of $11.10 😅 that’s when I realized I had dyscalculia. I have always been really good at writing and reading. Thank god. I’m good at something lol


Hey, this was enlightening. I am ASD, but did well in math till I was introduced to two column division. For the life of me, was so frustrated at not getting correct answers. The back and forth between the two columns just wasn't working for me. Long story short, a substitute teacher saw my frustration and introduced another one colum way to do two digits division. I am forever grateful to that teacher. My brain has trouble with left and right. If I have items in each hand, one to throw out and the other to store, I generally throw out what I wanted to keep and keep what I wanted to throw out. Therefore, I can't execute absentmindely my tasks. Thanks for your videos, they help me alot.


This makes so much sense now. I've always excelled in English and spelling. Numbers have always been an issue. I can remember a string of numbers except I mix them up. I always thought it was dyslexia. Now it all makes sense to me. Thank you for this.


I have dyscalculia and autism and I’ve never really seen much representation on it probably because of it’s uncommonness. It really is hard to live with, being able to tell time, understand concepts of time, remember dates like peoples birthdays, or even things like struggling to know what day it is or what time it is which can be very disregulating and I often struggle with sleep. I was diagnosed when I was in the 4th grade because I was struggling with math but gifted in other areas of schooling like sciences, arts, and reading and writing. Many people think I’ve made it up or have never heard of it.


I’m so glad that I found your channel! My daughter was diagnosed with autism last year just before her third birthday and your videos give me so much insight. Thank you!! ❤️


I suffer from Dyscalculia! It's horrible. Nothing was known about it when I went to school, I was just labelled as thick.


Very Informative video! It's one of many reasons I really appreciate this channel! 👍


wow dan you did it again. mind officially blown! i am so old i was told "you have dyslexia, but with numbers" holy s**t, you hit that nail square on the head!!! when i was in elementary school i loved math so much i used to draw myself dreaming about it LOL, geeky but true. but once algebra was introduced my mind completely balked (what do you mean that letters equal numbers - waaaa????) i took algebra 1 three times and got tutored for it each time - and failed each time. some people literal told me i was "just stupid." (yet, by age 11, I was reading Leon Uris, Homer, Gore Vidal, Kurt Vonnegut, etc, etc.) my dream was to be a Geologist. i was accepted to the program but had to drop out because of the math credits. i can talk your head off about plate tectonics, physics and other math related subjects because i can SEE the processes in my mind like a 3-D model... i just don't "speak in maths" to quote Radiohead. DYSCALCULIA! learning new words is the bomb! thanks again, dan ;)


I understand mathematics, however, I have issues with keeping the numbers in line. Which is very frustrating.


I have both and Autism, I suspect dyspraxia as well. The are all from that wonderful word I enjoy "Co-morbidities".


Thank you so much for this video I have Dyslexia Dyscalculia and Autism and I may have dyspraxia as I definitely have traits but its undiagnosed. I feel like Dyscalculia is widely unspoken about and not many people even know what it is. I certainly didn't until teachers saw me struggling with maths and one who had heard of it suggested a screening. Maths in general I have always found really hard but I'm great with patterns and stuff like that but obviously not really with numbers I also really struggle with lefts and rights and I still don't know them and will have to use my hands to check. And so if you ask me which is your writing hand I'll have to pick up a pen and then I'll tell you because I know it's right but I don't know what side that is. I can't remember my phone number or anyone else's and algebra is really hard for me as my brain can't cope with numbers and letters at the same time. I really appreciate you using your channel to educate people on neurodiversity its really cool and helpful to loads of people


I have both. My dyscalculia is worse than dyslexia. My issue with dyslexia is mostly phonological with specific sounds, however I’m pretty good at spelling. Otherwise, I block out entire sentences and paragraphs if I’m overwhelmed (which reading is overwhelming as I also have comprehension issues). But freakin numbers are the worst! Not only do I mix up numbers, but in the event that I actually manage to learn equations, I forget how to do it within 10 minutes and have to start all over again from the beginning to relearn it. Unfortunately I don’t think I’ll ever get it. I tried multiple times and it always results in me forgetting everything. I cried multiple times in my pre college math class, that I failed twice because of this. I felt so stupid and like a failure. I advocated for my school to allow math theory as an acceptable alternative for degree’s that don’t require actual mathematics. For students with dyscalculia, the requirement of standard college math could be a hindrance to degree completion and imo is discriminatory (again only for degrees that don’t require math. For example, if you’re going to be a nurse, you need to take standard college math). My boyfriend was heartbroken because he taught me how to do the math but then I’d completely forgot everything, even with notes. I wouldn’t even understand my notes that were color coded. It was awful.


I believe I am ASD, and I wonder if I have dyslexia and dyscalculia. As I have stated on my own channel, my handwriting is terrible, and always has been. Sometimes I read both letters and number backwards. For me it is more common with long words or numbers with many digits, and I will typically mix up a few, sometimes only two, in the middle, for example reading "sentient" as "senitent". What I really want to know is how and where can I get tested for all the conditions mentioned on this channel? It seems no one will test an adult for autism, OCD, dyslexia dyspraxia etc.


I have dyscalculia (my spatial awareness is comically low, one of the lowest percentiles in the nation) and my neurologist asked me if I was like totally sold on driving independently because... yikes 😅


more than 2 numbers & it might as well be the matrix screen, all moving, numbers changing & even becoming letters, & my dyslexia can confuse most spell checkers, if your younger please i hope you read this, , you can do art with pout math, & you can do math without doing art, i heard all my life who i cant do art because i cant do math but but i can i have skills in it, a friend of mine is scared to write because "all i can do is math" dont let others limit you do it of course it wont be perfect out of the box, but what is? i cant see numbers well enough to do math (you cant really guess in math like you can in reading), & books are a puzzle that i love to finish & reread but only because i was taught how to speed read, lol i cant even explain how to speed read but it helped so much, sry ramble today, , dont let others tell you whatyou can do, do it try it & dont be discouraged its not as good as someone else does, they were just as bad in the begining <3


Thanks Dan I've always suspected I've had dyscalculia since junior school, beyond times tables and simple adding where I can see the number answers in my head I cant do take away, long division and forget maths. Dates and telephone numbers, passwords are forgotten in minutes as I only can remember 3 numbers of it unless it has a pattern to it. I'm going to ring the Miles Centre tomorrow as I'm also in Wales x


I have dyscalculia and was surprised that it includes difficulties with directions, north, east, south and west along with right and left. I now, have a Hello Kitty (one of my obsessions) pez dispenser at my desk and I reward myself for doing any math tasks for my business or otherwise. Sometimes those tricks we use with kids to make awful tasks less awful work with adults too! :D -G


Yes I know the difference, at age 21 I got diagnosed with Dyscalculia, Mild Intellectual Disability and mild Social anxiety disorder, and when I was in school I got different diagnosis because I was put in special ed in school and I have always had a hard time with math, and they have diagnosed me with speech/language delay or deficits, diagnosed with Receptive- Expressive disorders one or the other and also with intellectual deficit as well and so I have had a hard time learning pretty much every subject and I learn slower then my peers who are my age because I'm in my 30's. And I am now wondering if I got misdiagnosed with social anxiety disorder instead of being in the Autism Spectrum Disorders.


Please tell me how ADHD and Autism differ and how they are alike please


I have neither dyslexia or dyscalculia!!! I can read 10 chapter at a stretch and generally ACED the math in school as well as the science classes!!! My problem is with writing!!! So for me I probably have dysgraphia!!!
