Dyslexia Test

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This dyslexia test can be an excellent start to discovering whether or not you have dyslexia. It is used for a broad age range, including dyslexic adults. With this test, most adults are correctly identified as either dyslexic or non-dyslexic. While it does not replace an official diagnosis, this dyslexia test can be the first step in finding out something new about yourself. Employers are required to treat dyslexics fairly and make reasonable adjustments in many places over the world. So testing for dyslexia can be worthwhile also as an adult.

⏰ Timetable:
00:00 - Intro
00:40 - Explanation
01:25 - Start of the test
06:15 - another dyslexia test & dyscalculia test

🙋🏼‍♂️ My name is Arije, and I am a dyslexic with an MA in Education Studies. I aim to share all my tips for learning, coping, teaching, and more on my channel. For dyslexics, educators, and parents alike, I want to make videos that inform and inspire you to reframe dyslexia.


✅ Even though English is not my native language, I wrote my entire MA thesis and worked at full professional capacity in the English language. Because of my premium Grammarly account, I felt confident enough to do that without worrying too much about my spelling. I think it is a must-have for dyslexics!

Here's some of the literature I consulted to create this video:
Reynolds, Andrea Elaine, and Markéta Caravolas. "Evaluation of the Bangor Dyslexia Test (BDT) for use with Adults." Dyslexia 22.1 (2016): 27-46.
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Never thought I could be dyslexic and I did this test for fun... I got 7/9


Don't have Dyslexia, just wanted to follow along to see what my results were. 2/9

I have ADHD and I struggle a lot with my lefts and rights, the other category I got wrong was the repeating numbers backwards one. I feel like I'm generally really good at math, but I struggle with holding onto too many numbers in my head at a time.


I was diagnosed with ADHD a few years back and I got 5/9. I always find it so interesting how similar ADHD can be with other conditions like autism and dyslexia.


The moment he said "recite these 6 numbers back to me in order/reverse" I thought to myself: welp this is where I die


I feel like non-dyslexic people are gonna have a hard time with a few of these. It'd be nice to see results of a control.


I got 6/9. I’m really happy with my dyslexia now. I got out of a toxic job environment that fired me for being dyslexic (they called me lazy and quote horrible work ethic) and this type of test is just another reason I am no longer ashamed.


I was so confident I’d do well. I love reading and can read pretty quickly too. First question I was so confident with my answer and then realized after he told the answer that I was pointing at the wrong shoulder. It only went downhill from there. I think I got like 1 or two parts without struggling.


Omg I literally love this mans chill vibe. I am in no way dyslexic and got 0/9, but I enjoyed this the whole way through. It felt like that comfortable feeling you get when you're at the barber. Lovely, relaxing vibe :)


As someone who has always been questioning about being dyslexic, I got a 8/9 and in fact some of these tasks were things I didn’t even know were indicators and it felt surprising since those specific things were things I couldn’t do


I'm not dyslexic, but took this test out of curiosity. Got 3/9, however I'm not sure the words in task 6 were actual words? That got me muddled. Also interestingly enough, I had no problem reciting the months backwards (despite having never done it before), but trying to recite the numbers backwards gave me a headache!


5:45 this was perhaps the hardest and most obvious one for me. When it comes to reversing orders, I always repeat the original order in my head and get the numbers from the back individually. It takes an awful while to complete a task in my head like this, and it’s also difficult since by the time I’m done, I might forget the numbers we beginned with in the first place.


Yep. You had me at “left hand to right shoulder.”I’m 64 and I’ve been in denial for a while. No worries. Now it’s time to sort it. Thanks for these videos. You may just be an answer to my stumbling along all these years. I look forward to your teachings.


As someone who is autistic, it is a fun test to do. My results were 3 out of 9 (only checks on "hesitated"), but sometimes I couldn't tell the difference if I hesitated because I am Dutch or didn't get the meaning of the question.


Those words with the letter substitutions were really confusing because the resulting words were all spelled wrong. Did you mean to say, substitute the "sound"? That would make more sense. Otherwise, I did better than I feared because I have always had a hard time with addition, subtraction, and multiplication, despite being above average at logic and more advanced math. I have also struggled with slow reading and mis-spelling my whole life. I tend to write letters in the wrong order when I get tired or stressed. My dad was dyslexic and helped himself by working on the trampoline with a method based on the work of Pepper. When I was little, he did a lot of training with me on directions and reciting things backwards so I'm guessing that if I had mild dyslexia that this may have helped keep it from becoming too much of a hindrance.


I got a 0/9, just came here for fun especially cause im studying psychology at school and this is one of the tests in my book
Its pretty amazing


This test just showed me that dyslexia truly does affect my life. I had trouble or couldn't do all of the tests. I had no idea I struggled this much with this. What an eye opener.


I don't have dyslexia and I have been always a fast reader, and also good at math. However, I have trouble with in-memory calculations and short-term memory of numbers. So, I could pass the reverse number test only when I visualized the entire sequence of numbers in my inner vision, and then read them backward. It took a lot of effort to visualize them and keep the vision persistent in my mind. I could never be able to remember the numbers any other way.


Some of these are also indicators of dyscalculia. It's a lesser-known learning disability that has some similarities with dyslexia, but pertains mostly to things like numbers, maths, directional sense, spatial relations, and other logic-based skills, instead.

If you had trouble with the directional and/or maths and numerical questions, but not the ones relating to words or letters, then you should consider looking up info about dyscalculia - it might help you understand your struggles a bit better.


Wow! Just stumbled over your channel and watched several of your dyslexia tests. They reminded me of being an 8 year old and going through 3 days of testing to find out I was severely dyslexic.
I had a check in all the boxes of this test...
I'm now 32 years old and a licensed nurse. A profession I was told I would never succeed in, yet was my dream. I struggle where other nurses don't but excel in areas that those same nurse took took years to hone. I revel in my "disability". I am one of kind.
Thank you for making this content! You are amazing!
Much love from the US ❤


I almost got a perfect score.😅😅😅...growing up having undiagnosed dyslexia, I struggled a lot specially in school.And now I'm almost certain that my 8 year old kid has it too so I'm determined to give her the intervention that I never got...Thank you so much for this very informative videos. I will share this to everyobe I know maybe it would help them understand.
keep up the good work and God bless!
