The RUTHLESS Torture Of Auschwitz' Block 11

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During the Second World War, the largest concentration camp complex used by the SS was Auschwitz. It grew to become a huge site where over 1 million prisoners were housed throughout the conflict. But there was one element of Auschwitz which was incredibly feared and notorious for punishment, torture and execution. Block 11 was the brutal home of the Gestapo where prisoners were held in small cells, and then tortured for information. But Block 11 had a number of brutal torture devices used by the SS.

One of the most tragic parts of Block 11 was the Standing Cells in which a number of prisoners were forced into an oubliette style cell or prison. Many were locked in these cells for periods of over 10 days, and this was incredibly tough with prisoners being given little food. The Boger Swing was also used in Block 11, as was the manacles and other devices where guards would beat prisoners using them. Block 11 was just one of the most feared elements of Auschwitz, a camp where hundreds of thousands of prisoners died inside.

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"Prisoners were pressed to work rather hard" is a gross understatement


A few years ago an elderly women 90's gave her testimony live on a local radio station on this brutality and how she survived. Towards the end of the interview the interviewer asked her for any final thoughts/words. She said she is very concerned about the state of this society/guvment and that it reminded her of how all this started back in the 1930's she said it is similar and she is worried for future generations 🤔💯


My father in law was with the soldiers who liberated this concentration camp. He saw such horror, he could never talk about it.


And to know there are vile, evil people who say this never happened. We must NEVER forget! These films and the histories of those who suffered must always be preserved. To have these atrocities not mentioned in our history books is shameful.


My father was with the Allies fighting the Germans in Italy, when I see historical videos like this, I’m glad he helped end vile evilness like this


When I was 5 years old in 1950 and was going to religious school, they took all of us into the auditorium and showed film of the concentration camps being liberated. We saw the films at least one every year and I grew up knowing we could never go through such horror again. And as a 77 year old woman I will do
anything in my power to see that it doesn't. NEVER AGAIN!!!


My mother was in Auschwitz for about 5 years and she escaped and met my father and they came to America to start over again. The stories that she would tell me were so awful that I used to have nightmares about it. My father died from experiments done on him and my mother lived to be 71 and died in her I don't have any family because they were gassed in the concentration camps. I wish that it didn't happen but it did....


Great video but as a Polish person I personally cannot forgive or forget what the Germans did to our country.


The sheer thought of those standing cells makes me shudder :( What those people went through was horrific. Thank you for a very educational video


My great aunt was in a concentration camp. She wore a most beautiful bracelet. I asked her if I could see it. Being a child I didn’t understand what I asked. She had a number on her wrist a tattoo. I felt as a young child I felt sick as she handed it to me. I still cannot get a tattoo because of this. I remember crying and not knowing why. I gave back the beauty to cover the evil and know at the tender age of 7 that what I asked was a brave act on her part. Never forgot that.


One of my elderly neighbors was a concentration camp survivor. I remember the number 'tattoo' on her wrist. She was terrified of our German Shepherd dog. Now I fully understand why.


Our generations need to keep learning of how mankind can turn against itself and man can become monster. Thank you for this horrifying documentary.


I don't know why i keep watching these, it's sickening. I hope to God nothing like this ever happens again.


I hate that the word “prisoner” is always used when describing the victims of the holocaust. These people did nothing wrong, they were ripped away from their lives, home & everyone they loved. Stripped of all basic human rights, Starved, beaten, killed, hard labor, tortured daily. And for what exactly? Because they had their own views & one pathetic guy couldn’t get over his huge ego?


It makes my blood boil, when I hear people say ‘It never happened’ ask the survivors!


I visited in October 1996, in the 3 hrs I was there I didn't see more than 5 other visitors. The most horrific and haunting place I have ever been. How people could inflict such evilness on others. Pure evil


These faces will NEVER be forgotten. Humans can be so horrific and cruel. 😢


What’s happened is these camps is beyond horrendous and cruel beyond imagination. We look at these crimes as something that happened in the past ( which it did) but the mindset of those Nazi guards is still within some people that are alive today . They hide themselves in other types of work and organisations. Many hide in government, the law or armed forces. They are standing next to you on the train or the bus, they may not do the type of deeds that happening in the camps but they do inflict suffering on all they come into contact with . We have them in the centre of power today, hiding in plain sight. Evil is never extinguished it just changes it’s form.


I visited the camp a couple of years ago, it was indeed grim. Our Polish guide had an uncle who was a non Jewish prisoner in the camp. We went through Block 11 and what he told us was very harrowing and so was what we saw. However some of the things he explained were different than some of the details in this video. I think he knew the truth better than what is explained here.


Those who forget the past are destined to repeat it.
