Widescreen Retro Gaming in the 90's | MVG

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Did you know that you could play some games in 16:9 Widescreen on your Sega Saturn, Nintendo 64 and Sony Playstation? Neither did I! In this video we look at how its achieved and the games available that can play in 16:9

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Take a shot every-time i say 'Widescreen' in this video


I remember playing Mickey's Speedway USA on the N64 with my brother and finding out about the 16:9 setting in the options menu. Since our CRT TV was actually some type of widescreen, we never went back to the 4:3 aspect ratio. Great video and good memories!!


You are killing it with your topic choices and presentation! I had forgotten all about these widescreen modes myself and like you, I couldn't have tried them out back then anyway. Great video as always.


Did you know that 16:9 CRTs existed much earlier than HDTVs or even Plasma flat panels did?
That's why early consoles supported 16:9 aspect ratio


The Atari Lynx was the first commercially available console with Widescreen color gaming in 1989. Yes it was on an a small LCD screen, but if you were lucky enough to be a tester, then you got widescreen on a TV too.


Everyone in Europe got lucky! Standard-Def 16:9 CRT’s were pretty common, much more so in comparison to us here in the US.


Thanks to the massive borders on old PAL games, they perfectly match up to 16:9 if you put them in zoom mode.


Also. in the pre-HD era late 1990s 16:9 TV's were very readily (albeit more expensively) available in CRT and rear-screen projection models... Back when "flat screen" only meant that the front of the monitor was flat and not rounded like old televisions


Back in early '98, Sears, were heavily promoting DVD and showcasing the Philips CRT 32" Widescreen. Philips at the time was the only manufacturer, at least where i live, their widescreen CRT was the only one stocked, no other retailer had it only Sears.

It had/has of course 16x9, Anamorphic Chop (great feature for VHS tapes, Stretch, 3:2 Pull down, 3:2 Zoom, Selective zoom, and my personal favorite the Custom Matrix X&Y mode.

I have the Philips 32" Widescreen CRT to this day, and its holding up moderately well. The only thing that plagued this particular set was that if the user didn't allow the screen to "break-in", and played games or displayed images for extended periods amount of time, it would burn a shadow on to the display. Luckily my parents bought warranty so mine is pristine as ever. it retailed at $899 so expensive in that era for that happened, i was 10 at the time, I thought Dad was going to hang me from the tallest pole. Having warranty back then actually meant something, nowadays its an afterthought sometimes.


Widescreen, in the early days, was always a weird thing. It was clear that developers wanted it, but the world wasn't ready. They just kept pushing until the world caught up. I remember having a friend who had a large widescreen TV in 2003 and the image was squashed because broadcasters hadn't all made the switch at that point. Sucked that he had to fix it by going into his settings and changing the aspect ratio of the TV image, he used to do this all the time between channels to make them look right.


To put it simply, you're just covering topics many other channels never cover. Thinking outside the box and passing on interesting things is why your channel is awesome. Keep up the good work.


You seem to have conflated wide screen TV's with HDTV, widescreen CRT's (digital Pal 576 ) were around for YEARS beforehand, at least here in Europe and I'd be amazed if Australia didn't have them too.


Wipeout 3 on PSX also has 16: 9 (widescreen CRT woohoo). This is one of the best gaming channels - subscribed!


This is seriously the most genius video ever! I love that everytime I watch your videos I learn something new. 🔥🙏


This channel is basically me. I love experimenting with exactly the same things you post all the time. Love your content man, when someone asks me what my hobbies are I point them to this channel..."I love working on softmods and hardware mods for consoles to exploit the most out of them" and also "I love doing research on the kind of topics most gaming niches and venue don't usually think of".


Yep, I remember my first widescreen home gaming experience, Sega Rally on PS3 in my living room blew my mind.


Donkey Kong 64 is one of the best examples of how to switch between 4:3 to 16:9
As you may know, this Game have the Donkey Kong Arcade to be played in 4:3 and if you play Donkey Kong 64 in 16:9(Widescreen), the Arcade Game goes back to 4:3, so you still can play the Arcade in the original ratio even without changing the widescreen option. If you go back to the main Game, it also goes back to 16:9 automaticly. Rare was truly ahead of his time.

I also made a small video 2 years ago with the original DK64 Game showing the difference between 4:3 and 16:9


I'm pretty sure 16:9 CRT TVs were standard in the early 2000s?

They were in the UK, at least.


I've always wanted someone to make a video about this. I was always fascinated to find out about older console games supporting wide screen before it became a standard, so I greatly appreciate.


You really been bringing all the original gaming content this platform truly needs. I searched up wide-screen PS1 games for a video project and you already have the perfect video for the community. Absolute legend!
