I Am DONE Searching! RETRO GAMING On A Dell 4:3 LCD Monitor! This Is AMAZING!

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The Dell 2007FPB IPS LCD Monitor is my new favorite display for Retro Games!

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This is the monitor I keep hooked up to my Mister, great aspect ratio, and it rotates - it's pretty much perfect.


We had these monitors at where I work. We recently switched them out right before the pandemic hit. One word of caution for anyone looking to purchase these are that the speakers fail frequently. I would recommend finding another solution for sound. The monitors themselves are great!


You should do a follow up video trying out upscalers, component to VGA transcoders, and maybe one of those lag testers to see how the response time is


I rescued a monitor like this from work right before covid. Some guy had one at his desk for like 15 years, and it was about to get recycled... so I just took it home. I'll have to check to see what model it is.


Wow impressive! I didn't think a LCD from the era would work well at least I never remember ever seeing a LCD back then I liked. I looked it up and that thing sold for $540 when new! 😂OMG no wonder it's pretty good! Glad you finally found one.


*DO NOT RUN OUT AND BUY ONE IF YOU'RE READING THIS!* Please be aware first: This monitor is actually kinda junk for a lot of retro purposes.
It _may_ work okay, depending on exactly what you need, but for a lot of reasons, it may be a huge disappointment. I was considering one myself, but testing by other retro PC gamers finds that it has a bunch of caveats:

1. Input lag. It's an old LCD, and old LCDs had bad (and I mean abysmal!) response times. 16ms is the advertised number, but that's basically just an over-optimistic marketing lie; for practical purposes it's more like 50ms. That's going to leave you several frames behind at all times, which really screws with the visual feedback timing between controller input and response on screen. It might not seem easy to notice at first, but after comparing it side-by-side to a solution without so much lag, you'll never unsee it or not be annoyed with it, at least in my experience.

2. Motion blur. See above, it's an old LCD and they weren't good at motion. The blur is real, and it's bad on a lot of panels.


3. *It's only a 60hz panel.* Might not be a big deal for console systems locked at 60hz because they're meant to be hooked up to a TV, but MS-DOS 320x200 mode games (lots of the classics that people are building retro systems specifically to play) typically ran at 70hz, or at weird custom refresh rates that could be all over the place. At any refresh rate above 60hz, there *will* be noticeable frameskips that cause jumping and disrupt the experience in games with otherwise smooth scrolling. This thing is certified _terrible_ for MS-DOS gaming.

There are MUCH better retro gaming display solutions out there. There are better stand-alone monitors if you want to keep it simple, and there are better setups using upscalers and so forth if you're not afraid to go all-out for a superior experience. Look into those first. Please. You'll be glad you did.


I have a few of these types of Dell monitors picked up from Goodwill around town. I like how a lot of them have a huge amount of inputs.


I have a bunch of these monitors which I use for retro gaming as well. They are awesome. Very reliable too as they were used in business machines.


I had an earlier version of this 4:3 monitor for my first PC. Had the Dell surround sound with center bar attached to the monitor, it was sweet and sounded amazing to young me. This looks like a few generations past mine with MUCH better inputs and probably better lag. Glad you found the perfect for you monitor, thats all that mattters. I wanna get a Sony LCD Production monitor now, like Wulfden has. Yes I have 2 PVMs and a BVM but each display tech has its charms.


crazy how i saw these kinds of monitors in school for like 15 straight years and never gave them any thought. now i’m trying to get one myself.


I have 4 of these.. one of them is mounted 90 and is my current 2nd monitor for my FB/Social media feed.. one of them is a dedicated gaming monitor with a raspberrypi attached to the back with velcro. I used wired snes controllers, but I just picked up 2 2.4g snes controllers off amazon for an update.


Nice mon. My Toshiba P200 -RT5 is still kicking ass in 2024. How is this thing still alive? I love this retro beast.


I still use one of these as a portrait secondary, also a box load of speaker bars that suit this entire range of monitor. Replacing the old CFL edgelight does wonders.


I've been rocking one of these for some time now. They are all kinds of superb. I primarily use it for my MiSTer system.


There are component to DVI or component to VGA adapters and they might work with this DELL monitor. It's multisync - accepts composite and s-video then should accept 15khz RGB :)


Thank you sir, I actually went ahead and ordered one for some retro consoles I don’t have the time to mod HDMI into haha.


Welcome to the club. I got two of them myself. First one I got. I use it in my arcade1up mod. I like it so much I got another one for the mini classic system. Also to play vertical shooters in Tate mode.


The picture on that monitor looks great. Congratulations! I’m gonna have to keep a lookout for one now


I got one of these installed when I built my arcade 1up mod. Someone was this in original box unopened for 15 bucks. Dreamcast looks great on it with VGA cable!
