Weirdest Weapons Prisoners Made While Locked Up

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Some prisoners get very creative with the weapons they are able to make while locked behind bars. Check out today's insane new video to find out what some of the craziest home-made prison weapons are!


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no matter how horrible of a person they might be, i feel that some of the prisoners who come up with stuff like this could have their skills put to better use


I like how that one guy that made all those guns said he was in a gunsmith "phase." And how they gave the nunchuck guy the meme noises everybody does when they have nunchucks.


I'm amazed prison management didn't take a prisoner's autism into account. If they'd given him something to do, because he's clearly creative and intelligent, that time could have been spent improving his life. Leaving people bored and resentful, with nothing but time on their hands, is the quickest way to trouble. If you're going to imprison someone at least help them improve themselves, teach them a marketable skill, help them stay OUT of prison in future. I feel like this shouldn't need explaining.


I spent a total of 9 years inside over the course of 3 different sentences ( thankfully I've sorted myself out now and haven't been back in about 25 years) one of the funniest things I have ever seen inside was in Full Sutton jail. A fellow inmate attack another with a pp9 battery ( a large heavy square 9v battery about as heavy as a brick) in a sock, the guy walked straight up to his victim with the wepon behind his back, as he reached the guy he swung it at the guys head with all the strength he could muster only for the end of the sock to give way, the battery flew out the end resulting in the attacker just hitting the guy across the face with an empty sock. Needless to say it didn't end well for the attacker lol.


I used to work at a prison, found and confiscated an entire bag of shanks, was allowed to even take 1 home as a trophy lol


I’ve done a few years made quite a few weapons myself with razors combs newspapers anything metal. Made spears, small shanks, nunchucks etc any weapon you can think of with enough time you can make it.


The guy making the guns was wrongfully convinced thats why he was so hellbent on getting out and had such a grudge made guns but would never hurt anyone because he wasn't a criminal..


I was hoping to see the soap gun. I know it wasn't a real gun, but c'mon, escaping prison with a fake gun carved from soap is comedy gold.


What I keep hearing about is simple, yet horrifyingly effective. So, apparently, some prisoners will put baby oil in a cup and microwave it. When their victim comes close, they throw the boiling hot baby oil in their face. I've even heard it can make your face literally melt off. Now, THAT is scary.


Peewee Gaskins! My home state of South Carolina.

My father worked as a corrections officer for 28 years, and, not only was there when all this happened, but my father was on the death squad that executed Peewee.


As a Canadian, It’s nice to see us on the top of a list for once.


I've seen a guy make, what is effectively, a deadly potato gun in jail. He used some batteries and wires to make hydrogen and oxygen.
I'm not gonna explain in detail, but dude managed to shoot a ballbearing clean through the cell wall.


One of the best shows on YouTube. Very informative!


I made a shank with a commissary toothbrush, Chinese trapped paper roll, and headphone wires. The steel desk and concrete sharpened my shank. Flushed down the toilet.


I think the craziest one I’ve heard was on a 1000 ways to die, where a guy got a deck of cards, he got a one sided open cylinder, ripped up the cards, and melted them down after sealing the ripped up cards and made the water boil making a home made bomb, backfired on him tho cause he disturbed the concoction up close and bit the dust.


One of the most famous American carbines of WW2 was made in a prison by an inmate named Williams.
He made the .30 cal. M1 Carbine. It had a rocker switch on it for choosing semi or fully automatic fire.
A movie was even made about him and his weapon starring Jimmy Stewart as Mr. Williams.
I believe the name of the movie is "Carbine Williams".


Note the pattern of 'Guy gets thrown into hellish conditions on a ridiculously minor


If I ever find myself in prison, I'm gonna make it my mission to craft an improvised weapon that ends up in a museum (with no intention of harming anyone)


Fun fact its not illegal here in germany to break out of prison (but while not in custody your sentenced time does not pass). And youre still gonna face charges for the damage caused on property and people while your breakout.


I was a CO and sergeant in Arizona DOC at all custody levels. This is 100% possible.
