“I’m Struggling With Lust…”

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From an interview with Fr. Peter Heers and Young Penitent ☦️ entitled: ‘Fr. Peter Heers on the Passions of Nature’ which can be found HERE:

Chant name: Before the Cross We Bow Down (Hymn of Veneration Before the Cross, Tone 6).

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From an interview with Fr. Peter Heers and Young Penitent ☦️ entitled: ‘Fr. Peter Heers on the Passions of Nature.’

Chant name: Before the Cross We Bow Down (Hymn of Veneration Before the Cross, Tone 6).

Want to learn more? Join our Q&A at patreon.com/frpeterheers, or sign up for our mailing list on orthodoxethos.com!


i hope that i can become pure once again through repentance and confession.


Self abuse. I have a history of self destructive answers to my problems. This would manifest itself with Alcohol, drugs, branding, giving up positive things, infidelity, and self- gratification. This last one continues to linger. Christ has saved me and His love continues to do so, but when the enemy seeks me out I can tell he uses his wiles against me to this very end. When I fall, I get back up, with my eyes forever on Jesus. Pray for me, and I for you


To those struggling, as I do, I can say one thing from experience. When I started working to control my stomach, my groin became easier to ignore.

I started with reducing meal portions, and then eliminating snacking. The mere exercise of putting off breakfast until after noon, and then placing supper after 8pm, and then limiting myself to the same small plates I feed my young children on, it is these things which helped me more than anything to resist the temptation to self-abuse.

Try it and you will see. I struggle, but the struggle has shown an increase in strength.


I have been struggling with this since I was 6 years old.

Pray for me, pray for Onan.


Thank you for the constant encouragement


I am always happy to see how accurate the symbolism of demons is. I genuinly scream in quiet agony like this guy on the picture when my hand causes me to sin


‭John‬ ‭6:35‬ ‭
[35] Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life; the one who comes to Me will not be hungry, and the one who believes in Me will never be thirsty.


What's the artwork that appears at the words "very tragic"? That's absolutely gnarly.


People know it's bad that's why they're worried about their battle with it. That's why they're battling against it. Every time I see someone speak on this topic, they just describe how lust is bad. Advice is usually something you can actually do. Like a methodology or technique to assist in this battle.


We are not alone, God is with us ☦️🙏💪

❤‍🔥🔥❄😍✌👩‍❤‍👨💪🕊🙏✝GOD BLESS ☦️🙏💒🌟👨‍👩‍👧‍👦☃🫶🎄🥇🚨🙌💯❤


I’m sorry if I come across too harsh. I don’t mean it. I really just mean the words. This is an explanation, not advice. I’m still struggling and keep falling… 😔 Not as much as before. But I still do fall when the pressure inside of me comes to a boiling point. Not even only talking about lust, but all things. Lust becomes the pressure valve from which all other things follow. Wish I could talk with my priest. But he is very busy. Hard to get a hold of him. Would be easier to just get a one-way ticket to Athos. Thinking of it daily…


what is the painting in the middle? that's gnarly


It's not that easy, especially when You are 35/40 yo and never had a partner and never been loved.


What painting is the one with the baby soul coming out of a man?


Holyspirt and relationship with opposite sex heals by good experiences love. Not believing in love but experiences of love even fake can turn too truth and restabishment of boundaries. For the abused only. Broken people remain Broken only good experiences heal. Bitterness and resentment and hate ing God for not providing Is worse than sex with good motivation for relationship then build and restore boundaries


Genesis 38:10 was clearly about the disobedience of Onan, not willing to impregnate his brothers wife, which God commanded him to do, since his brother had passed away, so that his brother would have an heir thru his wife. It was nothing to do in the text with lust, or your obvious reference to maturbation.


Onanism doesn't refer to masturbation. Onan's sin was not wanting to perpetuate his brother's family line as prescribed by Moses' law (Onan's brother died before having any children so Onan had to take his sister-in-law as wife and give her a child that wouldn't belong to him but to her and her deceased brother). He didn't masturbate, he pulled out during sex and spilled his semen on the ground. Stop doing this association.


But when the Lord Jesus and the Mother of God enter our homes, they wash us of all the soot. Thank you, Lord. Amen🙏


Jesus Christ son of God have mercy on us sinners .🙏The evil want to deprive us, and in this way the evil get close, it fills our soul with soot, God is our saviour🙏 Amen Glory to God, Thank You Lord .Amen🙏💖💗❤️Jesus Christ son of God have mercy on us sinners, Mother Mary pray for us sinners.Amen
